h2g2 Feedback - Community Soapbox
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Community Soapbox
Welcome to the Community section of the h2g2 feedback area. If you've got any queries or comments about the h2g2 Community, then please post them below by clicking on the 'Discuss' button, and we'll do our best to get back to you.
Please note that this section is only for Community feedback - that's anything that concerns the people on h2g2, Community activites and how the whole Edited Entry and Community relationship works.
Picking the Right Place for Feedback
We have the following sections in the feedback area, and it will speed up our response time if you pick the right section in which to tell us what you think.
If your question is not specifically about h2g2 then please do not post it here: this section is only for feedback about the site, not about life. General questions not specifically related to h2g2 should be asked in the Ask h2g2 or How do I...? sections.
Our main feedback pages are:
Editorial Feedback - For questions and comments about our editorial policies, the editorial process, the contents of the Edited version of H2G2 and the future of guidance. This is also where you can ask questions about spelling, grammar, conventions and other uses of English on h2g2, and can point out typos in Edited Entries for us to fix.
Technical Feedback - For questions and comments about the technology we use, what we do with it, and what our plans are for the future of the servers and our proprietary systems. This is also where you can get involved in technical discussions about different platforms, processor speeds and so on. If you want to talk specifically about GuideML, you can do that in the GuideML Clinic.
Other feedback areas include:
The Community Soapbox - This page.
Design Feedback - For questions and comments about the design of the site, illustrations on h2g2 or the whole look and feel of the site. It's also where you can get stuck into the pros and cons of the user interface and experience.
Project Feedback - For questions and comments about things like the development of the project and what's going to happen in the future. For specific feature suggestions, please visit the Feature Suggestions section.
The GuideML Clinic - For questions and comments about GuideML, the markup language of h2g2. This is your one-stop shop for GuideML advice, support and news.
Feature Suggestions - If you've got a suggestion for something we can add to h2g2 to make life that much more fantastic for our Researchers, then tell us here. We're always on the lookout for great ideas, so don't hold back. Before posting a suggestion, please check out the h2g2 Feature Ideas page to make sure your idea hasn't already been suggested.
Who Will Respond?
Questions posted to the feedback area are answered by either the h2g2 Editors or the h2g2 Gurus (the Gurus are volunteer Researchers who help to answer the most frequently asked questions on h2g2). We read all comments and try to respond to as many as possible.
Thanks for your input.
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- How many ID's do you have on hoo too?
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."