What is the GR Manoeuvre?


The Manoeuvre, or Sweep, is an action performed by a researcher1, to post to the threads of entries in Peer Review which:

  • The author has 'left the building' - defined as not posting to h2g2 for two months or more.
  • Not meeting the Writing Guidelines.
  • Abandoned entries.
  • Entries which are good enough to be recommended, but have been buried under the sheer weight of the above.
  • Request by the author to remove if, if the 'remove' feature does not work.

There are several options:

  • Propose a move to the Flea Market, in the hope that someone will pick it up and rework it.
  • Propose a move to the Writing Workshops, in the hope that the author will stick around long enough to work on it.
  • Move to the entry itself if the content doen't meet the Writing Guidelines at all, and change doesn't appear to be forthcoming, either by the author's absence, or their steadfast refusal to change a single word.
  • Suggest a recommendation will occur soon, and that these things, as always, take time.

Non-volunteers can make a suggestion that an entry in PR can probably be moved out, but ultimately, it is the Scouts which can definitively do the Sweeping.

This open persona aims to centralise the Manoeuvre, and act as a non-vol researcher; whilst not having the power to remove per se, it can flag-up threads which need to be moved.

Why do we need to 'Centralise' it?

Centralising it to a single persona entitled 'The GR Manoeuvre' would hopefully bring it to the attention of Scouts or Italics far more effectively than if say, another distinguished researcher was to do the same. Also, it won't be mistaken for a fellow peer's comment on the entry, and hopefully, the thread will be moved out quicker.

The GR persona will be subscribed to every conversation in PR that is thought to be misplaced, so that a close eye can be kept on threads which look like they need to be moved.

But without the power to move it, what's the point?

The persona is not involved in the actual moving of threads, but the flagging-up of those which require moving. It is then up to any scouts around to consider whether it should be moved at all, and where to, if it does require moving.

Neutering it of any power also means that it won't be open to abuse - ie removing threads which are being worked on.

What does GR stand for?

GR is an abbreviation of Grim Reaper - commonly known as Death.

Reaping's hard work these days - no combine harvester here!

smiley - yukThat's so morbid - why on earth do you want to call the Manoeuvre that?

See here (post 132 for the first time it was referred to), and here for the reason why... As the Grim Reaper reaps souls, the h2g2 version will reap lost threads and take them over the River Goo (two please, and one OAP2) to the other side...

Ok - That sounds reasonable, how do I reap?

This is an open persona, so here are the instructions:

  1. Log out of your current persona.
  2. Go back to the front page and hit the 'login' link.
  3. Enter in the username field, grim_reaper (the underscore is important here) and the password field, peerreview.
  4. Post your proposal to whatever review thread you come across. Keep it friendly, though.
  5. Always sign off with your original persona. So, for instance, if a theoretical researcher called 'Dancing Penguin' were to reap an entry, DP would sign in as the Grim Reaper, write their proposal, and then sign off, 'From Dancing Penguin'.

You are now in to the GR Manoeuvre mode!

Now, find the thread that requires excursion out of the PR world, and post to it - no rudeness or vitriol, this is intended as a more clinical method of cleaning PR. If you find something that is outside the Guidelines but still deserves a greater audience then please contact either of The Post Office or AGG/GAG.

If you're a Scout then how about doing the following:

  1. Check all the conversations this identity is subscribed to. If there's a need for seconding a move (ie: anything apart from Flea Market destinations) then take a note for when you're back in your own identity.
  2. Post all FM and all seconded moves to the Scouts' eGroup.
  3. Unsubscribe the Grim Reaper from the threads that have been posted and moved. This way, the Reaper's conversation list shows which threads are up for a decision.

If, however, it is found that the persona is abused, then it will be deleted, either by Witty Ditty, or in the event that the password and username are changed, then by a formal request to the h2g2 Editors.


1Usually a scout, but sometimes another researcher.2An Eddie Izzard reference for those who don't know...


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The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

Researcher U198667


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