Time Stood Still
Created | Updated May 27, 2023
Time Stood Still
I wasn't sure I had any inspiration for the May 2023 Create Challenge beyond a few fleeting moments when time stood still as I gazed into a loved-one's eyes. However, this weekend I experienced an impressive example of the phenomenon. I reached up to dust a window ledge and accidentally caught the left elbow of my alabaster statuette of a hoopy frood who knows where her towel is. The statuette very gracefully spun round, then spun round again while I desperately tried to catch her. For me, time stood still, so I couldn't move fast enough - all I could do was watch as the statuette spun round for a third time before falling down and breaking into four pieces. Her head went one way, her torso went the other way, her elbow fell in between them and her legs stayed on the window ledge.
On the one hand, I was sad, but on the other hand it wasn't the first time she had broken (her head had fallen off once before when a cat knocked her off a shelf). My dad had repaired her for me that time using epoxy resin superglue. Thus I looked on the incident as an educational opportunity - I learned how to mix the epoxy resin and used it to stick the statuette back together again. I am satisfied with the result - it is good to see her back on her feet!