Join the Q Archive
Created | Updated 2 Days Ago
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This page contains the archives for
the Join the Q series by SashaQ
Date | Subject | |
01.02.16 | Logo | |
08.02.16 | World of Q | |
15.02.16 | Brony Tales | |
22.02.16 | Stare at the Moon All Day | |
14.03.16 | What I Did on My Holiday | |
28.03.16 | Significant Objects | |
30.05.16 | TowelQ's Towel Day Adventure | |
22.08.16 | Summer Holiday Adventure | |
10.10.16 | Summer Holiday...Revisited | |
06.02.17 | Rise of the (Loom Knitting) Machine | |
13.03.17 | Cleverbot vs Cleverbot | |
20.03.17 | What do you find addicting? [Cleverbot] | |
03.04.17 | The Cleverbot Doth Protest Too Much | |
17.04.17 | Romancing the Cleverbot | |
24.04.17 | Join the BBQ: ELIZA vs Cleverbot | |
15.05.17 | Cleverbot Counseling | |
22.05.17 | Testing Cleverbot | |
29.05.17 | Sasha Goes Outside | |
10.07.17 | Join the BBQ Quiz | |
10.07.17 | Join the BBQ Quiz – Answers | |
24.07.17 | Behind the Scenes with Cleverbot | |
31.07.17 | Isle of Wight Adventure | |
11.09.17 | Chasing Rainbows | |
25.09.17 | Do You Like Humans? | |
23.10.17 | On the Telephone | |
25.12.17 | Pondering Poetry | |
25.12.17 | It's a Sign! Back to the Supermarket | |
15.01.18 | My #200BirdYear | |
22.01.18 | At the Zoo | |
29.01.18 | Mobile Phones and Rainbows | |
05.02.18 | Happysad Is | |
12.02.18 | In the Supermarket Car Park | |
12.02.18 | The Hidden Job Market in the UK | |
19.02.18 | Of Rabbits and Supermoons | |
05.03.18 | Multimedia Extravaganza...Sort Of... | |
12.03.18 | Cloud Formation | |
12.03.18 | More Flowers and Love | |
19.03.18 | Camera Experiments | |
26.03.18 | More Multimedia Musing | |
26.03.18 | Video Magic: Melody in F | |
02.04.18 | More Camera Experiments | |
09.04.18 | Cleverbot aka The Lava is Not an Analogy | |
09.04.18 | Video: It's a Sin | |
16.04.18 | Video: Rent | |
23.04.18 | Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit | |
30.04.18 | Birdwatching at the Edge of the Earth | |
30.04.18 | It's a Sign: Enlightenment | |
07.05.18 | H2G2 Micro-Meet Report | |
14.05.18 | Ninja Book Review: Lord Oakburn's Daughters | |
21.05.18 | What a Difference Two Months Makes | |
28.05.18 | Signs of Spring, Part I | |
04.06.18 | Signs of Spring, Part II | |
11.06.18 | Yet More Camera Experiments | |
02.07.18 | In Which Sasha Does Some Art | |
09.07.18 | Rose Experiments | |
09.07.18 | Video: Beautiful Buzzards | |
16.07.18 | Meet Greenbottle | |
23.07.18 | They Should've Been an h2g2 Researcher: Lytton Strachey | |
23.07.18 | Couturier Extraordinaire | |
30.07.18 | Video: Hedgehog Fun | |
30.07.18 | Kudos to the Quail | |
06.08.18 | Gerbera Experiments | |
13.08.18 | Strongman Encounter | |
20.08.18 | Eastern Cottontail Bunny | |
27.08.18 | In Which Sasha Does Some More Art | |
03.09.18 | Adventures in Plasticine | |
10.09.18 | Q aka Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch | |
10.09.18 | Video: Stylophone Serenade | |
08.10.18 | Good, I've Only Got Half an Hour | |
15.10.18 | Bird Onna Stick | |
22.10.18 | Potato Hamster | |
29.10.18 | Pensive Wall | |
29.10.18 | Friends, Family, and Magic | |
12.11.18 | It's a Sign: Dog Cakes | |
19.11.18 | The Document | |
26.11.18 | More Discord | |
10.12.18 | A Murmuration of Starlings (Photo) | |
10.12.18 | A Murmuration of Starlings (Video) | |
10.12.18 | Music and Discord (Video) | |
17.12.18 | Christmas Recap | |
17.12.18 | Video: Sprouts and Serendipity | |
24.12.18 | Christmas Lights | |
24.12.18 | A Phrygian Cap | |
31.12.18 | Modern Art for Mugs | |
31.12.18 | The Eye of Sauron is Watching You | |
31.12.18 | 2018 in the Edited Guide | |
21.01.19 | Bird Report | |
21.01.19 | Video: Feed the Birds, £4.99 a Bag | |
21.01.19 | Last Rose of Winter | |
28.01.19 | Cloudscape with Bird | |
28.01.19 | Video: Cat Meets Cube | |
28.01.19 | Q Furniture | |
04.02.19 | Sea View Revisited | |
04.02.19 | More Winter Colour | |
11.02.19 | I Heart Snow | |
18.02.19 | Hearts | |
18.02.19 | Join the Q: Mathematical Vegetables | |
25.02.19 | Video: A Celebration of Birds | |
25.02.19 | Join the Q: Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud | |
04.03.19 | Meet the Eggworm | |
11.03.19 | Messages for Mermaids | |
25.03.19 | Career Curiosities (1) | |
25.03.19 | Video: 2019 - A Whistled Space Odyssey | |
25.03.19 | Music for Mermaids | |
25.03.19 | Join the Q: Synchronised Swans A-Swimming | |
01.04.19 | Career Curiosities (2) | |
01.04.19 | When Does the TED Talk Begin? | |
08.04.19 | Career Curiosities (3) | |
08.04.19 | Join the Q: Discord and The Birds | |
15.04.19 | Career Curiosities (4) | |
15.04.19 | Join the Q: Supermoon Art | |
22.04.19 | Career Curiosities (5) | |
29.04.19 | Career Curiosities (6) | |
06.05.19 | Career Curiosities (7) | |
06.05.19 | More Moon Art | |
13.05.19 | 20th Anniversary Quiz | |
13.05.19 | 20th Anniversary Quiz: Answers | |
13.05.19 | Career Curiosities: Episode 8 | |
13.05.19 | Where's Waldo? Seagull Edition | |
20.05.19 | h2g2 20th Anniversary Meet Memories | |
20.05.19 | Career Curiosities (9) | |
27.05.19 | Career Curiosities (10) | |
03.06.19 | Black-and-White: Birkenhead Priory | |
03.06.19 | Career Curiosities (11) | |
10.06.19 | Career Curiosities (12) | |
10.06.19 | Black-and-White: Landscape | |
17.06.19 | Black-and-White: Architectural | |
17.06.19 | Career Curiosities (13) | |
17.06.19 | Join the Q: My Bird Year | |
24.06.19 | Black-and-White: Jackdaw on Aerial | |
24.06.19 | Career Curiosities (14) | |
01.07.19 | Black-and-White: Rose | |
01.07.19 | Career Curiosities (15) | |
08.07.19 | Black-and-White: Water Droplet | |
08.07.19 | Career Curiosities (16) | |
15.07.19 | Black-and-White: Cat | |
15.07.19 | Career Curiosities (17) | |
22.07.19 | Black-and-White: Leaves | |
22.07.19 | Career Curiosities (18) | |
29.07.19 | Black-and-White: Allium | |
29.07.19 | Goose Stepping | |
29.07.19 | Career Curiosities (19) | |
05.08.19 | Black-and-White: Leaf Textures | |
05.08.19 | Career Curiosities (20) | |
12.08.19 | Black-and-White: Sheep May Safely Graze | |
12.08.19 | Career Curiosities (21) | |
19.08.19 | Black-and-White: Duck | |
19.08.19 | Career Curiosities (22) | |
19.08.19 | Join the Q: Wildlife Workshop | |
26.08.19 | Black-and-White: Radio City Tower, Liverpool | |
26.08.19 | Career Curiosities (23) | |
02.09.19 | Black-and-White: Flower Textures | |
02.09.19 | Career Curiosities (24) | |
09.09.19 | Career Curiosities (25) | |
16.09.19 | Join the Q: Mug Art | |
16.09.19 | Career Curiosities (26) | |
16.09.19 | Sheep May Safely Graze II | |
23.09.19 | Career Curiosities (27) | |
30.09.19 | Video: Wildlife Wonders | |
30.09.19 | Career Curiosities (28) | |
30.09.19 | Bull with Geese | |
30.09.19 | Landscape Management | |
07.10.19 | Video: Thing Plays Keyboard Again | |
07.10.19 | Career Curiosities (29) | |
07.10.19 | Packing Material | |
14.10.19 | Video: Etude with a Disco Beat | |
14.10.19 | Career Curiosities (30) | |
14.10.19 | Metallic Mosaic | |
21.10.19 | It's a Sign: Where Are We Going? | |
21.10.19 | Career Curiosities (31) | |
21.10.19 | Video: Pomp and Circumstance with a Disco Beat | |
28.10.19 | Bridge and Buzzard | |
28.10.19 | Looking Through the Telescope | |
28.10.19 | Career Curiosities (32) | |
28.10.19 | Video: Poeme with a Disco Beat | |
04.11.19 | Burton Mere | |
04.11.19 | Career Curiosities (33) | |
04.11.19 | Video: Capriccio Italien with a Disco Beat | |
11.11.19 | Raindrops | |
11.11.19 | Career Curiosities (34) | |
11.11.19 | Video: Brahms with a Disco Beat | |
11.11.19 | Mimosa in Full Colour | |
18.11.19 | Water | |
18.11.19 | Career Curiosities (35) | |
25.11.19 | Mimosa Flowers | |
25.11.19 | Career Curiosities (36) | |
02.12.19 | Career Curiosities (37) | |
09.12.19 | Career Curiosities (38) | |
09.12.19 | Lights | |
09.12.19 | Drip | |
16.12.19 | Career Curiosities (39) | |
16.12.19 | Starling | |
16.12.19 | Pylon | |
23.12.19 | Career Curiosities (40) | |
30.12.19 | Career Curiosities (41) | |
30.12.19 | Coal Tit | |
06.01.20 | Career Curiosities (42) | |
06.01.20 | Trees | |
13.01.20 | Career Curiosities (43) | |
13.01.20 | Chimney | |
20.01.20 | Career Curiosities (44) | |
20.01.20 | Architectural Detail | |
27.01.20 | Career Curiosities (45) | |
27.01.20 | Bird Year Results | |
03.02.20 | Career Curiosities (46) | |
03.02.20 | Another Camera Experiment | |
10.02.20 | Career Curiosities (47) | |
10.02.20 | MoominLove | |
17.02.20 | Career Curiosities (48) | |
17.02.20 | Reflection on Reflection | |
24.02.20 | Teal | |
02.03.20 | Cormorant | |
09.03.20 | Red Roses for my Darling | |
09.03.20 | Chaffinch | |
09.03.20 | It's a Sign - Health Magnets and Value Enjoyment | |
16.03.20 | Knot in Plank | |
23.03.20 | Gull in Flight | |
30.03.20 | Sculpture | |
13.04.20 | Enjoying the Small Things | |
20.04.20 | Thing | |
04.05.20 | Great Tits: The Birds, Not the Internet Search | |
11.05.20 | Planet Purple Sofa | |
11.05.20 | Long Shadow | |
18.05.20 | Telstar! | |
18.05.20 | Hand Shadow | |
25.05.20 | Lava Lamp Perspective | |
01.06.20 | Bird Walk Discoveries | |
08.06.20 | View from Planet Sofa | |
08.06.20 | Another Butterfly Flutters By | |
08.06.20 | Carpet Beetle | |
15.06.20 | Taps | |
22.06.20 | Video: Storm Cloud Incoming | |
29.06.20 | CogX 2020 | |
06.07.20 | Spanish Eyes | |
13.07.20 | Join the Q: Discord and Pinkie Pie | |
20.07.20 | Sensible Spider | |
10.08.20 | Join the Q: Wet Meadow Walk | |
10.08.20 | Critters with Coins (2) | |
07.09.20 | White Moth | |
07.09.20 | Critters with Coins (3) | |
07.09.20 | Video: Lightning Flash | |
14.09.20 | Video: Thunder and Birds | |
21.09.20 | Seedhead | |
21.09.20 | Shore Bird | |
21.09.20 | Critters with Coins (4) | |
28.09.20 | Pigeons in Flight | |
19.10.20 | Critters with Coins (5) | |
19.10.20 | It's a Sign: Brain Care | |
26.10.20 | Basket of Kitties | |
26.10.20 | Striking a Pose | |
16.11.20 | Critters with Coins (6) - Slug | |
23.11.20 | Royal Treat | |
23.11.20 | Rock Hyrax | |
23.11.20 | Join the Q: The Joy of Painting | |
30.11.20 | Framed Dragon | |
30.11.20 | Jellyfish Lanterns | |
07.12.20 | Profiles in Nature | |
07.12.20 | Join the Q: First Rose of Winter | |
07.12.20 | Foggy Evening Lamppost | |
28.12.20 | Join the Q: Christmas Greetings from the 19th Century | |
04.01.21 | Ships That Pass | |
04.01.21 | Mermaid Greeting | |
04.01.21 | Peekaboo Oystercatcher | |
11.01.21 | Duck Display | |
11.01.21 | Join the Q: #My200BirdYear 2020 - The Results | |
18.01.21 | Moggie and Maggie (Photoessay) | |
01.02.21 | Snowy Evening | |
08.02.21 | Moss and Snow | |
08.02.21 | Sneaky Gull | |
08.02.21 | Squadron of Curlews | |
08.02.21 | Peekaboo Curlew | |
15.02.21 | Join the Q: The Joy of Painting (II) | |
22.02.21 | Join the Q: CatBot ChatBot | |
01.03.21 | Geese in Formation | |
01.03.21 | Pink-Footed Geese | |
01.03.21 | Weather-Related Rorschach Test | |
08.03.21 | Critters with Coin 7 | |
15.03.21 | Joy of Painting III | |
22.03.21 | Mountain Home Deja Vu | |
29.03.21 | Black-Backed Gulls in Flight | |
12.04.21 | More Pareidolia | |
12.04.21 | Wirral Robin | |
12.04.21 | A Celebration of Birds | |
19.04.21 | Little Doggie with Big Shadow | |
19.04.21 | A Celebration of Water | |
26.04.21 | Gull and Clouds | |
27.02.23 | Rainbow Mermaid | |
20.03.23 | Pareidolia with a Sweet Tooth | |
10.04.23 | Hula Hoop Malfunction | |
08.05.23 | Video: At the Sheep Farm | |
08.05.23 | Sheep Scene: Caption Challenge | |
08.05.23 | Spring at the Sheep Farm | |
08.05.23 | Through the Garden Gate | |
15.05.23 | Bejewelled Leaf | |
15.05.23 | Wingspan | |
29.05.23 | When Time Stood Still | |
12.06.23 | Over to You: A Picture Challenge | |
10.07.23 | Lovely Weather for Ducks (Video) | |
17.07.23 | Drinking the Rain (Video) | |
31.07.23 | Snipe in Moss (Video) | |
31.07.23 | At the Zoo 2 | |
21.08.23 | Fascinating Family History | |
11.09.23 | Aerial Photograph | |
11.09.23 | Spot the Birdie | |
18.09.23 | Ragwort Banquet | |
02.10.23 | Dragonfly Delight | |
02.10.23 | The Eye of Sauron is Tired | |
02.10.23 | Bee Banquet | |
09.10.23 | Teal Bathtime | |
09.10.23 | Sunset Over the Danube | |
16.10.23 | Squirrel Mission Impossible | |
30.10.23 | Join the Q: Aurora Borealis | |
30.10.23 | Two Tribes | |
30.10.23 | Cattle Egret Pony Ride | |
30.10.23 | Resourceful Rat | |
30.10.23 | At the Cow Farm | |
06.11.23 | It's a Sign - Sasha's Smartphone | |
06.11.23 | Beautiful Burton Mere | |
06.11.23 | Scenic Birdwatching | |
13.11.23 | Season of Mists, Mellow Fruitfulness, and Cobwebs | |
20.11.23 | Abstract on the Theme of Joy at Seeing a Goldcrest | |
20.11.23 | Moss and Mushrooms | |
27.11.23 | Lit Ladybird | |
04.12.23 | Crow Action Shot | |
04.12.23 | Starling Sunset | |
11.12.23 | Shovelers Shovelling (Video) | |
18.12.23 | More Resourceful Rats | |
18.12.23 | Black and White Birds | |
25.12.23 | Turkey Curry for Christmas | |
25.12.23 | Goldcrest Success | |
25.12.23 | Leucistic Oystercatcher | |
25.12.23 | Buoy Art | |
01.01.24 | Golden Hour Moorhen | |
01.01.24 | Great White Egret | |
15.01.24 | Join the Q: My Bird Year 2023 | |
15.01.24 | Join the Q: Owl Experience Two | |
15.01.24 | Marsh Harrier and Moel Famau | |
22.01.24 | Cat in Sunshine | |
29.01.24 | Siskin Art | |
29.01.24 | Birdwatching Bird | |
05.02.24 | Fruiting Crane Bushes in Sunshine | |
05.02.24 | New Brighton Lighthouse | |
05.02.24 | Rainbow Mermaid Revisited | |
05.02.24 | Snow with Woodpigeons | |
05.02.24 | Starling in Car Park | |
05.02.24 | The Moon and Jupiter | |
12.02.24 | Siskin and Greenfinch (Video) | |
12.02.24 | Greenfinch, Goldfinch, and Bluetit Cameo (Video) | |
12.02.24 | Aerial Photograph: Pigeons | |
12.02.24 | Spot the Difference - Green Bird Edition | |
12.02.24 | Robin Mugshot | |
19.02.24 | Bluetit Takeoff | |
26.02.24 | High Tide at Parkgate | |
26.02.24 | Abstract on the Theme of a Diving Duck | |
11.03.24 | Pet Pigeon: Knitted Version | |
11.03.24 | Printer Speaker | |
11.03.24 | Hummus (Poem) | |
18.03.24 | Great White Egret Portrait | |
18.03.24 | Mandarin Ducks | |
18.03.24 | Spot the Birdie | |
01.04.24 | Hey Diddle Diddle | |
15.04.24 | Avocet Silhouette | |
15.04.24 | Gleaming Pheasant | |
22.04.24 | Lapwing Action | |
22.04.24 | Cormorant Posing | |
22.04.24 | Greenfinches | |
29.04.24 | Resting Redshank | |
29.04.24 | Ruddy Shelduck Peekaboo | |
29.04.24 | Seaside Scene | |
29.04.24 | Hilbre House View | |
29.04.24 | Lovely Linnets | |
06.05.24 | Sitting Pretty | |
06.05.24 | Sitting Pretty 2 | |
13.05.24 | Cheeky Jackdaw | |
20.05.24 | Aurora Amazement | |
20.05.24 | Giant Fleas | |
27.05.24 | Great White Egret | |
27.05.24 | Spring Cuteness | |
03.06.24 | The Conjuror | |
03.06.24 | Family of Coots | |
10.06.24 | Caption Challenge: Cloud | |
10.06.24 | Lens Flare | |
10.06.24 | Sitting Pretty 3 | |
10.06.24 | Micro and Macro | |
17.06.24 | Moel Famau with Approaching Storm | |
17.06.24 | Moorhen Picnic | |
17.06.24 | Singing Blackbird | |
17.06.24 | Squirrel Umbrella | |
17.06.24 | Stretching Coot | |
24.06.24 | Tree Arch | |
24.06.24 | Delightful Dragonfly | |
24.06.24 | Thundery Shower | |
24.06.24 | Tufted Duck Ripples | |
01.07.24 | Beluga Planes | |
01.07.24 | Early Summer at the Sheep Farm | |
01.07.24 | Sheep Joke | |
15.07.24 | Sheep Scene | |
22.07.24 | Heron Hokey-Cokey | |
22.07.24 | Snail Spotting | |
22.07.24 | The Joy of Painting VII: Compare and Contrast | |
29.07.24 | Mystery Sign: Do Not Use | |
29.07.24 | Keeping You Informed | |
05.08.24 | Greeneyed Flies | |
02.09.24 | Anyone for Tennis? | |
02.09.24 | Back-to-Front Greenfinch | |
02.09.24 | Dragonfly Action Shot | |
02.09.24 | Fascinating Fly | |
02.09.24 | Lapwings: Not Just Black and White | |
02.09.24 | Little and Large | |
09.09.24 | Kestrel Study | |
09.09.24 | Supermoon | |
16.09.24 | Bees on Globe Thistle | |
16.09.24 | Join the BBQ - AI Image Challenge Accepted | |
23.09.24 | Juvenile Cormorant | |
23.09.24 | Sparrow at the Beach | |
23.09.24 | Starling Action Shot | |
30.09.24 | Oystercatchers at High Tide | |
30.09.24 | Redshank Reflections | |
07.10.24 | Join the BBQ: AI Image Challenge Results | |
14.10.24 | Squirrel Meets Corn | |
14.10.24 | Video: Heron Versus Eel | |
21.10.24 | It's a Sign: Illogikal | |
28.10.24 | Halloween Deer | |
28.10.24 | Slug Story: A Photoessay | |
28.10.24 | Bearded Reedling Encounter | |
11.11.24 | Stag at Leighton Moss | |
11.11.24 | Welsh Cobb Ponies | |
11.11.24 | What Are You Looking At - Bearded Reedling | |
18.11.24 | Great Egret Fishing (Video) | |
18.11.24 | Crow and Gull (Video) | |
18.11.24 | Autumn Glow | |
18.11.24 | Raven Action Shot | |
18.11.24 | Who's for Dinner? | |
25.11.24 | Pink-Footed Geese | |
25.11.24 | Foggy Evening | |
25.11.24 | Mere Machine | |
02.12.24 | The Moon and Streetlight | |
02.12.24 | Godwit Sunset | |
02.12.24 | Family HiStory | |
09.12.24 | Snow Sculpture | |
16.12.24 | Whooper Swans | |
16.12.24 | Caption Challenge: Crows | |
16.12.24 | Pintail Duck | |
23.12.24 | Crow on a Stick | |
23.12.24 | Strange Sunset | |
23.12.24 | Join the Q: Owl Experience | |
30.12.24 | Escape Web | |
30.12.24 | Twig Twilight | |
06.01.25 | 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime | |
06.01.25 | Lapwings in Flight | |
06.01.25 | Sunset After a Storm | |
20.01.25 | My200BirdYear 2024 - The Results | |
20.01.25 | YOL to the World | |
20.01.25 | Frosted Moss | |
20.01.25 | Frosty Morning Sparrow | |
20.01.25 | Fog and Frost |