broelan - v6.5
last updated 7/12/15

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You can admire my photography skills on my gallery page, with information about all the pictures I've taken for Edited Guide Entries.
If you're casting about for something to read, check out everything I've ever written. Don't be scared, some of it's pretty fascinating stuff. Go on...In my multiple roles on h2g2 I portray
The Patron Saint of Divorcees | The Keeper of lower case i's | The UnderGuide Archivist | Miloso (Scout) | The Muse of Unfinished Fiction | Little Mischief | The Vice-Assistant-Minister of Appropriately Humiliating Those Who Deserve It | An UnderGuide Gem-Polisher and part-time Miner | a Princess of Balwyniti
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Despite the popular saying, it's not always about "Location Location Location"... If you're of a mind to write a guide entry on something else, I have some small experience in and may be able to help with the following subjects:1
Driving | Road Trips | Route 66 | Pizza Delivery | Security | the Midwestern US | Missouri and St Louis | Girl Scouting | Pregnancy | Parenting | Divorce | American Public Schools | NASCAR | Retail Sales | Owning a Rental | Home Improvement | Stained Glass Art
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Come on down the mines and spy some dusty (and some shiny) gems in the Alternative Writing Workshop.
Not sure what you're looking for? The Infinite Improbability Drive can find it for you. The possibilities are infinite...
Since I accidentally deleted my link to Ask when I cleaned things up, here's a link to The Lounge.
And since the Lounge is only available in Pliny (euwww!), here's the original link to Ask.
There are two keys to success: The first is "Don't tell anyone everything you know," and the second is
My super-hip list of Hip People has been relocated here.
do you =42?
I do! (1+5)*((5/(0-5))+8)=42
Visit The Myth of 42 and Argon0 will make your user number equal 42 too! He's only been stumped once!
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Nonsense verse; or the silliness of the iambs | No Posting | Dec 16, 2024 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."