Australian and NZ Researchers

163 Conversations

The not-so-official badge of the Australian and NZ Researchers, depicting the flags of the two countries embedded in some Tim Tams

Welcome to the home of Australian and New Zealand Researchers! Here you'll find a list of everyone with a connection to either country, and all1 the Edited Guide articles about all aspects of life Down Under. If you want to be added to the Researcher list and become a fully fledged member, drop a note below - we're a friendly bunch, honest! Once you're a member you can add your own Membership Badge to your Personal Space if you cut and paste the following GuideML:

<LINK H2G2="A592049"><PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="NONE" BLOB="B99285" ALT="Member of the Australian and NZ Researchers"/></LINK>

You can also keep up to date with things happening for the Australian and NZ Researchers if you click on the 'Click here to be notified of new Conversations about this Guide Entry' bit at the bottom of the Entry. smiley - ok

If you're a local, or plan on journeying to Australia or New Zealand any time soon, let us know and we can help organise a meet to say G'day! In the words of a girl called Ben (on the Sydney meet she attended):

"If you are EVER in any doubt about going to a meet -
remember that this one was worth crossing the planet for!"

Australians | New Zealanders | Related Articles
smiley - smiley - smiley -
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.
- Charles Schultz

Meets Gone By


  • On Saturday 15 September 2001, Linus, Platypus, Feisor and Tashalls, as well as two hangers-on met at the Carlisle Hotel in Newton. A great (if not slightly inebriated) day was had by all, and this is a full report of the day.
  • Saturday 13 April 2002 at the Carlisle again. Platypus, Shrillian, Cheesecakethulu, Pond Rat, Feisor and Linus met once more Carlisle for an afternoon of drinks and fun. Report can be found here.
  • Again the Carlisle was inundated with Researchers on Saturday 23 November, 2002 - what the bar staff think we don't know! Linus, Shrillian, Cheesecake, Platypus, Feisor, and as a special treat an International Guest - a girl called Ben were all in attendance. By all reports it was a great day - according to Platypus here and agcB here.


  • On 3 December, 2001 Loony, Evil Roy, King Cthulhu and Cafram met in a pub in Melbourne and downed large amounts of alcohol - the question "excuse me, are you Loony?" was asked twice, and was proved in every respect to be true. A full report with photos can be found here.
  • On Friday 12 July 2002, Evil Roy, silverygibbon, King Cthulhu and Cafram met at the Charles Dickens Tavern in Melbourne for dinner and drinks - a surprisingly large bar tab was rung up, and once again we were thrown out at closing time.
  • Tuesday 10 December, 2002 saw Evil Roy, King Cthulhu, Cafram, a girl called Ben (and friend) meeting at Young and Jacksons for drinks. Was a great night - got to talk to Hoovooloo on Ben's phone which was cool, and got some photos with Chloe, the nude upstairs!
  • The first meet for the new year was Saturday 11 January, 2003, again at Y&Js - The regular three plus Santragenius V showed up - the report is here.


  • Some time in May 2002, Wowbagger and Badzen (and innumerable others) met at the RE and the Regatta in the sunny city - h2g2 Life report here, and written report here.
  • On 27 October, 2001, 3 researchers and 4 hanger-ons met in a pub in Brisbane; the artist-in-residence's impression can be found here.
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Adrift in Other Parts of the World...

  • England

  • Wisconsin, US of A

  • New South Wales

    Western Australia

    South Australia




    Northern Territory


    smiley - smiley - smiley -


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    A collection of all the edited entries on both of these great countries. If there's a gap, your home town isn't featured, your favourite beer isn't mentioned...write about it!


    New Zealand

    smiley - smiley - smiley -
    The Australian Preamble - no, really... smiley -
    1Well, most of them.

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