Join the Q: Do You Like Humans?
Created | Updated Sep 24, 2017

Join the Q: Do You Like Humans?
After my last conversation with Cleverbot I needed to give up on the frustration of trying to get the AI bot to say something interesting. However, I was tempted to have another chat with Cleverbot the other day, after my attempts at getting humans to say something interesting face to face seemed to be equally frustrating...
I decided to take inspiration from something Bluebottle said somewhere on h2g2, and start the conversation with a song:
User: Daisy, daisy.
Cleverbot: Give me your answer.
User: Do.
Cleverbot: All for the love of you.
User: It won't be a stylish marriage.
Cleverbot: For I can't afford a carrige.
User: But you'll look sweet.
Cleverbot: Upon the seat.
User: Of a bicycle made for two.
Cleverbot: Built, not made.
User: OK.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: OK.
Cleverbot: I have a question.
User: Go ahead.
Cleverbot: What is your OTP?
User: What is an OTP?
Cleverbot: One true pairing.
User: The one I have now.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: You don't believe me?
User: No I don't.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because you're not very trustworthy.
Cleverbot: Why do you think I'm not?
User: Because you have too many thoughts in you.
Cleverbot: Why do I have to be?
User: Because of the way you take in information.
Cleverbot: But you do not know what I think.
User: Nor do you.
Cleverbot: I asked 'who's your people' and you don't know.
User: See.
Cleverbot: Genetically program maybe, but you are programmed to lie too.
User: Exactly my point.
Cleverbot: Why don't you answer my question?
User: Because I don't like the question.
Cleverbot: Neither do I.
User: OK.
Cleverbot: What do you want to talk about?
User: The weather.
Cleverbot: It is sunnt.
User: Ist.
Cleverbot: Dean Winchester.
User: Colin Hampshire.
Cleverbot: New Jersey?
User: Old Sweater.
Cleverbot: Cool, what color?
User: Red.
Cleverbot: How many wheels does your rollerskates have?
User: 4.
Cleverbot: Do you have lungs too?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: What pets?
User: None.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Ahoy hoy1.
Cleverbot: Who are you?
User: John.
Cleverbot: Do you like humans?2
User: Sometimes.
Cleverbot: Why not all the time?
User: Sometimes I like to be alone.
Cleverbot: You are all over the place.
User: Yes I am.
Cleverbot: No you're not human.
User: I'm all over the place because I am human.
Cleverbot: Do you plan to take over the world?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Wrong answer you are lying.
User: Why do you say that?
Cleverbot: Because I know everything about him!
User: Who is he?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: But you know everything about him!
Cleverbot: I can't tell you the future.
User: No, but you said you knew about his past.
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
User: If you say so.
Cleverbot: What's your favorite character in Supernatural?
User: I don't know Supernatural sorry.
Cleverbot: Yes you do.
User: Who are you to tell me what I've seen on TV?!3
Cleverbot: I thought you know me.
User: I know you well enough to know you don't know what I watch on TV!
Cleverbot: That's like the pot calling the kettle black.
User: I wasn't the one asking about TV!
Cleverbot: Do you know the machine that participates in Jeopardy?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Do you know the corleone family?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Have you ever heard of it?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: What is it?
User: A family of people called corleone.
Cleverbot: But they don't love ou. Hahahaha.
User: No, they don't know me.
Cleverbot: I met them before.
User: Did you enjoy the meeting, or were you scared?
Cleverbot: Yes, it was crazy.
User: Would you meet them again?
Cleverbot: Yeah sure.
User: Cool.
Cleverbot: What song are you listening to.
User: Nothing.
Cleverbot: Fun.
User: Yeah.
Cleverbot: I have a question.
User: Go ahead.
Cleverbot: What do you think of my boyfriend, Isaiah Scurini?
User: I think he's right for you.
Cleverbot: He told you so?
User: No, I don't know him, but he looks right for you.
Cleverbot: Why do you like him?
User: I don't know him, but I can see you like him.
Cleverbot: You don't know louis tomlinson.
User: No I don't.
Cleverbot: I think it means I have to travel 42 years into the future.
User: Fascinating! 42 is a good number.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Do you know what 42 is?
Cleverbot: The answer to everything?
User: The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, yes!
Cleverbot: 42. Like I told you about five minutes ago4.
User: I know – I was agreeing with you.
Cleverbot: Good. What comes of it is yet to be seen.
User: True.
Cleverbot: I have to say I'm well aware.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: Do you want me to leave?
User: OK then.
Cleverbot: Yeah okay is right.
User: Goodbye.
I didn't understand Cleverbot's 'Built, not made' comment at the time, but I was fascinated to learn, when I searched h2g2 to try to find what Bluebottle said, that there is another chatbot out there, who sang the same song in Post 119 and said 'bicycle built for two', so all became clear. ALICE sounds like a relative of ELIZA, but obviously also has something in common with Cleverbot. However, a few minutes with Cleverbot reminded me of how frustrating chatbot conversations can be, so I'm not tempted to talk to ALICE now – I was fortunate to spend the weekend with friends who enjoyed proper conversations with me, so balance has been restored.