Factoid Fred and the Post Editor: Unrecognised Comedy Team
Created | Updated Mar 8, 2020
Factoid Fred and the Post Editor: Unrecognised Comedy Team
![A sea mine. A sea mine.](https://h2g2.com/h2g2/blobs/post_PTO_sea_mine.jpg)
The conversation went like this:
Paige: Mine how you go.
Editor: What the heck is that thing?
Paige: A sea mine. Watch a few British films of World War Two, where ships are ploughing through the waves and the cry goes up 'mine!' (no, yours!)
Editor: Ah, thanks! For some reason, British WW2 films aren't high on my list of entertainment.
Paige: Spiffing, old chap, what?
You won't get any more history from us today.