The Pink Ferret's furry lovenest
Hi there. My name is The Pink Ferret. I'm a black-footed ferret. Or at least I think I am. Sometimes I'm also a human. I'm a furry person, if you haven't already guessed that.
So, where do I begin to describe myself? If you looked at me, you would see a tall, extremly scrawny black-footed ferret with glasses. And a blonde mullet. A nice, friendly looking face which smiles excessively, large hazel eyes covered by a furry black mask. Sharp but straight teeth in an oversized mouth. Dressed in a fuzzy brown jacket and tight black jeans. Black doc martin boots covering feet far too big for his thin frame. A short, swishy tail.
If you talked to him you would quickly discover his loud voice and dry wit, and infectious enthusiasm that get irritating after a while. You would also find out who he is. Seventeen years old, he's a student from Palmerston North, in New Zealand. He's a pakeha with duibious european ancestory. The Pink Ferret, or Pinky, as he likes to be called, is vegitarian, bisexual, and a little intellectual, with a love of all things creative. He loves to read and sometimes draws cartoons, which he uploads to an appalingly neglected page at . He also builds models, and is, after many years, getting really, really good at it. Pinky loves to listen to Pink Floyd, the Super Furry Animals, The Cure, and a host of other great rock bands. His favorate books are, of course, the HHGTTG. He likes the comics Megatoko, Sabrina online, and Life In Hell. He dosn't have much of a social life and spends most of his lesure time alone, often on the internet, or with his clinically insane budgies, Hugo and Charlie. A talking bird
Life has always been good to Pinky. His family love him and support him, a rare thing these days, and he's always been good at school. He's still always been an outsider though, a bit of a weirdo prehaps. He's not an animal who runs with the herd, or the flock.Sheep A gentle disposition and lack of respect for popularity has ment that school has been harsh to him, and he simply awaits the end of schooling with hope. Yet, even so, he's a dramatically happy person to be around, almost always grinning and cheerful.
Pinky is a tremendous sourse of useless and not-so-useless knowledge. He can tell you something about anything, from car engines ("see, the air flows from the airbox here to the maf sensor in the throttle body here.....) to literature (" I think that Bach was trying to introduce themes of consiquenses and possiblity in "One" because of his own backround hinted at by......) to his real favorate subject, genetics. (RNA reverse Transcription Polmerase Inhibitor....need I say more?) Next year Pinky will be studying towards a BMSc in human genetics. A human, a strand of DNA and a human-octopus hybrid Well, now you know me. You probably know me better than I know myself. I won't hold that against you though, contact me and we'll have fun!


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The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Researcher U239959


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