Helloooo! I'm Nikki Patron Saint and keeper of Champagne and Fizzy Drinks and Daydreams and Nightmare Demons.Guardian Angel.angel

Yikes! I haven't been here for ages! Sorry for the long absence!

Welcome Friends, Romans....Aliens!
I'm a self-admitted film addict, but, really it's not my fault.
I play the guitar, mostly rock and blues but some classical pieces as well, I'm really in to the old stuff like Led Zeppelin and Bob Dylan.I like listening to music and reading lots of weird books (I'm a huge fan of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher) wizard and I love Shakespeare (especially the comedies),I also like hanging out with my friends (Little Miss Ford Prefect and Zaphod Beeblebrox). I live in little tiny Cornwall and love a new local band called The Hitchcock Rules.

artist I love art and and enjoy sketching and *ahem* "painting". My skills as a painter leave A LOT to be desired, my paintings - I'm told - would "look a lot better if I were partially sighted" !!! wah I'm even told that I'm incapable of drawing a wine glass, which is a bit sad as I'm keeper of champagne and fizzy drinks!! (Oh dear!) But mostly my figure work is good.

I watch vast amounts of T.V. (which is probably bad for me but I don't care!) I hate reality T.V. though (yes I know you disagree but I just can't stand it).

I'm professor of Dreamology at the University of White Mice (and yes I know that's a weird subject!) and I know scarily large amounts about mythology. With any luck I should be writing a guide entry on dream symbolism soon.

When it comes down to it I'm a bit of a hippy peacesign (my wardrobe largely consists of tie-dye stuff with funny sleeves) and I am well known for my slight insanity.....weird

DON'T PANIC... I'm mostly harmless!winkeye

Speak to ya soon
Have a drink on me!! bubblyalestout

Hope you're all having a cool time this summer!


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Nikki Patron Saint and Keeper of champagne and fizzy drinks and daydreams and nightmare demons, Guardian Angel

Researcher U178855


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