Long lost
I haven't been here for a long time, and probably won't be back for a while either. Sorry. I've left my old personal space up for archival purposes, although it is now wildly inaccurate.
Fix here, ye overdated spheres,
That wing the restless foot of time.
—John Milton, poet
This isn't really saying anything, but it's a free world and if I want to say nothing, I will! (Think about it: how can you stop someone from doing nothing?)
Hey, guess what? I am now officially a Muse! YAY!!! (Flagrantly violating copyright laws...) My field of inspiration is Creative Psychology and Data Manufacture - so if ever you need a psychological theory which has no basis in fact, along with a set of believable yet entirely fabricated results to support it, call me! And what's more, likewise honours can be bestowed on you - just visit The Muse Home to find out how!
I am also Keeper of Nervous Maths, Impure Algebra and Computer Aided Entropy - in fact, I am possibly the only specialist in the entire world on CAE. (I'll give you a description soon, but I need to go now! ) You too can be a Keeper, if you want.
Quick Quote: I'd love to conform - my only problem is that everyone's a non-conformist!—Yours Truly.
By the way, Ms Books is my librarian at present, and she has wrote nothing at all in her space*. What an evil woman! Whoever* wrote that article about games to be played in the library has let the information leak to the wrong people... Noooooo!!!
And you would be well advised to have a look at my friend David's page - his name here is Insight, and he especially enjoys talking about divinity, physics and programming. If you get into a debate with him and start losing, mention 'homework' or 'revision' to him and he'll run for cover.
As for other friends, you can find Gregorai (private joke) and tell him to stop terrorising Christians/poking holes in belief systems/proving why your entire purpose in life is misguided or wrong. He is heretic scum and ought to be slapped!
If you have been here before, you will recall that I had a spiel about my Milton quote not appearing when it was placed outside of the body tag. Well, that was just silly of me. Anyway, it's here now, so enjoy and be cultured! Quote it to your friends and sound really clever and profound. (If you find the time, read 'Paradise Lost' - it's hard going, but well worth the effort. I DON'T recommend the Darbishire version, and instinctively mistrust any which distinguishes between emphatic and unemphatic pronouns... personally I think that the Everyman version is a good bet, and it has numerous translations for those who find that their Latin, Greek and Italian aren't quite up to Milton's standards. And the footnotes help a lot, too.)
(Is that maybe too much to put in brackets? Probably. )
Well, that's about it from me. Bye, fellow researchers!
Yours Truly,
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[no subject] | Nov 28, 2010 |
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'Sneal=ks in n pinches his bum' | Apr 13, 2006 |
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Jordan - anagrammatize this! | Oct 30, 2005 |
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Tell Us A Joke | May 19, 2004 | Dec 15, 2024 |
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time? | Dec 17, 2001 | Feb 20, 2021 |
Where can I find tardigrades? | No Posting | May 25, 2020 |
SEx: Why does it hurt | No Posting | May 14, 2020 |
Here we go again - Dr Anthea’s Christmas news letter | No Posting | Dec 14, 2019 |
Researcher U187234
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