
Nothing is ever the same. You can't go back to where you came from. If you try, you'll end up looking up and down the halls and feeling like you don't belong. Everything is relative, and simultaniuity is relative, and that blows my mind. Home is also relative. Everyone comes from somewhere but it's where you're going that makes the difference. Suddenly, I've realized this. After a certian time you become commited, and that's the point of no return, if you will. Beliefs also change as you move from place to place. Even the taste of water begins to change.

Introductions are supposed to introduce a subject, and this one's supposed to introduce me. Well no one needs the details of my life. That shouldn't be interesting to the siething masses. This introduction is not about me, it is me. It's my thoughts, and what I believe here and now, which is subject to change, as everything is. People should be more interested in what everyone else is thinking before they care what you ate for dinner, or interests, even. Connection should be made on the intelectual level, not on common activities, because what beliefs are held are more important then a common attraction to annie's single searving mac and cheese. At least that's what I think.

So there you have it. That's what you get from me for now. Feel free to argue, i love a good arguement.


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