
I'm just a little crazy. silly I live in New Zealand in a medium size town (for this country). ufo I have also lived in a place that barely qualifies as a village and two large cities, one of which is covered with this grey stuff called smog. I come from a large family. artist geek chef jester Both my grandmas had a dozen siblings, and one of my grandpas had about five. But strangely enough both of my parents had only one sibling. hug I love words and consequently reading and writing. I don't know which came first. I love finding out odd pieces of information, like the fact that humans have a blind spot which their mind just fills in for them. cdouble I am a bit embarrased flustered to say that when I was a kid I used to read the dictionary. Not because I was in detention but because I ENJOYED it. weird Hmmm. What a way to kill conversation. erm I've just been appointed keeper of dribbly pets ant bat cat bunny dog chick blacksheep fish and their owners weird since no one has told me not to laugh Well that is all about me. You'll probably find me roaming the alternative writing entries as there is nothing I like better then a good joke. laugh I am very erratic when it comes to spending time here, so if I don't reply it's not because I don't like you, it's because I have done my disappearing act. Again.
Oh, and I make delicious puddings! cake cheesecake choc cupcake donut strawberries toffeeapple
P.S My previous names have been: Talaya, Swooshy Mooshy Cooshy (this was my favourite but I get bored quickly :-) ) and Swoosh famous pudding maker of the south. :-)


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Swoosh - maker of puddings, keeper of dribbly pets, known for disappearing frequently

Researcher U200610


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