A Very Abridged Representation of Galen
New Current Event!
I am now 17 and i had a party to celebrate it! To leave me a well wishing message, click here. To view pictures from my party, visit my web page. It is currently very much under construction, but take a look.
You may all wonder, 'What does Galen's name mean' Your Prayers have been answered. Here is a complete analysis.
Lenneh gave this great to me for getting my first edited guide into the process of editing. Thanks.
I have reached an all time high number of posts. 302 posts, average size 380 and at the top of the list. Do you post much, visit the Statistics page to find out where you rank.

Sit Down on my Bed and take a hit from my home made pipe, get a cup of extremly tastey and nutritious(possibly toxic) herbal tea, put on some Music or work with me on a Compilation, or just Browse through my existing ones. My personal supply of the tea you are having right now has been brewed for you personally by Strider, and supplied by The Guild of Naked Astronauts. Please also help yourself to my small supply of bud. At present you must use my pipe to consume it, but you can roll your own J**** if you wish. If you do not know how, you can learn here. You can also make a bong to highten the experience.
My Associations/ Groups/ Guilds
I used to have a little bio for each one of my associations and guilds that i belong to. It has since gotten to be just too long!
Scouts Page Peer Review Writing Workshop Collaborative Writing Workshop Alternative Writing Workshop Flea Market Coming Up Scout Tools | ![]() |
I am a Scout, which means that I organise PeerReview with the other Scouts, Reccomend entries from Peer Review to go into the Edited Guide, and search the unedited Guide for good entries to put in Peer Review. Other scouts:
![]() | ACEs Page New Researchers |
I am an ACE1. This means that i am always available to help you out. In fact, my main duty as an ACE is to help introduce new users to h2g2. Because of this i can be counted on to be nice and to point you in the correct direction if i cannot be of help. In the great extreem, Dont Panic just ask me or a fellow Ace:
I am a Guardian Angel; the Patron Saint of Crew and would love to help you out with whatever you need.

I am the Leader of 'Operation Human Shock' which is a really cool place, and needs YOU! to join and help out. Btw, it has changed its name from "the sheep revolt" if you are wondering.
Please visit the HQ and sign up, or you can email me at [email protected]

Nirvana lies at the bottom of the next cup of Extremly Tastey And Nutritious (Possibly Toxic) Alien Herbal tea.
I proudly serve the Guild of Naked Astronauts as their one and only "Extremly Tastey And Nutritious (Possibly Toxic) Alien Herbal Tea Tester"

Feeling Charitable?
Visit the Church of the Holy Tail and donate today. We accept all major credit cards, cash donations are acceptable and please make all cheques out to the Campaign About Something Horrible (just shorten it to it's initials if that's too long for you, yes C.A.S.H.)
I am Galen: Ganv'utana, Petter and Masseuse of the Holy Tail and i work at the Church of the Holy Tail and I, like many others have been healed which is another of the many reasons you should GO! now and join.
I am a Zaphodista Pirate with a Cabin2 on the Blood of the Zaphodistas Pirate ship.
The problem with my CD player is that it does not play tapes 3
Old Random Comments
Mercury is a liquid at room temperature
April 9th 2002

If you want to contact me, these are the places I live
I live at the The Campsite in Pitch 675(at the top of the tree)And on the Blood of the Zaphodists in Cabin 675(at the top of something tall)
also @ [email protected] and the aol intant messenger Screen name "timmaio"
Click here for Your Conversations
This page will be updated soon so it is cooler.

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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Urgent - Co-MAPP Business... | Nov 29, 2005 |
Fallin Spacekat | Nov 4, 2003 |
your back | Mar 15, 2003 |
'hello, hello mr/ms. moderator?? | Mar 9, 2003 |
CO-MAPP Busines | Jan 12, 2003 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
No NaJoPoMo this year? Shame... | No Posting | Nov 3, 2020 |
Been A While, Yet Again... | No Posting | Aug 14, 2020 |
Well... | No Posting | Mar 24, 2020 |
Gearing up for NaJoPoMo | No Posting | Nov 4, 2019 |
A new career path? | No Posting | Oct 21, 2019 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."