Join the GBBQ: H2G2 Micro-Meet Report
Created | Updated May 6, 2018

Join the GBBQ: H2G2 Micro-Meet Report

In February this year, I did some spring cleaning and found a toy Tribble1 from Star Trek that I hadn't seen for years. As I'm more of a fan of soft toy bunnies these days, I decided to find it a new home.
As our very own Galaxy Babe is a fan of Star Trek, I knew the Tribble would be well looked after in her hands. Not to mention that it was a good excuse to arrange a meeting in person - we have worked together in h2g2 for several years now, and have provided virtual support to each other in various ways, too, so I had wanted to give Galaxy Babe a non-virtual hug for a long time.
My plans were somewhat delayed after I caught the 'Australian Flu' or whatever lurgy it was that was rather contagious and lingered for weeks. Once I was recovered and ready to travel, everything slotted into place - a day for the Meet was selected, I booked train tickets and assistance, and very soon it was time for me to set off on the adventure.
All went well at first, but then I discovered I had only been allocated 11 minutes to change trains in Manchester and that wasn't enough – to find a platform, the train had to queue outside the station for 7 minutes and then it took me 5 minutes to go up, down, round and round to get to the next platform. Thus I missed the connection and had to wait an hour for the next train.
It didn't matter too much, though, as thanks to mobile phone technology we were able to rearrange things so that the Meet would only be cut short by half an hour. I successfully boarded the second train and was able to relax while I speeded to my destination.
Galaxy Babe was able to meet me on the platform as soon as the train pulled into the station - it was a fantastic sensation that, although we had not met in person before, we recognised each other instantly, so we greeted each other happily. I just had to wait a couple of minutes more until the station staff brought the ramp to help me off the train, and then we set off for the Prom (after having said hello properly and hugged first!).
Sitting on the Prom and looking out over the water, it was lovely to be able to talk of h2g2, Life, the Universe and Everything. However, the weather was bitterly cold, so rather than having ice cream as we had planned2, we instead went in search of hot chocolate.
We were both ready for the delicious warm drink, but both set about drinking it in different ways. While I gingerly tested the hot chocolate to make sure it wouldn't burn my mouth and startle me into spilling it, Galaxy Babe efficiently stirred hers until it was just right - I had hardly taken a few sips before GB had finished as 'it didn't touch the sides'!

We then exchanged gifts, so Galaxy Babe received her Tribble and I am now the proud owner of a famous h2g2 t-shirt amongst other lovely generous delights.
All too soon it was time for me to make my way back to the station. Fortunately, GB was again able to accompany me to the platform so we could make the most of every second of each other's company during the rather brief Meet. GB saw me on to the train, so we hugged and kissed again, and then we each set off towards our respective homes.
On the way back the train was late leaving Manchester so I arrived at the next station a few minutes late. The next train was also delayed, so I might have made the connection, but unfortunately the assistance I had booked didn't turn up. Thus I missed another train and had to wait for another half an hour until the staff found me and the next train arrived. I got home safely albeit rather tired and learned from the experience - I'll know to avoid Manchester next time because it is too difficult to change platforms there...
So, although it was a whistle-stop tour of Galaxy Babe country, it was very much worthwhile! I look forward to exploring more of the area with GB somewhen soon (and hopefully in better weather!).

Postscript: The following week, I took my new h2g2 t-shirt to Bluebottle country for another h2g2 Micro Meet. The weather was warmer, but damp, so <BB< and I enjoyed catching up indoors over a post-dewbit meal and a nice cup of tea.