I live at Shortland, which is on the edge of Hexham Swamp, on the outskirts of Newcastle, New South Wales, which everybody knows is in Australia. To relax I paint in oils, read anything, and enjoy cryptic crosswords (usually the local newspaper, they are easier!). To unrelax I am interested in ornithology, apiculture, history, all aspects of natural history, plant propagation - mainly herbs, which I sell at a local market and internet interloping.
My teeth are getting long, my sight is getting short, my hearing is getting hard, and my joints are getting stiff but I don’t believe I’m getting old. I have two children, eight grandchildren, two corgi dogs (girls) and a garden full of weeds. My neighbors see my garden as a mess; I see it as valuable habitat! Our garden is the home to lizards, large and small, many species of birds and we are visited by the odd snake. Each day when I have nothing better to do I watch the sunset behind the distant mountains as I enjoy a cup of tea and swat the mosquitoes.
Why ‘lugworm’? For a period of my life I dug lugworms for a living at Blakeney, Norfolk. Hard yakka, believe me!
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NEW YEAR 2016 | No Posting | Jan 6, 2016 |
Belated...! | No Posting | Mar 21, 2015 |
Sacroiliac joint pain | No Posting | May 1, 2014 |
Easter Sunday | No Posting | Apr 20, 2014 |
Spring bouncing | No Posting | Apr 11, 2014 |
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