The h2g2 Post 20.01.25

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 20th January 2025

This week's title is Not a Fit Night Out for Man nor Beast. Clockwise from upper left: Title, a snowy Welsh hillside with sheep, sun peeking over a foggy Austrian mountain at noon, the back of a sculpture that says JOY so that it now says YOL, icicles in a river, some sheep, a foggy night with streetlamps and ice, a frost-covered mound of moss, a lake and trees with a light dusting of snow that the photographer insisted was 'heavy snowfall', an eerie foggy treescape with a pink-and-gold Christmas wreath in the foreground, and a female cardinal in a bush against a backdrop of snow.

The weather, my friends, has been all we've talked about for a week. Because frankly, it sucks.

The weather forecast for the Post Office for a week, in Fahrenheit and Celsius. The temperatures are low and there's snow every day.

It keeps snowing on the Post Office – and, apparently, on everybody except Willem, who has the good sense to be gallivanting happily about in the southern hemisphere, where he can see lions and hippos and things like that, but no snowflakes. The rest of us are in the land of snow, and frost, and fog.

So guess what you get lots of photos of this week? If you said flamingos, you're in for a surprise.

We have moody fogscapes. We have bewildered sheep among the sacred stones of Wales. We have artistic bits of frost. We have birdies, with and without snow. We have video proof of all this winter. Since we can't do anything about it all, we might as well report on it. I wonder if that's how the Weather Channel got started?

In between taking weather photos and arguing with Paigetheoracle as to what exactly constitutes 'heavy snow', we've managed to tell a story or two, make a joke or three, and throw in a comic, a cinema review, and a quiz. So enjoy this issue, and keep warm. Send Stuff as a sign of life: we'll get through January somehow.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
'Unlike cowbird brood parasitism haters, I don't make morality judgments based on evolved animal behaviors.'

. . . I say as I write 'ew' next to my notes on every bird species where only the female builds the nest and raises the babies.

C'mon, male hummingbirds, these spiderwebs don't wrap themselves.

‪SK Winnicki, PhD‬

Montage of clock images.

January 2025 Create Challenge:
Change: Blessing or Curse?

Video Extra:
Snow Sheep
Click here in Ripley

Sparrow on a
Frosty Morning

Sparrow by SashaQ.



Bird Pattern

Juncos perched in a bush, by DG.


Seasonal View
Sun rising over Austrian mountains by Tavaron.
  • Story
  • An epiphany wish.

    What is the proper measure?


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