Join the Q: Aurora Amazement
Created | Updated May 18, 2024
Join the Q: Aurora Amazement
On 10 May I spotted the alert that aurora activity was expected to be high later that night. When reports started coming in, I went outside to take a look. I was expecting something like my feeble attempt from September 2023, but was instead amazed by the sight. A ribbon of colour was stretching from East to West over my house. I experimented with various camera settings and got some impressive results.
The first photo shows what I could see with my eyes - a ribbon of pink glow. The second photo shows what my camera was able to see with a long exposure time - greens and violets as well as the pink. The third photo shows the view from my window later on - the aurora was not visible to my eyes, but the camera was able to detect the colours (fortunately the streetlight had broken, so I got a much better view than I would have done!). What a fabulous evening.