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A Greek man making wings, melting a candle in a castle tower with Icarus in the background
Castleford, YorkshireA tiger

Welcome to my space, make yourself at home and relax, this is a stress free and peaceful zone. May Love, Light and the Angels Always be with you.

Feel free to drop me a line or if you prefer you can email me at [email protected] I promise to reply asapsmiley -

Pentagram in a circle, two candles

smiley - discoDown the threads of the Ages before us comes knowledge. Now dawns the Age of Aquarius, for which mankind has long yearned, to bring love, light and hope to the World. This is the Age also of Crystal, a friend, teacher and tool for change and growth.smiley - disco

The signs of the zodiac

smiley - discoFor thousands of years, mankind has valued and cherished crystals: for their beauty, physical, astrological and spiritual properties. They have been regarded with awe by Wise men and Shamans from ancient times and throughout modern times alsosmiley - disco

Unicorns and a fairy tale

smiley - discoCrystals can assist us to use our ability to focus our mental energy for healing and telepathy. To communicate with our spiritual being, increasing our inner vibrations, amplifying and stimulating all our mental abilities, enabling us to heal ourselves, others and the Earthsmiley - disco

A wee cherub.

smiley - discoClear Quartz has the ability to amplify and transmit subtle vibrations. Quartz is the symbol of elemental wholeness, containing the four elements of creation. Fire, Earth, Water and Air it allows the passage of light. and is as beautiful as the world we live in. It also assists in the purification of air by absorbing positive ions and emitting negative ions.smiley - disco

The colours of the spectrum, refracted through a diamond

smiley - discoQuartz crystals are considered to be all purpose in their use, powerful tools for healing - in the rebalancing of spiritual energies at all levels of consciousness. Association with Quartz crystals assists the development of our entire being, bringing the white light within us. Reflecting white light crystals bring the gift of more light and positive energies to the aware.smiley - disco

A homage to Richard O'Brien and 'The Crystal Maze'

smiley - disco Quartz crystals assist us to amplify, focus, direct, transmit and store our bodily, mental and spiritual energies. Quartz can help to extend our aura, giving extra protection against negative energies and the effects of electromagnetic fields.smiley - disco

A little about myself, I'm a Spiritualist although no longer practising my developing mediumship, but I will now and then participate in open and closed circles. I would prefer to concentrate on Healing but unfortunately due to personal reasons not doing that either at this present time.

The SNU Seven Principles

1. The Fatherhood of God.

2. The Brotherhood of Man.

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.

4. The Continuous existence of the Human Soul.

5. Personal Responsibility.

6. Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on Earth.

7.Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul.

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St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

Researcher U203633

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