A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area

Great Gay Game

Post 301


I found one-tenth of all the gay people smiley - diva Now why can't it be like that in real-life smiley - doh

Great Gay Game

Post 302

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

The guy that wrote 'Queer As Folk', I cant remember his name or if he's been mentioned!

Im now going out on a limb due to the collective 'gay-dar'smiley - grr or folk I know and things Ive seen... brace yourselves....
Lori Petty and Amber Benson... Im requesting she be moved from the 'Wish you were queer' to here!

*smiley - runs off before being sued by majorly pi$$ed celebrities*

Great Gay Game

Post 303


I haven't heard Amber claimed. Where did you hear that? Fab if true, of course!

There are still quite a few of the classic Hollywood set that ahven't been named. Can't remember most of their names so I'll look some more up later but I do memember:

Mercedes De Acosta
Isadora Duncan


Great Gay Game

Post 304


Just Willow was thinking of Russel T Davis and I say all five members of the Scissor Sisters

Great Gay Game

Post 305

Mikeo the gregarious

I could certainly move Amber Benson if you can prove she's actually LGBT - as 'Wish you were queer' isn't being scored, that shouldn't be a problem. smiley - rainbow

As for a further suggestion, I put forward Andrew Kinlochan from Phixx - I can't believe no one else has spotted him in spite of the 'How Straight Are You' thing in last month's Attitude and a mention of him in this month's Gay Times?! smiley - erm

Great Gay Game

Post 306

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Thanks Iago, thats the chappy I meant! Im glad one of us knows what Im talking about.

Im kinda in limbo about Amber, while I dont know for certain, Im thinking why would a 'straight' actress write/produce/star/direct a movie in which she plays a bisexual character if there is no personal interest. Its not like its a multimillion dollar thing either so it got me wondering and suspecting. Maybe I just think everyone should be at least bi, or maybe its wishful thinking?
Sorry Nadia I am claiming her if I find some evidence! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
Thats why I ran away before being sued, going back to hide under my rock now!

Mikeo... how much proof you need? Video evidence? smiley - rofl

toodle pip peeps
smiley - rainbow Will

Great Gay Game

Post 307

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Nicki French, you must remember her, she did a cover of Total Eclipse of the Heart in the late 90's I think!

Oh, Natasha Vale, was a presenter on Men and motors for a while is doing some Ibiza thing now. Also known as ex-stripper 'Tiger' from LOOSE.

The editor of DIVA mag..... am I just clutching at straws now?
Ok, I'll be leaving now!

smiley - rainbow Will

Great Gay Game

Post 308


Nicki French, I was trying desperately to remember her name the other day for something else

Great Gay Game

Post 309

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Shes lovely. Dare I ask what for or do you get that thing where when you finally remember someones name, you totally forget why it was you wanted to know in the first place?!

I thought of someone earlier and I cant remember who it was now... oh ar$e! Not Jodie Foster.. or was it? I hate my brain, it never works when its meant to!

Oh I remember and it wasn't this list! smiley - doh
Its ok, Im going away now! smiley - laugh


Great Gay Game

Post 310


It was a pub quiz question. If I would have gotten it my friend would have won 8 pints (There were 4 of us on the team, she was the only person who drinks alcohol)

Great Gay Game

Post 311

Mikeo the gregarious

I thought we already got Jodie Foster on this list?! (Surprisingly, I can't remember the details of the lists I compiled ...) smiley - erm

Great Gay Game

Post 312

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Not to worry Mikeo, I wasn't thinking of Jodie Foster, Im sure shes been mentioned.. I was thinking of Anastacia for the other list!
Ignore me and I'll go away!

There must be more! What will the next thread be when we've named everyone?

Honestiago: You have Litchick's number? she'd have asked me for you, Iknow thats technically cheating but it was hardly 'Who wants to be a millionaire' was it?! smiley - laugh

smiley - rainbow

Great Gay Game

Post 313

Mikeo the gregarious

I think Jodie Foster *is* in the list ... that's OK. smiley - smiley As for Anastacia, well, she's been interviewed by Attitude for their 'How Gay Are You?' quiz (and got 79 out of 100), so I think she'd be great for the other list ... put her in! smiley - rainbow

Great Gay Game

Post 314


I don't have litchick's number, I haven't spoken to her in ages, she doesn't appear on Talk Buffy that often these days, it's a real shame

Great Gay Game

Post 315

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Mikeo: Maybe we should comtemplate her for this list then?! smiley - laugh

Honestiago: Sorry, I thought you had her number, I get confused as to who she speaks to away from here. She's been working so hard recently, poor smiley - bunny all work at no play with her at the mo.

Great Gay Game

Post 316

Mikeo the gregarious

Hi everyone! smiley - rainbow

It's been a while since we last had a go at this game (or the 'Wish you were queer' one) ... I can think of about a dozen or so new people for this list (all out of Gay Times and Attitude), so does anyone want to put some of them down before I claim all the points? smiley - winkeye

Great Gay Game

Post 317

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hi Mikeo, long time no see! How's life?

Please go ahead and claim the points - it might jog my memory too.

There's been nobody new in the local magazine, DNA, for absolute ages. The latest issue is full of people I've *never* heard of before.

Great Gay Game

Post 318

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Sorry but I have to be a saddo and name (because I can't think of anyone else) Kitten, Marco, Dan, Emma, Michelle, Nadia from the UK Big Brother 5 series. ( http://channel4.com/bigbrother ) and what a motley crue they are smiley - erm

Great Gay Game

Post 319


Also Jason.

Great Gay Game

Post 320

Mikeo the gregarious

I agree about most of those Big Brother 5 people, but Emma and Michelle? smiley - erm Why would they qualify for this list? (Sorry, not been watching BB5 as avidly as I should.)

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