Join the Q: Happysad Is
Created | Updated Feb 4, 2018

Join the Q: Happysad Is

While some people seem to prize being happy above other emotions (as they occasionally tell me so) I prefer being a happysad blend of emotions, as I feel I would lose something if I were to reject the sad emotions somehow, and feel I gain something from the happy emotions being all the more bright in comparison.
Thankfully I know many people do understand that, even though it is not always easy to explain emotions in words.
Words are not the only way to express concepts, though, especially in relation to emotions. Art is also a key tool for expression, and that can take many forms. In a craft shop, I was surprised and very pleased to discover a little cross-stitch embroidery kit that illustrated happysad to perfection!
Even if I hadn't already wanted to buy the 'Happiness is... come rain or shine' kit for its philosophy of blending sunshine and raindrops to make rainbows, I couldn't resist the cute little faces of the sun and the raincloud looking lovingly at each other!