SchrEck Inc.

SchrEck Enterprises, Inc. is a fake company that was founded in 1982 by Christian Schröder and Henning Eckebrecht (hence the name). Up to this date, SchrEck Inc. unfortunately failed to gain national and international significance and to generate any income for its owners.
SchrEck Inc.'s favourite subbings
Inspired by the Have You Missed? feature on the h2g2 front page, I've decided to list a few of the subbed1 entries that I liked best.
- The Smiths - the Band by Ormondroyd
- Life as a Wannabe Writer by Fat Mammoth
- Cool Patron Saints by Mikey the Humming Mouse
- Your First Day at the Office by Moonglum Clampflower
- The Perils of Amateur Dramatic Stage Lighting by Earwig
- Things to Do if You Are Stuck at London Heathrow Airport by a broad called Ben
- Electrical gadgetry to take on a winter sports holiday by Son of Roj Blake
- US Pick-up Culture by The_Jon_m
- So You Think You Want to be a Conductor? by R_O_Shipman
Have fun!
Publications so far on h2g2
In order not to get confused by subbed guide entries here's a short list2 of all published articles.
Borstel, GermanyThe GOTO Statement (edited)
Aquavit (edited), but see also the original entry, as there were major changes during the editing process.
Turbo Pascal (edited)
COBOL - The Programming Language (edited)
Syke, Lower Saxony, Germany (edited)
The Schaffermahlzeit, Bremen, Germany (edited)
Amstrad CPC Home Computers (edited)
Elite Price List
'One, Two, Three' - the Film (edited)
The Hitler Diary Hoax and 'Schtonk' - the Film (edited)
The German Federal States (edited)
The following are collaborate entries stemming from the late This Week's Topic:
Handy Gardening Tips: see the section on watering the garden.Tips for Saving Money: an unfortunately rather small part of the posting on End of Season Sales has been used in the respective section.
Ten Minute Meals: see the recipe for the fabulous northern Germany snack Strammer Max.
Essential Items to Take on Holiday: a very small part of the Shoes contribution has been used.
April Fool's Day: see the famous c't April Fool's joke.
How to Plan a Dinner Party: have a look at the Planning section.
Healthy Snacks: the recipe for a Potato Snack has been included.
Best Student Jobs: have a look at the 'Research' section.
Mnemonics and Other Learning Devices: if you ever wanted to recap the planets of the solar system, there's a German mnemonic for it.
Great International Breakfast Dishes: some really, really small comments on the German and French breakfast.
Planning a Surprise Party3: a few small anecdotes from surprise parties I once attended.
Project Subbing
The following projects, finished or in progress, get a little bit of help by SchrEck Subediting, Inc.
Skin ProblemsCoping with the Office
Monty Python
Computers in Science Fiction
The Julio-Claudian Emperors
The World's Biggest Machines
And Now to Something Completely Different
120894: 1*2*(0+8+9+4) = 42
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
re the bradford entry | May 24, 2023 |
Thanks - you're the Best | May 16, 2009 |
Etiquette? | Jan 1, 2008 |
I need A sub- Ed please | Nov 19, 2007 |
Book club home page | Aug 16, 2007 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
19/5/2020 GB is 20! | No Posting | Sep 30, 2024 |
CF: A88030064 - How Henry VIII dealt with the Lincolnshire Rising and the Pilgrimage of Grace (1536-37) | No Posting | Mar 1, 2024 |
CF: A87977164 - 'Mission: Impossible' - the Film Series | No Posting | Jan 20, 2024 |
Elite write up in the Register. | No Posting | Jan 18, 2024 |
CF: A88036040 Katherine Johnson | No Posting | Jan 5, 2024 |
SchrEck Inc.
Researcher U120894
Most Recent Edited Entries
- Watling Street - A Journey through Roman Britain
- Historic Buildings of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK
- Pronouncing Ancient Greek for English Speakers
- Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis
- Chips Mayai - 2nd National Dish of Tanzania?
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."