Dr Fynn
I guess this is the place online that I can truly call "mine"... so what to fill it with? Useless junk or tasteful Zen?Well, decided that I should really put some kind of indication as to who and what I am here, so here goes...

I'm also a member of The h2g2 Vegetarian Society
I'm apparently the Keeper of Information....to claim your Keeper title, go ask the lovely lady here
Feel in need of some medicine for the

Then meander over to The Temple of Love...
Fancy your own Temple? Feel in need of some strange worship? Then wander over to The Avenue of Small Gods young Paduan learner...
Here's my lightsaber...
Here are some links...
...because I know that I wont find them again otherwise...Dr Fynn's Medicine Rucksack
If you're here, then I expect you want to hear all about healthy stuff and how to fix yourself. If not, you'll listen to it anyway like the rest of those I work with have to.
Hmmm... where to start?

Here is a pretty good place to start I reckon. This stuff is really quite remarkable, very handy to have a bottle of the essential oil with you. You can use it neat (do a patch test first to make sure your skin is not too sensitve) for things like:
~ burns and scalds (after running the sore bit under cold water for a while). This oil is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic,sedative and de-toxifier which promotes healing and prevents scarring. Lavender stimulates the cells of a wound to regenerate more quickly. You can use this oil for sunburn, although I would reccomend mixing it with some ALOE VERA GEL first, to help soothe frazzled skin.
~ helps to alleviate the effects of clinical shock
~ helps deal with the psychological shock of injury
~ mood tonic and anti-depressant
~ insect bites: use neat to soothe and help stop the itching. Also will help clean the bite
~ headaches: use a little on the pulse points (wrists) and dab a little on the back of the neck to relax the muscles and soothe away tension and pain.
This amazing indiginous Austalian tree has an antiseptic action which is thought to be 100 times more powerful than carbolic acid, yet is non-poisonous to us humans, unless you were to ingest it, therefore - DO NOT SWALLOW THIS STUFF!!!
Its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties means that you can use the essential oil for things like:
~ Candida (can dilute, repeat, dilute a little of this oil in water to wash with)
~ acne (use with caution on sensitive skin!)
~ athelete's foot or other fungal infections i.e. ringworm
~ tonsillitis/ throat infection: dilute a few drops of the oil into a glass of water and gargle. DO NOT SWALLOW
~ can be mixed in with shampoo to help keep heads clear of lice - they dont like the rather pungent smell or something.
This essential oil is a Goddess-send for menstrual cramping, and any other female hormonal imbalances. Dilute this oil (eg with grapseed or vitamin E oil) and rub into your lower belly in a clockwise direction, and grab random person to rub some into your sacrum (low back just above your bottom) to help relieve cramps. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT.
This odourless gel is lovely for frazzled skin. Great for use on sunburn, or manky non-healing skin problems (see LAVENDER)
Ahhhh.....one of my favourites! This stuff is good for digestive problems such as indigestion or bloating. Excellent to have after a heavy meal or when you need something refreshing that will clear your head. Has a cooling effect on the body, so don't drink too much of this stuff (i.e.4 or more cups) if you're feeling chilly and tired.
This tea is another good one for digestion, good for cleansing the Liver and easing nausea. Also good for increasing the flow of milk when breastfeeding. Has a warming effect on the body, so be careful with this tea if you're feeling irritated, angry or 'hot-blooded'.
This is a lovely gentle herb that helps relax muscles in spasm (particularly your guts, or women's pains) and soothes the mind. Excellent to drink before going to bed if you have problems sleeping. Has a cleansing effect on the liver, so this is excellent to drink if you've had a stressful time of it and are feeling irritated, angry or wound up.
This stuff is a miracle worker in my book! It is a collection of flower essences (discovered by Dr Bach) distilled in some brandy type fluid that really helps calm the mind in stressful situations. Exellent to use before exams, or after any kind of accident or shock. Can even be used on animals: my horse has had a rough old time of it recently with lameness and being stuck in his stable all 24/7 due to his sore feet, so was understandably getting a little stroppy. I let him lick a few drops of this stuff off of my hand, and literally within a few seconds he had calmed down and was looking a great deal happier. Can be used externally also to soothe any injured skin, or can be dabbed on your friendly feline's forehead if they are stressed/worried/frightened/nervous.
Arnica brings bruising out to the surface of the skin. Can be taken internally (as little sugar tablets - yum!), and the homeopathic cream can be used directly on the skin. Amazing on bruises or strains. Get into HOMEOPATHY. Do it now. It's good for you and your pets.
Not what it sounds like this stuff - no bits of tigers, antelopes or fluffy bunny rabbits to be found here, just things like eucalyptus and cinnamon and other pungent sinus blasting herbs in an ointment. Comes in red or white - the red is hot, hot, hot!! Don't use Tiger Balm on any sensitive bits, or you'll be sorry. Good for:
~ Mozzie bites. Rub a little of this on the bite when it's itching. Whether or not it stops the itching I'm not sure, but your skin gets a new sensation, and believe me that's a relief
~ aching muscles. Massage this in and feel the muscles warm up and sofften
~ headaches. Dab a little (repeat little) on to your temples to help clear a stuffy head
~ have a good old sniff of this to relieve sinus congestion.
Always do a patch test to check for sensitivity/allergic reactions with anything that you put on your skin.
with a nod and thanks to:
The Fragant Pharmacy - by Valerie Ann Worwood

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Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama
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