A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area

Great Gay Game

Post 341

Mikeo the gregarious

Hi again!

I *really* wish I could move Amber Benson from the 'Wish You Were Queer' list to this one ... I've still heard nothing really new about her, apart from her setting off lesbians' gaydar (shouldn't that be 'lesdar', BTW?).

Anyway, we've already got Lori Pretty - although I didn't know she was called Tank Girl ... not sure if we should give you a point for that or not - and Rosie O'Donnell's already been claimed ... sorry! smiley - erm

BTW, I've sort of been here, only I'm a bit busy at the moment with writing a certain report so I change from a first year doctorate student to a second year one. (It's not pleasant, believe you me!) I've also spotted a small problem with h2g2 - after a while, any characters I type in for replies to people's messages don't match the ones on the keys! (I don't think it's just this computer, and I can type, copy and paste into things OK.) For instance, here's the alphabet a la h2g2: -

axje.uidchtnmbrl'poygk,qf; smiley - yikes

Anyway, sorry about the near-misses - I think we need to have a look at some gay and lesbian mags again ... if only for the pretty pictures! smiley - winkeye

Mike(o) smiley - rainbow

Great Gay Game

Post 342

Tactitus:- a temporal incursion will restore the Cremin Emporiam to galactic dominance once more!

Leonardo Da Vinci, the man himself.
Dirk Bogarde
and afinally....

Arthur C. Clarke.

Great Gay Game

Post 343

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Have we had the actress that plays Miranda from Sex and the City yet? She has neither confirmed or denied it but...

Great Gay Game

Post 344

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Dunno if she's been claimed but she belongs on this list. She came out about a week ago. I think there's something on teletext if someone wants to confirm.

Lesdar?? So doesn't sound right. Maybe dykedar but even thats wrong and would upset loads of people. You watch the big can of worms its spilt just saying the D word. smiley - biggrin
Im sticking with gaydar.


Great Gay Game

Post 345


How about "Lesbidar" as used by our favourite Wiccan Black-eyed Girl?

Great Gay Game

Post 346

Mikeo the gregarious

Well, I thought about that (not remembering that Black-eyed Girl had used it before), but I thought it had the inference of bisexuality as well as lesbianism. However, I'd be happy to say lesbians had gaydar - I'd previously thought it was exclusive to gay men, but I'm quite happy to have my little prejudices and presumptions (not that I have that many these days) shattered! smiley - smiley

Great Gay Game

Post 347


Well more and more of 'her type' are using the term gay anyway, so they are it makes sense that they'll muscle in on our term. Again!
smiley - tongueout Iago

Great Gay Game

Post 348

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!


I'll use whatever term my favourite Wiccan sees fit for me to use! You know me. smiley - winkeye

As far as the dar goes, I really dunno if there's a politically term for it, I'll stick with lesbidar or gaydar for now!
Someones bound to complain about the political correctness of the whole thing eventually.

oh and "her type"??? Cheeky!!! smiley - tongueout

smiley - rainbow
Laters all,

Great Gay Game

Post 349

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Its ALIVE!!!

smiley - yikes the thread! its coming back to life!

Great Gay Game

Post 350


Hi all, long time no see, how you all been?

Okay! butting in a conversation without fully looking through all the posts, I know it's wrong, but hey it's 1am, and bed is looming.

Just a simple point. Political correctness, I gave up on it years ago, it made my head hurt. Having other people telling me what I can't say about other people because it may be offensive. If I have something to say I'll say it, if it offends, I appologise, or don't care, it depends on who you are.

Regarding gaydar, lesbidar, etc, is it limited to just gay people, when I came out to my freinds and family, there were few who were shocked, in fact my mother beat me to it, asking if I had a girlfriend and when I said no, she replied, 'what then, a boyfriend?'

smiley - biggrin Xander

Great Gay Game

Post 351

Mikeo the gregarious

Hi everyone!

I can confirm that gaydar isn't just limited to LGBT people - a small number of straight people also have a reasonably fine-tuned sense of who's gay and who's not ... I believe these are also the people who know you're gay, even if you're as straight-acting as they come! smiley - erm

As for Cynthia Nixon (Miranda from 'Sex and the City'), her LGBT status has been confirmed ... this week's Heat magazine has a two-page article about her and her g/f (who've been seeing each other for about 10 months now). So she's quite a good one to add to our list - seeing as the girls in SATC were talking like gay guys anyway! smiley - tongueout


Great Gay Game

Post 352

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

so we're decided on gaydar then, no matter who possesses it?? If we have to have a different name for it for gay men, lesbians and those finely tuned straight people there could be a whole world of confusion!

Good call Mort on Cynthia Nixon!!

Great Gay Game

Post 353

Cupid Stunt

Well, my gaydar does not function whatsoever. Any suggestions on how to use other peoples gaydars to my advantage?

Great Gay Game

Post 354


I'm with Cupid, my gayday is hopeless. Can we borrow somebody else's?

Great Gay Game

Post 355

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

smiley - tongueout Well I dont like sharing

Great Gay Game

Post 356


Sorry guys, love to help, but it's just not the sort of thing that you can share.


Great Gay Game

Post 357

Cupid Stunt

WhatI had in mind was more along the lines of spinning you round at parties and getting you to stop pointing in the direction of a gay man, the more attractive, available (and if I'm honest, immoral) the better.

Perhaps I'll just stick to looking for the men who can actually dance. (Not that we stereotype around here of course).

Great Gay Game

Post 358

Ivan the Terribly Average

Here's a tip for use at mixed-gender parties. Watch men who are talking to women. If there's fairly constant eye contact between them, you're in with a chance. Straight boys tend to look about 18-20 inches lower than a woman's eyes...

Great Gay Game

Post 359

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - rofl

Great Gay Game

Post 360

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

smiley - bigeyes


Now, own up who revived this thread? come on who was it? smiley - tongueout

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