A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area
Great Gay Game
nadia Posted Jun 11, 2004
They both confessed to being bi.
Aren't they a fruity bunch this year, hardly a het in sight.
Great Gay Game
Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] Posted Jun 12, 2004
I dont with BB at all really, but I really should go buy one of these magazines I never have which is probably why I dont do so well! hmmmmm
*absolute concentration*
*thinks some more*
Great Gay Game
Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] Posted Jun 12, 2004
That 'with' was originally the word 'watch' at some point, which would make more sense....... then again.... i never make sense
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Jun 13, 2004
Right ... I said I had found a dozen or so new people for the list in the gay magazines - I've actually got 45!!! First, a couple I found outside of the magazines ...
Shell from BB5 (apparently in her audition tape she said she was a bit bi)
Samuel Barber (composer - most famous for 'Adagio for Strings')
And from Gay Times and Attitude over the last couple of months ...
Rufus Wainwright (singer/songwriter)
James Clark (UK ambassador to Luxembourg - he and his b/f were recently "officially met" by the Queen)
Alan Hollinghurst (author)
David Daniels (counter-tenor singer)
Matt Lucas (of 'Little Britain' fame)
Darren Johnson (Green Party member of Greater London Assembly)
Lord George Gordon Noel Byron
William S Burroughs (author, Beat legend)
Sir John Gielgud
Joe Phillips (author, cartoon artist)
Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson (of Throbbing Gristle)
Bobby Crush (pianist - similar to Liberace's style, winner of 'Opportunity Knocks')
Peter 'Marilyn' Robinson
Jarrod Batchelor (Mr Gay UK 2003)
Paddy O'Connell (presenter of 'Liquid News')
Christopher Price (original presenter of 'Liquid News' - RIP)
Martin Tomlinson (lead singer of Selfish C**t)
Jim Stanton (club promoter)
Seb Patane (visual artist, DJ, promoter of N.E.R.D.)
Martin Andersson (fashion designer)
Alan Carr (comedian)
Michael Deeley (architect)
Tommy Small (dancer, choreographer, Artistic Director of Smallpetitklein Dance Company)
Johann Hari (reporter, journalist)
Stephin Merritt (of The Magnetic Fields)
Steven Patrick Morrissey (frequently known only by his surname)
Dirk Bogarde
Bill T Jones (dancer, choreographer, co-founder of the Bill T Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company)
Angela Mason (executive director of Stonewall)
Nick Partridge (chief executive of the Terence Higgins Trust)
Roy Barraclough (Alec Gilroy in 'Coronation Street')
Thomson Gunn (poet)
Michael Cashman (Labour MEP for West Midlands)
Ivan Massow (businessman, independent candidate for Mayor of London)
Ross Kelly (TV presenter)
Alan Bennett
Thomas Ades (composer)
Michael Arditti (author)
Scott Mills (from Radio 1)
Kenny Goss (boyfriend of George Michael)
Paul O'Grady (formerly Lily Savage)
David Furnish (boyfriend of Elton John)
(Peter) Marc Almond
I realise that I can't just have 45 points for all of these, so I'm thinking about dividing them up amongst all of us - what do you think?
Great Gay Game
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Jun 13, 2004
and !!!
I think a couple have been said already - like Marc Almond and Paul O'Grady, but oh boy - what a list!!!!
Great Gay Game
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 13, 2004
I'm pretty sure we've had some of these before - not all of them by any means. Where was our list again?
Great Gay Game
Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] Posted Jun 13, 2004
A2337824 and WOW what a list indeed!
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Jun 13, 2004
Just rechecked the list - the only one I seem to have repeated is Marilyn: apart from him, I can't find any of the others among those people we've already suggested.
Great Gay Game
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 13, 2004
That means I could have said Marc Almond ages ago.. For some reason I assumed he'd been mentioned, 'cos he's so obvious... That goes for a couple of the others, too. Ah, woe is me.
Great Gay Game
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Jun 13, 2004
I thought he had too. Perhaps the list is needing updated. Haven't heard from Speckly for a while come to think of it
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Jun 14, 2004
I've had a look - surprisingly, no one's mentioned Marc Almond before ... but Ivan can have him (so to speak)! And I will get this list updated as soon as I have a couple of hours free ...
Great Gay Game
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 15, 2004
Why thank you - I'm happy to claim Marc Almond. (It's a pity he's getting on a bit...)
Here's a few queer moviemakers, according to the local gay press:
John Schlesinger
Gus van Sant
John Waters
Franco Zeffirelli
(They're the ones I've actually heard of.)
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Jun 16, 2004
OK, I've updated the list (at A2337824, just to remind you) and I've totalled up the scores so far ... here goes!
mikeo_s - 61 (2 repetitions)
nadia - 57 (0)
Mort - 42 (2)
Fattylizard - 29 (0)
Ivan the Terribly Average - 23 (1)
HonestIago - 22 (2)
Cupid Stunt - 10 (0)
Black-Eyed Girl (formerly Just Willow) - 7 (1)
Kerr Avon - 5 (0)
DamianK - 3 (0)
Mikael - 2 (0)
St. Demon Drawer - 2 (1)
Phyrne - 1 (0)
raving - 1 (0)
Mouserine - 1 (1)
mAd CaDeT fIsH - 1 (2)
A couple of notes ...
(1) I'm still not sure about Black-Eyed Girl's suggestion to move Amber Benson to this list from the 'Wish you were queer' one: can someone please check on this?
(2) Surprisingly, only two of the Scissor Sisters (Jake Shears and Babydaddy) are definitely LGBT - two (Paddy Boom and Ana Matronic) definitely aren't and I can't decide on Del Marquis.
Oh, and BTW, keep playing ... someone *please* knock me off the top of the scoreboard!!!
Great Gay Game
Cupid Stunt Posted Jun 16, 2004
Ah, the Scissor Sisters... I should be out watching them tonight, but I have an exam tomorrow morning... Gah! Life is unfair...
Great Gay Game
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 16, 2004
Del Marquis is gay - or, as it says in the article in front of me, 'a big poof'.
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Jun 18, 2004
OK then - I'll add him to the list ... although surprisingly Attitude (which had an article about the Scissor Sisters) didn't say whether he was LGBT or not, as the article mainly concentrated on Jake Shears and Babydaddy. BTW, what article have you got there, Ivan?
Great Gay Game
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jun 18, 2004
The article's in DNA, the local (Sydney-based) glossy mag. I think it's their own interview - or at least they don't credit any other publication...
Great Gay Game
Trin Tragula Posted Jun 18, 2004
Quite a list! Thom Gunn (not too sure where 'Thomson' came from) died quite recently: if anyone's interested - http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F19585?thread=414055
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Jun 19, 2004
Yeah - I actually got his name from an obituary article in Gay Times (it gave his full first name as Thomson, I think). I believe his work was rated very highly by the literary world, so he would certainly be a Great Gay!
Great Gay Game
Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity! Posted Oct 2, 2004
Hey again all.... its me!
Im still standing by my request for Amber Benson to be moved, it's mainly coz shes been setting off the gaydar of every lesbian I know, but partly wishful thinking too, sorry. Im still looking into it.
I thought of one but doon't know what list she belongs on..... any help with Lori Petty (Tank Girl)?? I'm thinking she should be here but not sure.
Have we mentioned Rosie O'Donnell, if noy Im staking a claim!
Oh, and where'd you all go?
Cheerio beautiful people... Will
(Black Eyed Girl (formerly Just Willow))
Key: Complain about this post
Great Gay Game
- 321: nadia (Jun 11, 2004)
- 322: Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] (Jun 12, 2004)
- 323: Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] (Jun 12, 2004)
- 324: Mikeo the gregarious (Jun 13, 2004)
- 325: Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted (Jun 13, 2004)
- 326: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 13, 2004)
- 327: Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] (Jun 13, 2004)
- 328: Mikeo the gregarious (Jun 13, 2004)
- 329: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 13, 2004)
- 330: Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted (Jun 13, 2004)
- 331: Mikeo the gregarious (Jun 14, 2004)
- 332: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 15, 2004)
- 333: Mikeo the gregarious (Jun 16, 2004)
- 334: Cupid Stunt (Jun 16, 2004)
- 335: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 16, 2004)
- 336: Mikeo the gregarious (Jun 18, 2004)
- 337: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jun 18, 2004)
- 338: Trin Tragula (Jun 18, 2004)
- 339: Mikeo the gregarious (Jun 19, 2004)
- 340: Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity! (Oct 2, 2004)
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