A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area

Great Gay Game

Post 361

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I've got a name....

Sir Witi Ihimaera. (Maori author, of "Whale Rider" fame)

How about famous furries? (Practically all furries are gay or bi, y'see)

Great Gay Game

Post 362


James McGreever, the former govenor of New Jersey who had to resign after admitting to a series of homosexual affairs

Great Gay Game

Post 363


Got three good new ones. Louis Walsh (XFactor, Pop Idol - all that cr*p) makes sense, all the boybands he's formed, Kirsty Allsop, presenter of Location, Location, Location and Claire Balding, former sportswoman (was it equestrianism? I don't really know) and presenter of Grandstand

Great Gay Game

Post 364

Mikeo the gregarious

I know the source of those, Iago, and I believe he's fairly accurate - I think they'll all go in without too much trouble! smiley - biggrin

Great Gay Game

Post 365


Is it our mutual friend from the Manchester LGBT?

Great Gay Game

Post 366

Mikeo the gregarious

That'd be him - and not only a mutual friend but an ex-co-chair (if it is that guy with the name)! smiley - smiley

Great Gay Game

Post 367


It is indeed. I was quite chuffed with seeing that and glad that I beat you to it smiley - tongueout

Great Gay Game

Post 368

Mikeo the gregarious

Although I got Alan Hollingshurst *long* before he won the Booker Prize this year, so smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout! smiley - biggrin

Great Gay Game

Post 369


Emperor Hadrian (he of the wall)
Tsar Alexander II (reigned during, and defeated, Napoleon's invasion of Russia)
May have already been mentioned but.. Alan Turing, philosopher, computer pioneer and very early gay rights activist here in Manchester

Great Gay Game

Post 370


Dallas Roberts, actor who plays Colin Farrell's best friend/lover in A Home At The End Of The World

Great Gay Game

Post 371

Ivan the Terribly Average

Iago, I think that was Alexander I, not II.

Great Gay Game

Post 372


Portia DeRossi (not sure of the spelling) - From Ally McBeal. And her girlfriend, um, Ringo's daughter. *sound of Beatle card spontaneously combusting* G would know her name.

From the buffyverse, aren't Lorne and Andrew queer? Have they gone already, if they are?


Great Gay Game

Post 373

Cupid Stunt

Donald Rumsfelds daughter? Name and/or confirmation anyone?

Great Gay Game

Post 374


Harvey Milk, can't see him on the list.

Diverging from the game momentarily, if anyone wants to debate/discuss I've started a thread: F1763164?thread=530527&post=6130017#p6130017

Hopefully I'll be adding more discussion topics and games soon.

Great Gay Game

Post 375


I mentioned Andrew a while ago. Don't watch Angel so I didn't think of Lorne. I think it was Alexander the 2nd, but I might be wrong. I still get the point though smiley - tongueout

Great Gay Game

Post 376


Certainly Dick Cheney's daughter. There was a lot of contoversy about this at election time.

Great Gay Game

Post 377

Mikeo the gregarious

Anyone know her actual name, though? (BTW, I believe her father is actually a supporter of gay marriage/civil unions - how much influence he'll have on Dubya is dubious, though. smiley - erm)

Great Gay Game

Post 378


Apparently her name is Mary.



Great Gay Game

Post 379

Cupid Stunt

Did I get the wrong politician again? Don't mind me... Taxi for Mr. Stunt!

Great Gay Game

Post 380

Mikeo the gregarious

Here's an interesting one for you (and a chance to revive this game a bit) ...

Andrew Hayden-Smith (formerly Ben of 'Byker Grove', now a CBBC presenter)


I dunno how long he's been publicly out for, although it's only in February's Attitude that he's done the "coming out" interview.

smiley - rainbow

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