Join the Q: Reflection on Reflection
Created | Updated Feb 16, 2020
Join the Q: Reflection on Reflection
Recently Bluebottle and I had a conversation about how to digitise, organise and catalogue photographs. I was inspired to delve into my digital archive of photos from 2014 and try to get them organised and labelled so that I can find them more easily as well as remembering what/who they are photos of.
It was quite the trip down memory lane - not easy in more ways than one, because it reminds me of sad times as well as happy times, and also reminds me that I sometimes take really bad photos of totally random things, but I did feel satisfied to have found some images I had 'lost' (eg of Birkenhead Priory) and to have made the images more searchable on my computer.
I found some amusing photos, too, so I thought I would share one with you. Here is my soft toy PG Tips Monkey. This was an entry for a photography competition, where the title was 'Reflection' - I didn't win, but I had fun!