So Long, And Thanks For Laughing

29 Conversations

Welcome to So Long, And Thanks For Laughing The H2G2 Joke directory!

So Long, And Thanks For Laughing - The H2G2 Joke Directory! Drawn by Asteroid Lil.

If You have any jokes that you wish to add to our directory, let us know, and we will add you to our archive! See below for details. You can also learn how the Joke Directory started.

We are also linked to the Bottomless pit of unfunniness - if you like really pathetic, groanful jokes, or want to tell some, then this is definately worth a look.

This is a list of the jokes so far1:

Type of Joke:Researcher:


Buffalo TheoryLisa The Freak
Cats And BreadLisa The Freak
Cats And CreationVenus In Fly-Trap
Cats And Dogs: Part IVenus In Fly-Trap
Cats And Dogs: Part IIVenus In Fly-Trap
Cow JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Elephant JokesKimotoCat
Frog JokesLooneytunes
Lessons For DogsVenus In Fly-Trap
No Dog, No Dog FoodLisa The Freak
The PandaOwl of Doom
Quiz For CatsVenus In Fly-Trap
Teenagers Are CatsVenus In Fly-Trap

Baby JokesTechnicolorYawn,Sloppypoppy
Family ProblemsVenus In Fly-Trap
Historical Mother JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Marriage JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Mother-In-Law JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Pregnancy AdviceVenus In Fly-Trap
Staying SingleVenus In Fly-Trap
ToddlersVenus In Fly-Trap
Your Mother's So FatKC

Blonde Jokes - Part IAnonymouse
Blonde Jokes - Part IIVenus In Fly-Trap
HaircutsVenus In Fly-Trap
Redhead JokesVenus In Fly-Trap

Agony Aunt JokesCount Spracula
Common Psychological Disorders In SchoolsLemmings-Go-Splat
Doctor, Doctor JokesEccles
Doctors And HospitalsVenus In Fly-Trap
Doctors And NursesCount Spracula
Doctors Building A HospitalVenus In Fly-Trap
FBI Agents In A Mental HospitalVenus In Fly-Trap
HealthVenus In Fly-Trap
New Pharmaceuticals for the 21st CenturyBlatherskite the Mugwump
Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear During SurgeryLisa The Freak

Can Only Happen In Real LifeVenus In Fly-Trap
Childrens View of RomanceVenus In Fly-Trap
Last WordsLisa The Freak
Men And WomenCount Spracula
Name JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Out Of The Mouths Of BabesCount Spracula
Sperm IconsMagnolia
Toilets and ShowersVenus In Fly-Trap

How To Talk About Men And Still Be Politically CorrectLeazes
Men's RulesCount Spracula
What Guys Really MeanVenus In Fly-Trap
Why it's Great to be a GuyKimotoCat

The RoseAnonymouse
Vegetable LoveVenus In Fly-Trap

Facts About WomenVenus In Fly-Trap
Female Guiness Book Of RecordsVenus In Fly-Trap

The Universe

Childrens View of the WorldVenus In Fly-Trap
History Of The WorldBluebottle
Mad Criminals of the WorldClaude Denning
Mad Laws of the WorldClaude Denning

Faster Than Light CommunicationBarnacle
NewspapersVenus In Fly-Trap
Telephone Directory EnquiriesVenus In Fly-Trap

Bible JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Children's View Of ReligionCount Spracula
Church Jokes: Part IVenus In Fly-Trap
Church Jokes: Part IIVenus In Fly-Trap
Church Jokes: Part IIIVenus In Fly-Trap
Religious JokesAustin Allegro
The W.C.Venus In Fly-Trap
Visit To The Fortune TellerFraulein Grafenberg

Collective NounsCount Spracula
Early 00s VocabularyBlondie
English: A World Language?Venus In Fly-Trap
Idiots Computer DictionaryCroz
Jester's Condescending English DictionaryJester
Useful Chinese PhrasesVenus In Fly-Trap

Emerald Isle JokesCount Spracula
Italians And Jehovah's WitnessesFraulein Grafenberg

Christmas Jokes: Part IVenus In Fly-Trap
Christmas Jokes: Part IIKC
Christmas Jokes: Part IIIVenus In Fly-Trap
Christmas Jokes: Part IVCount Spracula
Santa's GrottoEmmily
Winter JokesAnonymouse

Birthday JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
History JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
I Wish I'd Never Said ThatBluebottle
In the Good Old Days....Venus In Fly-Trap

A Car To AvoidFraulein Grafenberg
Accident ReportsVenus In Fly-Trap
AeroplanesVenus In Fly-Trap
Aircraft PassengersVenus In Fly-Trap
Rules Of The AirVenus In Fly-Trap
The Language Of CarsFraulein Grafenberg
Things You Don't Want To Hear On An Aeroplane PAVenus In Fly-Trap
Things To Do On Long Haul Aeroplane FlightsExistential Elevator

And Everything

Bill Gates Jokes - Part IAnonymouse
Bill Gates Jokes - Part IIAnonymouse
BiIl Gates Jokes - Part IIITatty
BiIl Gates Jokes - Part IVTatty
BiIl Gates Jokes - Part VVenus In Fly-Trap
Computer JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Gospel of Tux (V1.0)Croz
Real ProgrammersBossel
Tech Support Jokes - Part IAnonymouse
Tech Support Jokes - Part IILooneytunes
Tech Support Jokes - Part IIIVenus In Fly-Trap

Evening Classes For MenCount Spracula
Exams & EducationVenus In Fly-Trap
Further EducationVenus In Fly-Trap
Schools & EducationVenus In Fly-Trap
School Answer MachineCount Spracula
The Saddest Teacher Joke In The WorldFollenglot

Emergency Services
The Fire BrigadeVenus In Fly-Trap
The PoliceVenus In Fly-Trap

Films & Television
Star Wars JokesBluebottle
Television and MoviesVenus In Fly-Trap
Mad Hollywood ContractsBluebottle
Quiz ShowsVenus In Fly-Trap

Beer JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Bread and WaterVenus In Fly-Trap
Icecream JokesE. Vibenstein
Signs Found In KitchensVenus In Fly-Trap
White WineCount Spracula

Bell RingersRaymond the Curmudgeon
CampingVenus In Fly-Trap
FishingVenus In Fly-Trap
GolfVenus In Fly-Trap
Gymn JokesCount Spracula
How To Be AnnoyingLeazes
SkiingVenus In Fly-Trap
Soccer StupidityVenus In Fly-Trap
Sport WisdomVenus In Fly-Trap
Musicians JokesLeazes, Joanna
WalkingCount Spracula
The World's Funniest Golf JokeCatwoman

BurglarsVenus In Fly-Trap
Law Jokes - Part IBluebottle
Law Jokes - Part IIBluebottle
Law Jokes - Part IIIBluebottle
Law Jokes - Part IVBluebottle
Law Jokes - Part VBluebottle
Law Jokes - Part VIBluebottle
Law Jokes - Part VIIBluebottle
Vanilla PuddingVirtual Resident

Light Bulb Jokes - Part IRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part IIRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part IIIRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part IVRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part VRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part VIRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part VIIRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part VIIIRoasted Amoeba
Lightbulb Jokes - Part IXBluebottle,Roasted Amoeba

Libraries and BooksVenus In Fly-Trap
World's Shortest BooksLisa The Freak

Assorted JokesTatty
Awful JokesQueazer
Comeback LinesVenus In Fly-Trap
Greebo's JokesGreebo
Greetings Card JokesVenus In Fly-Trap
Just Like That JokesCount Spracula
PunsCount Spracula
Spam e-mail Jokes - Part IAnonymouse
Spam e-mail Jokes - Part IIAnonymouse
Spam e-mail Jokes - Part IIIAnonymouse
Spam e-mail Jokes - Part IVAnonymouse
Stupid PeopleCount Spracula
SupermarketCount Spracula
To All Al-Qudea FightersVirtual Resident
Talking Point: Tell Us A JokePeta
Warnings, Signs and InstructionsVenus In Fly-Trap
Word PlayVenus In Fly-Trap

Geek PoemLisa The Freak

Work and Workers
BankersCount Spracula
Bricklayers And WorkmenVenus In Fly-Trap
Employers And EmploymentVenus In Fly-Trap
Government Pipe SpecificationsVenus In Fly-Trap
I Need A JobVenus In Fly-Trap
Managers & ManagementVenus In Fly-Trap
PovertyVenus In Fly-Trap
Professionals and WorkersVenus In Fly-Trap
What Happens When You Fall In Love With...Venus In Fly-Trap

Your Part in the Directory!

Would You like to be part of the Joke collection? If so, all you have to do is put your jokes in an article, and link2 them back to here, and then tell me you've done be saying here, including a link to your joke page. It's as simple as that! But please read the guidelines3 first.

We are now suggesting a joke each week to appear in the H2G2 Post.. If you wish a joke you have contributed to the guide to appear in the post, please let me know.

Or, if you only have a short joke or two to contribute, ones that aren't long enough to be put in a whole article, then join our Joke Exchange.

You can also join our Newsletter, which, if you post to, will tell you when new jokes are added to the directory, and where they are.

If you've enjoyed some of the jokes in the directory, please say which ones you found most enjoyable Here! Or say which ones you did not enjoy.

So, thanks for dropping by, so long, and thanks for laughing!

1Those in italics are currently undergoing Moderation2If it is a Plain Text article - simply copy/paste "Click here - - for So Long, And Thanks For Laughing, the H2G2 Joke Directory". If it is a GuideML Article, link to A227440.3Just some guidelines on the jokes though. They reflect the general H2G2 rules anyway. Your jokes shouldn't be racist, overly sexist or harm anyone, and should be reasonably clean. Remember we have some children on the guide, and although they made most of the really dirty ones up, that doesn't mean they should read them.

The important thing is that we want people to laugh, not feel offended.

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