Welcome to my space, have a cheesecake and a drink, and feel free to lurk around.
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The end of my w*rking years
Now I can do whatever I like!
If it is readable in

?? WHOAMI ??
I now call myself
Misspellings recorded: Marjin (now official) Marijin Marjun |
Marjin |
![]() | Emoticon Competition Winner November ![]() ![]() |
and I still go on living in the Netherlands.
I am at least twice a true researcher:
1+7*8-8-3-4 = -1-7+8+8+34 = 42
About 30 years ago I graduated in experimental physics at the university of Utrecht. This (the physics, not the city) may explain why I meddle in physical and mathematical discussions.
Also I am a science fiction fan, and a collector in my mind of interesting but seemingly useless bits of knowledge.
If you have a question about this great site or just
want to say hello then I will look forward to
hearing from you.
A coffee or bubbly will be waiting... If you can catch it!
Usefull links
As I liked just helping people more that racing around
The following Researchers have also joined the Gurus. These wonderful people are completely voluntary, and they answer your questions in their free time, so please be nice to them if you see them. You can either leaves messages of praise or thanks below on individual Gurus' Personal Spaces - use the drop-down menu to find them.
![]() |
If you want to know more about the GURUs, visit The GURUs homepage
The badge below is a reminder from the time I was an ACE, or Assistent Community Editor.Because there seemed to be too many ACEs

The following Researchers are members of the Aces. These wonderful people are completely voluntary, and they help out in their free time, so please be nice to them if you see them. You can either leaves messages of praise or thanks below, or on individual Aces' Personal Spaces - use the drop-down menu to find them.
![]() |
If you want to know more about the Aces, visit The ACES homepage
I am also a'Keeper of things in places that my wife wants to keep empty and clean'.
So there is

Other badges I collected somewhere
UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker | ![]() | ||||||||||||
Help write the history books of h2g2 at ![]() |
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of the Greebo Appreciation Society | |||||||||||||
| waiting to be filled |
Guardian Angel
Wishing for someone to help you, guide you, watch over you?Just select an angel at random.
This list looks better in internet exploder
Or if you rather want to look for a specific one, select one from the list.
Meet the active h2g2 Guardian AngelsGuardian Angels Home Page GOD-Almighty Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan - PS of Weekendism Archangel Bruce - PS of the Pixely Challenged Archangel Dr Justin - PS of Paper Cuts Archangel Dragonfly - PS of Muses Archangel Fashion Cat - PS of Indolent Students Archangel Galaxy Babe - PS of Tantrums Archangel Kes - PS of Lost Poets Archangel Marjin - PS of Lost Towels Archangel Silly Willy - PS of Silly Names Archangel Titania - PS of Mythical Characters Archangel Tweetie - PS of Impossible Escapes Archangel Zax* - PS of Alcoholic Indulgence Herald of Heaven - Saint Skenvoy - PS of Computer Games Saint {CK}Psycho Monkey - PS of Monkeys Saint Acidbath - PS of Bus Drivers Saint Alicat - PS of Good Taste Saint Apollo - PS of Retired and Forgotten Gods Saint Arutha - PS of Personal Magnetism Saint Bassman - PS of Flight Simulation Saint broelan - PS of Divorcees Saint Caelestis - PS of All Things Aeronautical Saint Casey-Sweetheart - PS of Singing in the Car/Shower/Rain Saint Chauncey - PS of Literature Saint Cheese - PS of Long Lunches Saint Clelba - PS of Chocolate Cats Saint cloughie - PS of Flying Pigs Saint Cybercat - PS of Poems and Stories Saint Dancer - PS of Making People Feel Good About Themselves Saint Darth Zaphod - PS of Dragons Saint Dastardly - PS of Things With Fangs Saint Dax - PS of Goodheartedness Saint Demon Drawer - PS of Disillusioned Visionaries Saint Deus Ex Machina - PS of Unexpected Suprises Saint Diablos - PS of Goths Saint Doctor John - PS of Chemically Challenged Saint Don Alfredo - PS of Family Business Saint Dorian Grey - PS of Lesser Demons and Hermetic Beings Saint Dragon Lord - PS of Self Pity Saint Egon, the 745.3rd Count of Bratislava - PS of Vodka Saint Em - PS of the Lucky Charms Saint Emily Ultramarine - PS of Aestheticism Saint Friar - PS of Lost Puppies Saint Gaia Forestwalker - PS of Doodling and Comics Saint Galen - PS of Crew Saint Ghia - PS of Nipples Saint Goshoogoshoogosh - PS of Barry Manilow Saint Happysuggs - PS of Misdemeanors Saint Hathornefer - PS of Chance and Red Tape Saint Hatifnat - PS of Homeless Houseplants Saint His Devine Shadow - PS of Warriors and Explosions Saint Hussassan - PS of Eternal Darkness Saint Ihrsjad - PS of Wandering Nomads Saint Inkwash - PS of Two-legged felines Saint Ioreth - PS of Happy Accidents Saint Jenny & Fred the Cheese - PS of the Fantastically Creative Saint Jeremy FS JJB - PS of Asymmetric Hydrochronology Saint Jester - PS of Village Idiots Saint jimmiejaz - PS of Nadsat Fashion Saint Jon Quixote - PS of MoonMonkeys Saint Juno - PS of Ham Sandwiches Saint Killer Queen - PS of The Space Behind Sofas Saint Kristina - PS of Duende Saint Lady Elly - PS of the Wrong Foot Saint Lady of the Lake - PS of Single Parents Saint Leopardskinfynn - PS of Star Crossed Lovers Saint LePerdyMonkee - PS of the Selectively Ignored Saint Lil - PS of Graphic Detail Saint LittleMissFordPrefect - PS of ...(DotDotDot) Saint Margaret B - PS of Wishing stars Saint Midnight Angel - PS of Helpfulness Saint Miztres - PS of Lost Songs Saint Mystical Angel - PS of Silly Pole Dancers Saint Mystrunner - PS of Assassins and the Sunlight That Filters Through The Tree Leaves Saint Nameless - PS of Brevity Saint Neri Aracro - PS of Rain and Strawberries Saint Nessaja - PS of Pessimistic Aardvarks Saint Nightshade - PS of Four-Leaved Clovers Saint Nikki - PS of Bubbly Drinks and Daydreams Saint Nim the cat - PS of Intricate Complexes Saint Opti - PS of Devine Intervention Saint Ottox - PS of Danish Pastries Saint Pantherlady - PS of Kittens Saint Patrick - PS of Depression Saint Paul H - PS of Ragtime Vogon Poetry Saint Pegasus - PS of Procrastination Saint Pink Dandelion - PS of Artistically Arranged Foliage Saint poison_girl - PS of The Slacker Society Saint Rama - PS of People Who've Drunk Too Much Coffee Saint Rat - PS of Hard Travellin? Saint Redfish - PS of Aquatic Life Saint Romani Angel - PS of Crystals Saint Sabryn - PS of Freaks and Geeks Saint Sad, mad or bad? - PS of Introspection Saint Salem Saberhagen - PS of Indomitable Spirits Saint Schrödinger's Cat-flap - PS of Unusual Foods Saint sea - PS of the Easily Amused Saint Seraphina - PS of Lost Hearts Saint Sergeant Mushroom - PS of Biker Cats Saint Seven of Nine - PS of Empathy Saint she - PS of Tooth Fairies Saint Shea the Sarcastic - PS of the Klutzy Saint Sir Culdasac - PS of Duelling Saint Sir Drunken Death - PS of Brewers Saint Spook - PS of Sex and Doctor WHO Saint Stephanie - PS of Learning Saint Strangelittlegirl - PS of the Strange Saint Tar-Palantir - PS of Left-handers Saint Tartan~Totty - PS of Humour Saint Tashalls - PS of Normality Saint The Average Joe No One Ever Suspects - PS of Tacky Tourist Souveniers Saint The Librarian - PS of Dimensionally Challenged Saint The Theory - PS of the Snow Saint Tubaman - PS of Tuba Players Saint Underground Caroline - PS of the Terminally Starstruck Saint Wampus - PS of Apathy Saint Werekitty - PS of His Divine Shadow's Assassin Saint Where is the dreamer? - PS of Dreamers Saint Wowbagger - PS of Toons You Can Never Quite Recall Saint ZPhantom - PS of Learning REQUEST YOUR OWN GUARDIAN ANGEL The code for a list of this type
I myself am
Archangel Marjin - Patron Saint of Lost Towels
If you'd like to have your own Guardian Angel, or even become one yourself, check this page:
h2g2 Guardian Angels
You can find the complete list of Guardian Angels and their patronages at
Saint Peter's Roster
Muses and the Muse Home
As Muse of Bugs and other EnhancementsI invite you to visit H2G2's Musehome
If you are in need of a Muse, or maybe want to become one,
visit the Musehome Roster to see if you qualify.
Scapegoat service
Are you angry with someone
Want to blame someone for a stupidity of your own making

This is the solution for you, come to the H2G2 Scapegoat Service
The blame is ours.
Wilde Award winner
As the winner of the third Wilde Award I have the honor of being aMember of the H2G2 Academy of Wit and Eloquence
People I don't want to meet in RL
This list contains the people who I don't want to meet anywhere.Please try to stay out of it

People I don't want to meetNone as yet...The code for a list of this type
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Message to Volunteer - Marjin | Aug 3, 2012 |
Guru-age | Aug 17, 2011 |
Radio searching for Pheloxi's friends | Mar 12, 2010 |
A PGGB for you | Feb 6, 2008 |
Emails and spam filters ? | Jan 1, 2008 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
19/5/2020 GB is 20! | No Posting | Sep 30, 2024 |
Coupled up (GB) | No Posting | Jan 2, 2024 |
New job (GB) | No Posting | Jul 24, 2023 |
New family member | No Posting | May 15, 2023 |
Welcome to the world, Harrison Allan | No Posting | Oct 9, 2020 |
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- Pappy-isms - the Wisdom of the Aged
- The Opera Web Browser
- International Weather Wisdom
- The North Holland Youth Orchestra
- Science Fiction - Some Hard, Some Soft
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."