A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Feb 4, 2004
But this is distracting us all from the serious business of playing this fun game ... any more offers, people?
Great Gay Game
HonestIago Posted Feb 8, 2004
David Paisley - he played a gay nurse, Ben, in Holby City but then (surprise, surprise) got killed off. Why do most gay people in TV come out and then suffer a tragic accident or walk off, never to be seen again. It gets rather tiresome
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Feb 8, 2004
I suppose it's just some tradition that TV executives and writers have about treating homosexuality - it's OK to have gay characters (even the straight-acting ones) but you can't have them on for too long or your audience will either become too emotionally attached to them or used to them kissing, cuddling etc. (if that's what he or she does).
Great Gay Game
nadia Posted Feb 10, 2004
Amanda Barry (featured in carry on Cabby (swit swoo) and in coronation Street as Alma)
Oh and I've updated the list, though in a bit of a rush so I may have missed some names among the chit chat *frowns dissaprovingly* (why not start a thread on the treatment (and keilling) of gay chatacters in popular television? It's an interesting subject.)
N - gone mad in parenthesis.
Great Gay Game
nadia Posted Feb 12, 2004
I don't think I've seen cleo. I must ask lizardy if it's one of the (many) that we have on video. Isn't there a new carry on coming out next year? Carry on london or somesuch.
Great Gay Game
Cupid Stunt Posted Feb 12, 2004
I loooooove Carry On films. Hope the new one is actually a proper Carry On, and not some modernised of one, it just doesn't owrk. Carry on London is what I heard.
Great Gay Game
nadia Posted Feb 12, 2004
We're not expecting much from it but we'll watch it anyway. The lizard is a huge Frankie Howerd fan so Doctor is her favourite. I like the early ones, they're gentler and better films I think. Cabby and Teacher especially. Hattie Jacques is foxy.
Great Gay Game
Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee Posted Feb 12, 2004
Cabby is one of my favourites also. Hattie does look good in black and white.
Mostly there're a good watch, but not terribly good films. Some of them are utterly utterly rubbishy goo, but most of them I've managed to avoid. England, Behind and Emmanuelle espescially. I have them on video, though. Maybe I should watch them.
And there's even a handful which are good films. Doctor is the best, for me, but that may be because of Our Francis. It's better than Jungle, though I like that as well. Jungle is very funny, but it's not such a good film.
Yes, dear, we have Cleo. I've only seen it in bits on tv through the years, but it is pretty good. Maybe we should watch a Carry On when we get home form work.
Any suggestions, folks?
Great Gay Game
Cupid Stunt Posted Feb 12, 2004
Yeah, England Behind and Emmanuelle weren't in the same formula, and ergo weren't funny.
Frankie Howard fan? You like Up Pompeii!? I love that too.
Great Gay Game
nadia Posted Feb 12, 2004
Fan is probably a bit of an understatement
We got a vinyl copy of Our-Frances-who-art-in-heaven narrating peter and the wolf from ebay. And we found a 60s Alice in Wonderland record with him playing Alice in Wonderland. Pleanty of other oddities too. Have you ever seen the cool mikado?
Great Gay Game
Cupid Stunt Posted Feb 12, 2004
No, I haven't. I've seen woefully little of him. Love what I have seen though. He's like the comedic equivalent of a master craftsman.
Great Gay Game
Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee Posted Feb 12, 2004
Hi, sorry I didn't reply, busy in work y'see.
One of the various ways to my heart is nice things about Our Francis. As the missus said, fan is abit of an understatement. I do recommend The Cool Mikado, it's such a bizarre film. He hated it, and left it of his resume for most of his existence, but it's fantastica to watch.
I also recommend the BBC tapes of his radio show. I think he was best of all on radio. They are totally hilarious.
Fatty (off to do some worship)
Great Gay Game
Cupid Stunt Posted Feb 13, 2004
*makes notes and prepares to rush down the shops*
He was in the chritmas carry on, don't think it was officially one of the films, but he had me in hysterics the first time I saw that. Apart from those I've only seen him in Up Pompeii! which is fantastic. Only managed to get my hands on 6 episodes though. Oh, and the film, but that wasn't as good.
Great Gay Game
HonestIago Posted Feb 18, 2004
James Buchanan, American President inaugaurated in 1857, his partner was the govenor of Alabama
Great Gay Game
Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] Posted Feb 26, 2004
(Lago? Chad smith is gay? i dont think i knew that? Its possible, infact VERY possible that someone was telling me and i was ignoring them or got distracted, because i had it buzzing in my head but thought i dreamt it or something )
*goes to find a reliable source*
Execpt...... i dont know anyone reliable, Damn
Great Gay Game
HonestIago Posted Feb 26, 2004
He's bi, he happily admits he's had boyfriends (he actually said "I'll sh*g anyone")
Great Gay Game
Mikeo the gregarious Posted Mar 15, 2004
Hi everyone!
On nadia's request, I've created a brand spanking new list of our Great Gays - you can find it here: A2337824 - don't hesitate to make any comments on it! I've also finally come up with running scores for everyone who's played so far (I've been nice and not taken off points for repetition, but I have shown how many times we've done that!): -
nadia - 54 (0 repetitions)
Mort - 36 (2)
Fattylizard - 29 (0)
HonestIago - 20 (2)
Ivan the Terribly Average - 18 (1)
mikeo_s - 17 (1)
Cupid Stunt - 10 (0)
Kerr Avon - 5 (0)
Just Willow - 4 (1)
DamianK - 3 (0)
Mikael - 2 (0)
St. Demon Drawer - 2 (1)
Phyrne - 1 (0)
raving - 1 (0)
Mouserine - 1 (1)
mAd CaDeT fIsH - 1 (2)
SpAcEcAdEt - 0 (0) [but I've included him for entertaining us so much! ]
So ... this means we have found 204 queer celebrities - yay! Please don't stop though - I'm sure we can find some more!
Great Gay Game
Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] Posted Mar 17, 2004
I entertain do i? i really must find that relaible source now so i can register a point...........
Key: Complain about this post
Great Gay Game
- 281: Mikeo the gregarious (Feb 4, 2004)
- 282: HonestIago (Feb 8, 2004)
- 283: Mikeo the gregarious (Feb 8, 2004)
- 284: nadia (Feb 10, 2004)
- 285: Cupid Stunt (Feb 11, 2004)
- 286: nadia (Feb 12, 2004)
- 287: Cupid Stunt (Feb 12, 2004)
- 288: nadia (Feb 12, 2004)
- 289: Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee (Feb 12, 2004)
- 290: Cupid Stunt (Feb 12, 2004)
- 291: nadia (Feb 12, 2004)
- 292: Cupid Stunt (Feb 12, 2004)
- 293: Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee (Feb 12, 2004)
- 294: Cupid Stunt (Feb 13, 2004)
- 295: HonestIago (Feb 18, 2004)
- 296: Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] (Feb 26, 2004)
- 297: HonestIago (Feb 26, 2004)
- 298: Mikeo the gregarious (Feb 26, 2004)
- 299: Mikeo the gregarious (Mar 15, 2004)
- 300: Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major] (Mar 17, 2004)
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