The h2g2 Post 20.05.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 20th May 2024

This week's title is Make a Wish. Clockwise from upper left: A dandelion puffball silhouetted against a partially-cloudy sky, a chipmunk with full pouches standing on its hind legs, the double tower of St Agnes' Church in Medulin, Croatia, a mama goose looking proud of her two fuzzy goslings, a purple sign advertising a 'Giant Flea Market', sunset over the Adriatic with flying seagulls, a black-and-white shot of a sunlit windmill, and a large snail on a rock.

Do you make wishes on dandelion seedheads? Or is that just a US thing? Lots to be wistful about this week, such as wishing we were there when these photos were taken. Researchers have been everywhere: in gardens, in sun and rain, dark and light, beside the sea, along the river. . . They've seen geese and seagulls and exotic churches a friendly dog, and even reflected on the possibility of giant fleas. Go exploring in this issue. You'll find it rewarding.

The stories are bound to intrigue you. The cinema might make you want to go. (Landmark: Awix has learned how to spell 'Albuquerque'.) The jokes might even make you laugh. Take a chance on the content here. What have you got to lose?

We even have pictures of the aurora borealis event from last weekend. It was a surprise, that solar storm: alarming and beautiful at the same time. The last time we had one this big, it interfered with the electricity on Earth – but all that amounted to at the time was frustration for some telegraphers. Now that we've got a lot more to worry about, we were relieved that all we got were pretty lights.

As if the aurora weren't enough weirdness for one weekend, a sasquatch appeared in the Post Office backyard while we weren't looking. Screwed to the planter and everything. We didn't mind – it's good for a laugh – but we were baffled as to who did it. None of the neighbours saw anything. We've heard of flocking, but this was a new twist. Farmer Hoggett finally confessed to the deed – a master prank on his part. You can see it in the video below.

Have a good week out there, no matter what happens. If things get weird, take a picture or video to prove it and send it to us. The same goes for when things are beautiful, or funny, or just plain interesting, or something the home office on Ursa Minor Beta ought to know about.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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Quote of the Week:
Them: Hey, no cats in this room.

Me, an intellectual: And yet here I am.

– Jorts, Cat and union activist on Twitter

Dolphins leaping.

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Red-Billed Teal

Red-Billed Teal by Willem.


  • Video
  • The busy beneath your feet.


Chapter 17
A Place to Sit Down

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


St Agnes, Medulin, Croatia
The church of St Agnes, by FWR.

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