Guide Entries By Skankyrich

1 Conversation

Edited Guide Entries

Edited entries so far:

  1. Andorra.
  2. Bingo For Beginners.
  3. Nestboxes.
  4. Midnight Oil - A Band with A Conscience.
  5. Torbay, Devon, UK.
  6. Climbing Equipment.
  7. Climbing Grades.
  8. Climbing Venues in Devon, UK.
  9. How To Make Bronze Age Bread.
  10. British Mountaineering Qualifications.
  11. Cameron Highlands, Malaysia.
  12. The Porterhouse, Dublin, Ireland.
  13. Traditional Climbing.
  14. The Fastest Goal in the History of the World Cup.
  15. Camino de Santiago, Spain.
  16. The Tempest Prognosticator.
  17. 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To Europe' by Ken Welsh and Katie Wood - the Book.
  18. Bingo Calling For Beginners.
  19. Owls of the British Isles.
  20. Bovey Heathfield, Devon, UK.
  21. 'Touching the Void' - A True Story of Extreme Survival.
  22. Sagres, the Algarve, Portugal.
  23. British Mammals: Bats.
  24. The Drake Equation.
  25. Sexual Ailments in Monty Python's 'Medical Love Song'.
  26. Gary Brolsma and the Numa Numa Dance.
  27. The Burry Man of Queensferry.
  28. Stonechats.
  29. Ticks.
  30. The Passenger Pigeon.
  31. Beer, Devon, UK.
  32. Cricket - How To Get Out.
  33. Koalas' Fingerprints.
  34. How To Order Wine.
  35. The South West Coast Path - Kingswear to Brixham.
  36. The South West Coast Path - Brixham to Torquay.
  37. The South West Coast Path: Sidmouth to Beer.
  38. The South West Coast Path: Beer to Lyme Regis.
  39. Seaton, Devon, UK.
  40. British Mammals - An Overview.
  41. Surveying British Mammals.
  42. British Mammals - Rodents.
  43. British Mammals - Lagomorphs.
  44. British Mammals - Carnivores.
  45. British Mammals - Cetaceans.
  46. British Mammals - Pinnipeds.
  47. British Mammals - Insectivores.
  48. The Regent's Park, London, UK.
  49. Great Olympians: Jesse Owens.
  50. The South West Coast Path: Torquay to Starcross.
  51. The South West Coast Path - Minehead to Porlock.
  52. Birdwatching in The Gambia.
  53. Bumsters in The Gambia.
  54. The Gambia.
  55. Attaya - West African Green Tea.
  56. Tumani Tenda, The Gambia.
  57. The Southern Kombos, The Gambia.
  58. How To Make Juice Wines.
  59. Princetown, Devon, UK.
  60. Kevin Carter - Photojournalist.
  61. The South West Coast Path: Exmouth to Sidmouth.
  62. The Alhambra, Granada, Spain.
  63. Micronavigation.
  64. Naismith's Rule.
  65. A New Forest Walk - Ashurst to Brockenhurst.
  66. The Hawthorn.
  67. Great Olympians: Chris Brasher.

Collaborative Edited Guide Entries

h2g2 University Projects

Edited Guide Entries I Have Sub-Edited

  1. A Brief History of Postmodernism, written by Chris Morris.
  2. The Legend of Divoka Sarka, written by the_evil_tree.
  3. Swimming Costumes through the Ages, written by DrMatt.
  4. Hurling - Irish Field Sport, written by Woodpidgeon.
  5. Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, written by dmitrigheorgheni".
  6. 'Raven' - the children's TV gameshow, written by summerbayexile.
  7. The Dortmunder Comic Crime Novels of Donald E Westlake, written by quizzical.
  8. 'The Visitor' - A 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' episode, written by Annie.
  9. The Joy of Third Nipples, written by Jodan.
  10. Matthew Hopkins, 'Witchfinder General' of East Anglia, written by Naim, Azara and Mr Dreadful.
  11. Buying a Rail Ticket in India, written by al terego.
  12. Megaman - The Classic Videogame Series, written by EvilClaw.
  13. Linwater Caravan Park, West Lothian, Scotland, UK, written by Naim.
  14. Allotropy - Some Familiar Examples, written by BigAl.
  15. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - The Band, written by someoneatemycat.
  16. Nuclear Medicine, written by Ensign Phil.
  17. Blackberries and Brambling, written by Pimms Lettuce.
  18. Bramble Jelly, written by Happykea, Pimms Lettuce and Frenchbean.
  19. Sefton - Cavalry Horse, written by MJ.
  20. Able Seacat Simon, written by MJ.
  21. Balto - Husky Hero, written by MJ.
  22. LuLu the Pig, written by MJ.
  23. Binti Jua - Gorilla Heroine, written by MJ.
  24. 'Emma' - a novel by Jane Austen, written by Kyra.
  25. Gecko Tape, written by BigAl.
  26. Survivalism, written by Andúril.
  27. Myth - the Computer Game, written by AlexAshman.
  28. Norfolk Pines, written by Frenchbean.
  29. Status Quo - the Music, written by Paff.
  30. The Wiccan Year Wheel - an introduction, written by Serephina.
  31. Mithras - The Other Saviour, written by dmitrigheorgheni.
  32. Greek Temples, written by Gnomon.
  33. Hina-Matsuri - Japanese Girls' Festival, written by BigAl.
  34. Sir Elton John - Singer/Songwriter, written by Galaxy Babe.
  35. Stirling Engines, written by Ictoan.
  36. Bahasa Malaysia, written by MiniMy and ZacharyKZH.
  37. The Battle of Stalingrad, written by bourne106.
  38. Getting Around In Southern Africa, written by sprout.
  39. The German Federal States, written by U120894.
  40. Walpurgis Night, written by U168592 and U1533447.
  41. The History of the Transit of Venus, written by a whole bunch of people.
  42. David and Goliath - Archaeological Evidence, written by BigAl.
  43. Cocaine - The History and the Risks, written by Galaxy Babe.
  44. Cheshire, England, UK, written by Vicky Virago.
  45. Katherine Anne Porter - Author, written by U1665007.
  46. Rushton Triangular Lodge, written by U649222.
  47. The Morning Glory (or Nocturnal Penile Tumescence), written by U168592 and U243835.
  48. 'Hole in the Ground' and 'Right Said Fred': Two of the Hits of Bernard Cribbins, written by U181676.
  49. Mariah Carey - singer/songwriter, written by Galaxy Babe.
  50. Cisplatin, written by AlexAshman.
  51. Weetabix - the Breakfast Cereal, written by U1779623.
  52. The History of the Royal Navy - Part 3 (1815 - 1914), written by U566116.
  53. Installing a Vehicle-mounted Electrical Winch, written by U1263973.
  54. Coca-Cola - a Soft Drink with Other Uses, written by lots of people!
  55. Guild Wars, written by U3160647.
  56. The Kinks – 1971 onwards.
  57. The Wherry Lines, East Anglia, UK.
  58. The Loss of Indigenous Languages - the Sociological Effects.
  59. The Uffington White Horse, Oxfordshire, UK.
  60. Green Arrow - Steam Locomotive.
  61. Why Cricket and Golf aren't Olympic Sports.
  62. Managing Common Breastfeeding Problems.
  63. London Underground - Piccadilly Line: West of Leicester Square.
  64. St Chad - Venerable Bishop of Lichfield, England, UK.
  65. Jeremy Hardy - Comedian, Writer and Political Activist.
  66. The Roundabout Dogs of Sweden.
  67. 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us'.
  68. Cats - The Musical.
  69. A Guide to Metal Detecting.
  70. Cynicism.
  71. Japanese History and Culture.
  72. Australian Huntsman Spiders.
  73. Sir David Attenborough - Naturalist.
  74. Historiography - The Rankian School of Thought.
  75. Occam's Razor.
  76. Who Was Mohammed?.
  77. Dublin's Dead Zoo - The Natural History Museum.
  78. The Helix.
  79. Sweeney Todd - Coiffeur de Demon.
  80. Cycling into the Wind.
  81. Religion - An Introduction.
  82. A23428541.
  83. A23428587.
  84. A24833171.
  85. A25568346.
  86. A25568364.
  87. A19032789.
  88. A17365755.
  89. A14540447.
  90. A13980008.
  91. A19029954.
  92. A17231393.
  93. A19004555.
  94. A15754160.
  95. A17177222.
  96. A17413634.
  97. A24833360.
  98. A25568391.
  99. A26560415.
  100. A23149091.
  101. A23148588.
  102. A23143385.
  103. A23148650.
  104. A23148614.
  105. A27814647.
  106. A27881535.

Photographs I've Supplied

A Stonechat

Pic by SkankyrichStonechats


Pic by SkankyrichSagres, the Algarve, Portugal


Pic by SkankyrichVaranasi

Climbing Gear

Pic by SkankyrichClimbing Equipment

Andorra Church

Andorra ChurchAndorra

Chowpatty Beach

Pic by SkankyrichBombay, Maharashtra, India

A Dunny

A DunnyDunnies

Cameron Highlands

Cameron Highlands, MalaysiaCameron Highlands, Malaysia

Green Baize


SWCP - Kingswear to Brixham

Pic by Skankyrich.SWCP - Kingswear to Brixham

Bovey Heathfield

Bovey HeathfieldBovey Heathfield

Beer, Devon

Beer, DevonBeer, Devon

Meadfoot Quarry

Meadfoot QuarryClimbing Venues in Devon

Annapurna I

Annapurna INepal

AWW/UnderGuide Entries

Only one for now:

The Post smiley - thepost

  1. Turning Fortunes: England's Cricketers in Pakistan.
  2. It Is Music.
  3. My regular cricket column, Absolutely Plumb.
  4. Devon Meet - March/April 2007.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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