Knotwork and Origami Waistcoat Guy
Just for my benefit I'm starting with a few of the links I have found useful:- a weekly h2g2 'magazine' with cartoons, competitions and various researcher's regular ramblings.
- GuideML-Characters - useful for adding in accents, umlauts, cedillas, mathematical symbols and the like
- Named Entries - a useful set of h2g2 links
- Recent Edited entries - in the last month
- Forthcoming Entries - in the next month
- H2G2 Jargon - quite useful summary
- Spicing up your user page may be useful if you are new to H2G2 and have a blank canvas as a Personal Space
- MARQUEE tag in GuideML - to make things move around on your Personal Space
Free Tibet! |
Welcome, , to my little place in h2g2
The Stout Scout 
I was here five years. Now I'm not (hence the lack of posting on anything for several years). I was until the start of 2005 a Scout, but resigned due to other commitments meaning I spend much less time on h2g2.
I used to describe myself as the Stout Scout both because I was a touch portly, and in an obscure and almost meaningless reference to Lettuce, a minor character in the Reginald Perrin trilogy by David Nobbs.

I lost a bit of excess stoutness between June and October 2003, but regained it, and between June 2007 and February 2008 managed to lose it again - I followed the JUDDD diet, which I have extolled he virtues of to many people, as it is fairly easy to follow, being easy to understand and not requiring excessive willpower or special meals to use. On down days I ate a few (in season, and then resorted to dry crackers). I can probably now wear waistcoats again that had been a bit too snug, though as a downside my jacket looks a bit loose. Think: Winnie the Pooh doing his stoutness exercises in front of his looking glass.
If you want to know what I've written on in H2G2 see the accompanying entry, informatively titled "Pimms' entries".
My interests include:
- Celtic Knotwork,
- Origami,
- Performing in amateur dramatics,
- Skiing,
- Recreational Mathematics: Puzzles,

I have been told that I am a bit weird, but also a "top bloke".
If the person telling me this hadn't been so I might be prouder of the compliment.
You can think of me (if you like) as male, possibly a bit of a . I also live in the middle of a sea (on an island).
Myth information
Researcher No. 21+9+9+3+0=42. Nice and simple. No more need be said on that subject.
Version 1.1
RGBE Y++ N+ SB A- P- L M+ S>+ V+ E+ PR>+ P- a-- B+@(-) TV- r+@ D T-- !nh C- m->m+ t
-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----
H2G2 Researcher Code
Further revelations may be included later if appropriate. 
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
*waves* | Sep 24, 2009 |
Pimms from Hyp | Apr 8, 2009 |
Cosmetic dentistry | Jun 14, 2006 |
Happy birthday Pimms! | May 17, 2006 |
PS oddity | Apr 2, 2006 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Gnomon on the Front Page | No Posting | Apr 13, 2023 |
We could use an entry that tells what the themes will be for upcoming months in the Create challenge. | No Posting | Feb 16, 2021 |
A dandy and a fop | No Posting | Feb 13, 2021 |
Mona Lisa.... | No Posting | Feb 13, 2021 |
Plato anyone? | Feb 13, 2004 | Feb 13, 2021 |
Researcher U219930
Most Recent Edited Entries
- Creating Papier Mache Masks
- Blackberries and Brambling
- Bramble Jelly
- Leeches
- The Key to Getting a Balanced Diet
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."