We are the Friars. . .and the Friars are great

Hi there ! Glad you could stop by! My little space here is forever changing so let me know what I've misspelled.
Life at the moment - nearly April (thinking of spring) 2004
My baby girl #1 is now 2 1/2 years old. Li'l Alyson is doing great. My wife and I had baby #2 May 1st, 2004. Big birthday coming up.
I'm a doctor-in-residence at Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital. Two more years fo residency then out on my own. This year was mainly inpatient. Loved working with Spinal Cord Injury Patients, Pediatric Rehab and Stroke; Brain Injury rehab is a little different. . .just ask if you truly want to know.
Other than that life keeps on going good for ol' Friar.
Hopefully I'll be returning with greater frequency to h2g2 in the coming weeks.
Things I know something about
- Biological sciences, I have a B.S. in biology and physical anthropology, as well as a long-forgotten M.S. in Physiology
- Medicine, I graduated medical school: June 6th, 2003
- American Sports, big fan of baseball, football, basketball and hockey
- Gambling and gaming in general, I've been gong to the race track since I was 12 and learned to play craps shortly thereafter. Recently, i have been playing a great deal of poker.
- Film, I was a memeber of the Ann Arbor Film Cooperative (at least technically) a long time ago, unfortunately my days at the cinema are mostly behind me
- Cooking and restaurants
- Midwest U.S., especially Chicago, my lil hometown
- American Legal System, most of my family are lawyers
Current Status
I'm a new member as of the American Football Forum. You can fin us here.
In addition to my official duties, I'm a H2G2 Guardian Angel. I am the Patron Saint of Lost Puppies.
I'm writing a comprehensive article on Chicago, Illinois, USA, Earth. Writing is not the correct word; it would be better to say that I'm putzing about as real writers, like psychocandy do some great work. In any event, we're still looking for feedback and more help, so please let me know if you have any ideas or want to pitch in!1
Come into the Kitchen to see some of my recipes.
Everything old is new again
Being a Dad is the best job ever, now go to sleep
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
The Shoulder entries | Mar 13, 2015 |
Botox entry: A4888281 | Sep 15, 2005 |
Jack Daniel | Aug 31, 2005 |
Texas Hold'em feedback | Apr 18, 2005 |
Mies Van der Rohe submission | Oct 31, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Another One Bites the Dust | No Posting | Jan 6, 2018 |
(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thing | No Posting | Feb 18, 2017 |
NoNoNaJoPoMo redux | No Posting | Dec 1, 2015 |
Univ. Admissions, Project:The Shoulder | Jul 12, 2002 | Mar 13, 2015 |
The Shoulder entries | No Posting | Mar 13, 2015 |
Most Recent Edited Entries
- The Shoulder
- Botox: Botulinum Toxin and its Medical Applications
- The Wonder of the Human Ear
- Medical Maggots
- Hives - the Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
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