Nice things about She!!!
Everything You Need To Know About She
A Kind Of Introduction
She is my favourite song by Greenday. Greenday being possibly the best band in the entire world if it werent for the red hot chili peppers. Two years ago i went to see greenday but dont ask me anything about it because I can't remember, and no I wasn't drunk/stoned. Honest.
She also happens to be my initials backwards, which is a bit odd and i didnt realise till last month
Anyhoo the reason your talking to me today (great experience I know ) is because one day I fell upon h2g2 while looking for something to do and decided to stick around. There must be something good about h2g2 because I've been here for about 2 years
Small Details
The Real World
Outside of h2g2
I have a few hobbies that I like to persue. These hobbies include: reading, writing my diary, kayaking, walking, hiking, canoeing, camping, raft building, watching films, hanging out with my friends, rangers, and listening to music. If you want to know anything about any of these topics just ask me.
At the moment I'm stuck doing my AS levels whilst also learning to drive , doing my gold duke of edinburgh award and the Queen's guide award.
Last year I went on this activity course for three weeks run by Outward Bound (I went on the outwardbound classic course) I would love to do it again because it was one of the best experiences of my life and I have made some of the strongest friendships I'm sure I will ever have. (I also great really bad sunburn, but on the plus side my tan still hasn't gone a year later!)
The World Of h2g2
Since joining h2g2 in the good old year of 2002 I have:
- become a guardian angel, I am know known as saint she patron saint of tooth fairies
If you'd like to take up the services of a guardian angel simply click here and if you want me to be your angel just leave me a message!
- I even made a house Redbrick take a visit, just don't expect it to be clean, I haven't been there in a while!
- I've even learnt how to use guide ml, and subsequently forgotten how to use it!
(clever me!)
- I'm a member of the spy society, so watch out I may have my eye on you!
- And I'm even an assassin
If you want to find me on h2g2, or even want to avoid me (you never know some people are like that - I don't understand it myself, I'm great!) heres a list of the places I hang out in!:
- Redbrick - my home on h2g2 come and visit and stay in one of the spare rooms.
- The Waterworks - ran by Bluebottle I mainly hang out in the swimming pool here! It's a lot of fun but to keep the
at bay please don't wear any swimming clothes e.g. bikini, swimming suit, trunks!!!
- since becoming an angel I've been hanging around in heaven, I would invite you to take a look but mere mortals like yourselves arent allowed, sorry!
- The spy society.
- The assassins guild enter with caution!
- If these dont sound like your thing why not go to the classified ads and see where that takes you!
Cool I just wrote all that! I'm sure I'll keep writing more so keep popping back to check!
And if you leave me a message I'm sure I'll get back to you soon!
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Happy 3rd Hootooversary! | Aug 22, 2005 |
Chocolat | Nov 2, 2004 |
Happy Birthday! | Sep 27, 2004 |
An Invitation for Saint She | Jun 23, 2004 |
Are you back? | May 8, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
[no subject] | No Posting | Yesterday |
Unrelated Word Game (challenge any possible links) | No Posting | Nov 18, 2020 |
The Public Toilets: The Gents | Sep 8, 2002 | Aug 11, 2020 |
Here we go again - Dr Anthea’s Christmas news letter | No Posting | Dec 14, 2019 |
Apologies for the absence | No Posting | Mar 27, 2019 |
saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin
Researcher U201081
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