Sorry i was gone a little while...
currently residing at please drop in and say hi!! :D
New Guardian Angels | Church of the True Brownie | Church of Weekendism |
You have reached the *brand spanking new* homepage of
Saint Zax* the Ã…rchangel

*Patron Saint of
Drunken Indulgence (N.G.A)
the True Brownie (CotTB)
and Whatever (CoW)
It IS good to be home!
HI EVERYONE!! Gee i missed all of you!
so! what's new??
LOOOVE the look!
(i've checked in a few times over the last 2 years,
but never had time to really chat...)
Soooo? How've ya been??

This round's on me... there's plenty for everyone!
!!!!!!!!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!

----old pagemarker------------
My original massive page is non-compliant, so rather than try to adjust it, i figure it's time to do something new.
i don't plan on being around much, if at all,
but there should be SOMETHING here to mark the fact that once,
long ago,
there was a soul here who was given the very first patronage from 'GOD-almighty'.
yes, there should be SOMETHING to commemorate that.. but why bother?
SO.. Zax, the Archangel, Patron Saint of several things wuz here!
--update-- and now is again!;)
much love,
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
[no subject] | Apr 26, 2007 |
hi! | Aug 23, 2005 |
Bods two cents | Jul 16, 2005 |
Missing You... | Jun 26, 2005 |
Church of the True Weevil. | Aug 30, 2002 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Hmm... | Apr 24, 2000 | Jul 18, 2016 |
nano finished? | No Posting | Dec 1, 2011 |
mostly lazy day | No Posting | Nov 30, 2011 |
work work work | No Posting | Nov 29, 2011 |
Houston, we have the meaning of life | No Posting | Nov 28, 2011 |
Archangel Zax
Researcher U116730
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