I exist too.

General Introduction

-Monty Python*

Hullo one and all! I am in fact, if only temporarily, back from my six month hootoo vacation. My name is Strider, and I don't bite. Or something like that.
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Please come talk to me if you'd like. You may find that I'm a humour inclined procrastinating Jewish anglophile peripatetic bass playing photographer obsessed with all manifestations of the terpsichore muse. Or, if you feel like it, you may find out something completely different. Only by actually talking to me will you ever know. So give it a shot: spend a few minutes and write a word or two.
A little about my tastes: I read lots of Sci/Fi, Fantasy and Literature. Specifically, this includes the works of the late DNA (of course), JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Charles Dickens, Bill Watterson, Oscar Wilde, Gary Larson, David Eddings, and Robert Jordan.

I listen to just about anything. However, the general populus would probably find it more useful to have a list. So, as absolutely and utterly unrepresentative it might be, here goes nothing: The Beatles, Bob Dylan, TMBG,* Pink Floyd, The Who, The Doors, Cream, dIRE sTRAITS, Jimi Hendrix, CCR, Moxy Fruvous, The Clash, Jethro Tull, Jane's Addiction, Beastie Boys, Third Eye Blind, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Rolling Stones, (early) No Doubt, Sublime, Bob Marley, and UB40. Its a start.
If you or any cool pages aren't on any of these lists and think you should be, tell me! I probably just spaced out. I'm experimenting with not having a friends section, as it's kind of redundant with the friends feature.
Useless Places

Not to be confused with "Informational Places" or "Fun Places," this section contains only links to groups and the such that were on my old page:
|Brunel Fanclub
|Royal h2g2 Procrastinators Society
|The Guild of Naked Astronauts
|Northeastern Researchers group
|United Friends of h2g2 space
|People for Peace
|The Church of the BEATLES
|Ignored Musicians Guild
|h2g2 Musicians Guild
|Campaign to rename Thursday "Thing"
|The Campsite
|The Mac-Users' Orchard
|Operation Human-Shock
|Area 42
|Knights of h2g2
|Willem Love Collective
|The Terranic Army
Informational Places
|Researcher Birthdays | h2g2 Graphics Library |Ask h2g2 |Smileys |h2g2 Statistics |Colour Chart |New Users |What's Coming Up |Community-Art |GuideML-Clinic |SubEditors-GuideML |Writing-Guidelines |SubEditors-Style |Have You Missed? |Researcher ListsThese are mostly for me, but feel free to follow them and find where they lead.

|Towels |Didges |Keeping Rats as Pets |Trousers vs. Pants |Jester's Cond. Eng. Dict. |Keyboard Message |Jebel Amman System |Musician Jokes |RAMEN |Free Lunch |Toes |Euro-English |ArchaeologyNot to say that the informational links above aren't fun. This section is entirely for you, so follow the links!

People (In no order)
|Spike Anderson |Virabhadra |Galen |Amuntari |Dorian Gray |VaPerria Russya |The Pixel Guru |Silent KnightThese are the actual people who I know in *Real Life*.

Virtual People (Also no order)
|Rat |Spaceman Spiff |The Shee |Old Uncle Zarniwoop |The Theory |Lara Croft |Yankee-Shoes
Not to imply that they don't actually exist, but only that I know them through h2g2. I originally swore never to do this, but I find myself wanting these links. If you think you should be on this list and aren't just tell me. It's just a list of people's spaces, not a list of all the people I like.
My pledge to you: If you click on the discuss entry button below I will respond. I'll even be nice. Surely some thought or other must have crossed your mind as you read this. If so, simply click on the button.
Last updated 3 March, 2003
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
come back! | Dec 16, 2007 |
The Campaign for Thursday | Nov 22, 2004 |
Greetings | Apr 30, 2004 |
The incredible vanishing Strider | Apr 29, 2004 |
Yes! I remember you. :-) | Apr 23, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
[no subject] | No Posting | Feb 15, 2025 |
next word game | Apr 22, 2004 | Feb 15, 2025 |
Unrelated Word Game (challenge any possible links) | No Posting | Nov 18, 2020 |
Limericks - Add One Line | Dec 31, 2006 | Apr 24, 2020 |
New Orleans Update: | No Posting | Jul 14, 2019 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."