"This Things I Believe"

I believe in musicalnote. It is the breath of the universe -- sometimes fast, sometimes erratic -- sustaining the universe like breathing sustains life.

I believe in peacesign. I'm no hippie, but like just about everyone else, I believe the war in Iraq is a load of bleep

I believe in earth and mars and planet -- I love the star star and sometimes am entranced by the fullmoon. However, I have real trouble with aliensmile and ufo. Very nice ideas, but I believe that a martiansmile is just a monster for the 21st century.

I believe in the devil and I also believe there are real angel out there -- I've met one or two. I believe in energy vampire, and avoid them wherever I can. I'm just about prepared to believe in ghost, too.

I say cheers when I mean ta, but I also say cheers when I mean cheers. Even when I cdouble. And I believe that ale, bubbly, redwine, stout, or any other stiffdrink (like oj or milk) will make you quite drunk, and you will suffer a hangover.

I believe that we should give love a chance. I am in complete agreeance with Groucho Marx, who said that laugh is the best medicine. A hug or a cuddle makes you feel human and alive.

Most of all, I believe in donut donut donut, and the prospect of more donut.

But if there's one thing I don't believe in, it's smileys...... doh


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