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This page contains an archive for work done by Paigetheoracle which has appeared in The Post.

A misty morning in Scotland

27.05.19 Down to the Roots
27.05.19 Flotsam or Jetsam?
27.05.19 House Mouse
03.06.19 Road Kill
10.06.19 Vampires
17.06.19 Cannibal Market
24.06.19 Back Seat Driver
01.07.19 Shock
08.07.19 Almost Human (1)
15.07.19 Almost Human (2)
22.07.19 The Lamentation of Job (1)
29.07.19 The Lamentation of Job (2)
05.08.19 A Close Shave
12.08.19 Stairway to Heaven (I)
26.08.19 Stairway to Heaven (II)
26.08.19 Cave Canem
02.09.19 Stairway to Heaven (III)
09.09.19 Just Another Groundhog Day (I)
09.09.19 I Forget
16.09.19 Just Another Groundhog Day (II)
23.09.19 Here Be Masons
23.09.19 Scottish-Italian Cuisine
30.09.19 Rover in Hiding
07.10.19 Suzie Q's Heart Is Not in the Highlands
07.10.19 Finally, a Landscape
14.10.19 Factoid Fred: The Fungus Among Us
14.10.19 Ready for Halloween
21.10.19 Factoid Fred: Jock McSporran, Highland Correspondent
28.10.19 Factoid Fred Visits Beauly Priory
04.11.19 Yankee Pier
04.11.19 Splodget Dire!
04.11.19 Living in Style in Scotland: Historical Edition
11.11.19 The Flying Bookshop
18.11.19 Stumped
18.11.19 No Sneezing After 8 pm
25.11.19 Pain in the Neck (I)
25.11.19 Factoid Fred Admires Tain Church from the Outside
02.12.19 Flat for Sale
02.12.19 Pain in the Neck (II)
02.12.19 Factoid Fred and the Drovers' Monument
09.12.19 Pain in the Neck (III)
16.12.19 A Load of Old Twaddle
16.12.19 Faithful Dog
16.12.19 Factoid Fred's Fact-Free Shed
16.12.19 Roadside Inspirational
23.12.19 Ashburger's Syndrome (I)
23.12.19 Shelter
30.12.19 Ashburger's Syndrome (II)
06.01.20 Gnarled Wonder
06.01.20 Voluntary Dog
13.01.20 Noticing Nature
13.01.20 Pipe-Laying Ship
20.01.20 Factoid Fred and the Covenanters
20.01.20 Goodbye, Cruel World
20.01.20 Winter Walk
27.01.20 Life Is a Beach
27.01.20 Factoid Fred and the Dingwall Dingus
03.02.20 Local Archaeology with Factoid Fred
03.02.20 Tangled Web
03.02.20 Prof Twaddle Speaks Again
10.02.20 Factoid Fred Looks Up
10.02.20 Dear Customer
10.02.20 Technology sub specie aeternitatis
10.02.20 A Meeting of Minds
17.02.20 Factoid Fred's Shelter Poem
17.02.20 Factoid Fred's Shelter Archaeology
17.02.20 The Flying Scotsman
17.02.20 Derricks
24.02.20 Factoid Fred Meets Suzy Q
24.02.20 Obligatory Tree
24.02.20 It's a Sign: Cleanup Reveal
02.03.20 Factoid Fred Among the Vampire Deer
02.03.20 How to Point a Camera
02.03.20 What's a Pollard Cinder?
02.03.20 Pilgrimage to Julian of Norwich
02.03.20 Quarry
09.03.20 Factoid Fred Finds a Mural
09.03.20 Comedy Team
16.03.20 Obligatory Tree
16.03.20 Factoid Fred's Archaeology: The Nissen Hut
16.03.20 Factoid Fred's Inside Look: The Underpass
16.03.20 Poetry Lessen
23.03.20 It's a Sign: More Instructions
23.03.20 Addams Family Tree
30.03.20 Child of Chucky
30.03.20 Factoid Fred's Frogspawn Folly
30.03.20 All the Way Up
30.03.20 A Tree Falls, But Not in Brooklyn
30.03.20 Woodland Sculpture
30.03.20 Hexagonal Rock
06.04.20 Tree Root
06.04.20 A Sad Sight
06.04.20 Girnal
06.04.20 Natural Wood Carving
13.04.20 Face of the Times
20.04.20 Factoid Fred's Garden
20.04.20 Down by the Burn
27.04.20 It's a Sign, Unfortunately
27.04.20 Factoid Fred's Climate Blog
27.04.20 Leftovers
27.04.20 At the Existentialist Cafe, by Sarah Bakewell
04.05.20 And Now, for Something Completely Different
04.05.20 Off the Beaten Track
11.05.20 Gated Community
11.05.20 Crocodile Rocks
18.05.20 A Good Year for Gorse
18.05.20 Tree-in-Wall Illusion
25.05.20 Art Object: Snail
25.05.20 Garden with Bells On
01.06.20 Down the Rabbit Hole
08.06.20 For Jane, Wherever She May Be
08.06.20 Corkscrew Walk, Alness
08.06.20 Kildary Loch
15.06.20 Trick of the Light
22.06.20 Ye Flowers of Scotland
22.06.20 The Lesser Blue Sock Bird
22.06.20 It's a Sign: Mystery Shot
29.06.20 Pareidolia Theatre
06.07.20 Slugging It Out
13.07.20 New Growth
13.07.20 The Man Who Shouldn't Be There
13.07.20 Burning Ambition
20.07.20 Factoid Fred and the Moveable Fair Rock
27.07.20 Factoid Fred and the Mysterious Pillbox
27.07.20 Colony X
27.07.20 Factoid Fred and the Oil Rig
03.08.20 Window Keeper-Opener
03.08.20 Mystery Flower of the Week
10.08.20 Factoid Fred and the Time Machine
17.08.20 Factoid Fred Discovers Local Art
24.08.20 Factoid Fred Finds a Message
24.08.20 Waymarker
24.08.20 Mystery Roadkill of the Week
24.08.20 It's a Sign: Don't Sit Here
24.08.20 Skyscape
31.08.20 h2g2 Photography
31.08.20 Obligatory Tree: Embrace
31.08.20 Factoid Fred's Refurbished Bird Table
07.09.20 Factoid Fred's Tain Walk
14.09.20 Factoid Fred Yells at Gulls
14.09.20 If This Is the Question, What's the Answer?
14.09.20 Cobweb Tracks
14.09.20 Crabs
14.09.20 Peekaboo
21.09.20 Factoid Fred Studies Military History
21.09.20 Crabby
21.09.20 Ghost Plane
28.09.20 Cows Make a Mood
28.09.20 Kick the Door
12.10.20 Factoid Fred Studies the Spitfire
12.10.20 Factoid Fred's Report from the Highlands
12.10.20 Factoid Fred Explains Locks
12.10.20 Flower of Scotland
19.10.20 Factoid Fred Views a Trestle Bridge
19.10.20 Proper Use
26.10.20 Factoid Fred Finds (Lots of) Lobster Pots
26.10.20 Perfect Walk
02.11.20 Factoid Fred's Ship Comes In
02.11.20 Title the Mural
09.11.20 Factoid Fred, Shore-Watcher
09.11.20 Window Artistry
23.11.20 Factoid Fred, Shore-Watcher: The Shelled Beach
23.11.20 Spootie Well
30.11.20 Factoid Fred Muses on a Bus with an Identity Crisis
07.12.20 It's a Sign: FYI
07.12.20 Factoid Fred Studies Some Interesting Rocks
14.12.20 Factoid Fred Visits the Pet Sematary
28.12.20 Christmas Decorations in Scotland
04.01.21 Greetings from Scotland
25.01.21 Something to Crow About
01.02.21 The Shop Front That Isn't
08.02.21 The Icehouse That Wasn't
15.02.21 Cracked Ice
15.02.21 Flume and Salmon Eggs
15.02.21 Tanglewood Tales
15.02.21 Snow-Covered Mountains
22.02.21 Photoessay About Ice
22.02.21 Cormorant Rocks
22.02.21 Freezing at Ground Level
22.02.21 Dramatic Scotland
01.03.21 Dry Dock
01.03.21 Ane Corbie
22.03.21 Here's Mud in Your Eye
29.03.21 More Eggs
29.03.21 Highland Lizard
29.03.21 The Wall, a Photoessay
05.04.21 Not a Mine Entrance
12.04.21 Gone Fishing
12.04.21 Sign of the Times?
19.04.21 Another Gaping Hole
19.04.21 In Search of Frogspawn
19.04.21 Natural Scupture
19.04.21 Picturesque
19.04.21 Tech? No!
03.05.21 Knitted Architecture
06.03.23 Sunrise Over Averson Road, Alness, Scotland
13.03.23 Purple Dawn
20.03.23 High Tide at Tain
20.03.23 Lichen Fall
27.03.23 Snow Again at Kildary Loch
27.03.23 We Need an Archaeologist
27.03.23 Coastal Erosion
27.03.23 Cromarty
27.03.23 Mystery Object
27.03.23 Signs of Spring - Frogspawn
03.04.23 Ducks Were Here
03.04.23 Hobbit House in the White Forest
03.04.23 The Hunt is On!
03.04.23 The Water Birds are Shy in Scotland
10.04.23 Eye of the Beholder
10.04.23 Newly-Formed Lake, Embo, Sutherland, Scotland
17.04.23 Luna the Dog Inspects
17.04.23 Oil Rig at Cromarty
17.04.23 Teanninich
17.04.23 Tree, Root, Stone
17.04.23 Spot the Dog
24.04.23 Caption Challenge: Tired
24.04.23 Cattle Trough
24.04.23 Marsh Vista
24.04.23 Neglected Picnic
24.04.23 Picturesque Ruin
24.04.23 Spring Still Life
01.05.23 An Argument About Toads
01.05.23 Another Near Miss
01.05.23 Down by the Riverside
01.05.23 In a Cowslip's Bell I Lie
01.05.23 Small Fry
08.05.23 Manny Faces of Life
08.05.23 Another Lost Dabchick
15.05.23 Merganser
15.05.23 Heron
15.05.23 Snail Tracks
15.05.23 Video: Pipes in Alness
22.05.23 Coastal Flooding
22.05.23 Video: Practice Makes Perfect
29.05.23 Ship Approach
29.05.23 Diary of a Highland Dogwalker
05.06.23 Camouflaged Heron
05.06.23 Yarnbombed Bicycle
12.06.23 Angry Bird, Scotland
12.06.23 The Mural on Averon Road
19.06.23 Freshwater Snails
19.06.23 Luna Makes a Splash
19.06.23 Stalking the Mallard Family
19.06.23 Peacock Butterfly
19.06.23 Your Way
26.06.23 Channel Makers
26.06.23 This Way to...
26.06.23 Is Anybody There?
26.06.23 Stalking Fish
03.07.23 Toadlets
10.07.23 Sailing Ship, Invergordon
10.07.23 Tain Hill Walk
10.07.23 Evidence of...
17.07.23 Barnacle Rock
17.07.23 New Ship
24.07.23 Pop Culture Reimaginings
31.07.23 It's a Sign: March of the London Scottish
07.08.23 Peacock Butterfly
07.08.23 Welcome to Beccles
07.08.23 A Poem About Diss
07.08.23 These Are Signs: Diss
07.08.23 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Diss and Were Afraid You Would Have to Read on a Street Sign
07.08.23 And Now, an Actual Street in Norwich
14.08.23 Area 51?
14.08.23 Geldeston
14.08.23 These Are Signs - Welcome to the Pub
14.08.23 Red Admiral
21.08.23 Blackberries
21.08.23 Flint
21.08.23 Beccles House
21.08.23 On the Broads
21.08.23 Sighting
21.08.23 Accident Aftercare
21.08.23 Spot the Dragonfly
28.08.23 Father Ignatius
28.08.23 Norwich Tower
28.08.23 Portrait of Julian
28.08.23 Thomas Anguish
28.08.23 Norwich View
04.09.23 It's a Sign: Earth to Geldeston
04.09.23 Star Trek Tribute
04.09.23 It's a (Suspect) Sign
11.09.23 It's a Sign: Warning, Dog Glurge
11.09.23 Inverness Mosaic
11.09.23 It's a Sign: Inverness Paving Stones
18.09.23 Autumn Sky, Shandwick
18.09.23 Low Water
18.09.23 Mein Schiff 3
18.09.23 String of Geese
25.09.23 Crab Shell Musings
25.09.23 What Are You Feeding That Dog?
25.09.23 A Visit to the Seaside (Poem)
25.09.23 Enough
02.10.23 Dornoch Firth
02.10.23 The Moorhen That Got Away
09.10.23 Helicopter Seeds
09.10.23 Nigg, from Cromarty Sutor
09.10.23 On a Clear Day You Can See Dornoch Firth
09.10.23 Picturesque Cromarty
09.10.23 The Mists of Autumn
16.10.23 Heather on the Hill
16.10.23 Mystery Caterpillar
16.10.23 Mystery Minerals
16.10.23 Mystery Toads
16.10.23 Shillinghill Park
16.10.23 Spooky Season's Greetings
16.10.23 Unusual Nature
16.10.23 Windy Business
23.10.23 Geese Getting It Together
23.10.23 The Silver Birch, or, This is Not a Shrunken Head
23.10.23 Flooding in Scotland
23.10.23 Mystery Mushrooms
30.10.23 Unconfirmed Hotel, and Other Curiosities
30.10.23 Whoso Pulleth This Sword from This Stone. . .
30.10.23 A Virtual Visit to Cadboll Chapel Site
30.10.23 Mysterious Beach Stone
30.10.23 Bolete Fungus
30.10.23 Air Kayaking, Part II
06.11.23 Focus on Art: Dystopia II
06.11.23 Focus on Art: Flowerpot Illusion
06.11.23 How High's the Water?
06.11.23 Flooding on the River Averon
06.11.23 Colours of Russula Mushrooms
13.11.23 The Gods Look Down
13.11.23 Totemic Planter, Scotland
13.11.23 The Things We Learn
13.11.23 Strange Chestnut Tree
13.11.23 Picturesque Log Jam
20.11.23 Artistic Voyager
20.11.23 Comparative Framing
20.11.23 The Daleks Meet Yog Soggoth
27.11.23 Seaweed
27.11.23 Spot the Birds
27.11.23 White Lichen
27.11.23 View from Fyrish
27.11.23 Curlew
04.12.23 Morning Sun
04.12.23 Weir Damage
11.12.23 Luna Helps Clear the Footpath
11.12.23 Luna Surveys Weir Damage
18.12.23 Twelve Days of Scottish Christmas
18.12.23 Nairn, Scotland, Has Witty Knitters, Too
18.12.23 Slow Flooding in Scotland
25.12.23 Cormorant
25.12.23 Mass Migration
01.01.24 River Rising
01.01.24 The Ducks of Tain
01.01.24 Luna in Jurassic Park
08.01.24 Harbour Lighthouse
08.01.24 Workmen on the Weir
22.01.24 Fog in Water
22.01.24 Fog Study
29.01.24 Mood on Rubbish Day
29.01.24 Whose Woods These Are, We Do Not Know
29.01.24 Charlie's, Inverness
29.01.24 Icy Beauty
05.02.24 Outside-In Reflection
05.02.24 Sir Peregrine de Falcon
05.02.24 Snowy Beach
05.02.24 Winter Sunrise
05.02.24 Winter Walk
12.02.24 Winter Wonderland
19.02.24 Highland Weather Report: Early February Edition
19.02.24 Snowdrops and Possible Daffodils
26.02.24 Flooded Field
26.02.24 It's a Sign: Mixed Signals
04.03.24 Bad Weather Returns
11.03.24 Flooded Meadow
18.03.24 RNLI Lifeboat
18.03.24 Rabbit Patrol
18.03.24 Lenticular Clouds Over Scotland
25.03.24 Fish Photo Analysis
25.03.24 Redwing
25.03.24 Winter Lake
01.04.24 Art at My Feet
01.04.24 Geese on the Ground
01.04.24 Lichens: The Montage
01.04.24 My Name Is Ozzy, Prepare to Die
01.04.24 Wind Turbines: The Video
01.04.24 Sand Patterns
01.04.24 Spot the Amphibians
08.04.24 Dr Bell's Legacy
08.04.24 Environmental Impact Assessment
08.04.24 Picturesque Destruction
15.04.24 Weather Report: Scotland
22.04.24 Hippity-Hoppity
22.04.24 Spying on the Neighbours
22.04.24 Vernal Wood
29.04.24 Tidal Flood
29.04.24 Tidal Flooding with Luna
06.05.24 Misty Morning Mountains
13.05.24 Beach Flowers
13.05.24 Tadpoles and Newts
13.05.24 Dead Trees
27.05.24 Fish May Safely Swim
27.05.24 Yellow Scrub Machine
03.06.24 More Ornamental Wood
10.06.24 Beach Poppies
10.06.24 On the Beach
17.06.24 Fyrish with Cloud Cover
24.06.24 Beach Finds
24.06.24 Dingwall, Wool-Bombed
01.07.24 Clouds and a Circus
01.07.24 Peekaboo Tree
01.07.24 Upside-Down Broom
01.07.24 Collage of Thoughts
08.07.24 Clunes House
08.07.24 Luna in the Doorway
15.07.24 How to Stalk Sparrows
15.07.24 Scottish Orchids
15.07.24 Sea Urchins
15.07.24 Lenticular
15.07.24 Spot the Tadpoles
22.07.24 Adventures of Luna: Human Shell Game
22.07.24 Mushrooming Discussion
22.07.24 Log Ness Monster
29.07.24 Arion Ater
29.07.24 Lesser Garden Gnome
29.07.24 Luna and Max
29.07.24 Mutual Admiration
29.07.24 Six-Spotted Burnet
05.08.24 Peacock Butterfly Caterpillar
05.08.24 Flowers on the Averon
05.08.24 Foxglove
05.08.24 High Tide Aftermath, Tain
05.08.24 Hollyhocks
05.08.24 Luna Explores the Woods
05.08.24 Unidentified Water Beetle
05.08.24 Emotionally Immature Parents (Book Review)
12.08.24 Escaping Toadlet
12.08.24 Flax, Dingwall
12.08.24 Garve Falls
12.08.24 Garve Falls Closeups
12.08.24 Obligatory Dog: Bathing Beauty Photo Op
12.08.24 Okay, Now We're Getting Meteorologically Proprietary
19.08.24 Resting Heron
19.08.24 Fireweed
19.08.24 Mystery Caterpillar
19.08.24 Ragwort
19.08.24 Tommy's Junkyard Car
19.08.24 Common Lizard
26.08.24 What to Do If You Find a Gull Nest on Your Roof (and Other Gull-Related Conundra)
26.08.24 Pondskater
26.08.24 Luna the Investigator
26.08.24 Artistic Littering
26.08.24 Art Installation
26.08.24 A Frog Friend
02.09.24 Tall Treek Walk, Reelig Glen
02.09.24 The Dragonfly That Sat Still for a Minute
09.09.24 Burrowing Bee Colony
09.09.24 Troughs and Fences
09.09.24 Untitled (Poem)
16.09.24 Arboretum, Milton Village
16.09.24 Auldie Burn, with Toadlets
16.09.24 Butterwort and Sundew
16.09.24 Highway Visitor
16.09.24 Irish Love Rock
23.09.24 Coloured Nettle
23.09.24 Heron by the River
23.09.24 Queen Mary II
30.09.24 Auldie Burn, Autumn
07.10.24 Good Weather for Toads
07.10.24 Good Weather for Lizards, Too
07.10.24 Tattie Harvest Season
07.10.24 Natal Gardens, Invergordon
07.10.24 Oil Rig, Cromarty
14.10.24 Green Crab
14.10.24 Must Be Haunted, Don't You Think?
21.10.24 Paige the Tracker
21.10.24 It's a Sign: Thoughts About Water from Alness, Scotland
28.10.24 Border Patrol
04.11.24 Mud Flats at Yankee Pier (Video)
04.11.24 Pareidolia Puzzle of the Week
04.11.24 Off to the Ploughing Competition
04.11.24 More Creepy Flotsam
11.11.24 Mystery Insect of the Week
11.11.24 Water Birds Along the Dingwall Canal
11.11.24 Beautiful Leaf, Dingwall
18.11.24 Scottish Cellular Clouds
18.11.24 Swans By the Sea
25.11.24 A Famous Shed
25.11.24 Autumn Leaf
25.11.24 Autumn Leaves
25.11.24 Hercules the Bear
25.11.24 Holiday Cottage, North Uist
25.11.24 To a Mouse
02.12.24 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
02.12.24 It's a Sign: No Parking at High Tide
09.12.24 After the Storm
09.12.24 High Tide at Tain
09.12.24 Shelter from the Storm I
09.12.24 Shelter from the Storm II
09.12.24 Rain Poem
09.12.24 Winter Sea Walk
09.12.24 A Troop of Ducks
16.12.24 Walk on the wilder Side
16.12.24 Apothecary at Tain
16.12.24 Seabirds at Hilton
23.12.24 Crow Show
30.12.24 Assorted Ducks
30.12.24 Dog, Road, Frost
30.12.24 Festive Landscape
06.01.25 Frost Contrasts
13.01.25 Dipper
13.01.25 Fresh Snow
13.01.25 Oil Rig I
13.01.25 Oil Rig II
13.01.25 Who Was Tom Morris?
20.01.25 Many Little Bird Feet Were Here
20.01.25 Heavy Snow, Scotland
20.01.25 Icicles in the River
27.01.25 Eternity in a Box (Poem)
27.01.25 (Cold) Water Under the Bridge
27.01.25 Frozen
27.01.25 Icy River
27.01.25 Nudie Cutie
27.01.25 Scottish Sunrise
10.02.25 The Inquisitive Dog Walker
17.02.25 Rock on Hilton Beach
17.02.25 Oh, Good - More Rocks
17.02.25 Red Sand

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