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Caution! Unfinished Personal Space Ahead!

A hammer breaking glass

Hello folks.

Disclaimer: My personal space is currently under construction so please ignore the mess...

About Me

Okay... About me... Let's see.

My name is Megan but you folks can call me Lucrecia, which is both an obscure refference to a video game (if you can guess what it is, I'll give you... a shiny paperclip!) and the name of my Changeling character. If it's a little long-winded for ya, feel free to call me "L."

I'm a 17 yr. old senior in high school in the United States. I want to major in Philosophy, but my parents don't like that idea so right now I'm leaning towards History... but I know for sure that I want to be a college professor when I get old. (I don't intend to "grow up" anytime soon.)

My interests include philosophy, of course, and also basketball, writing techno music and poetry, (of which little to none will ever see the light of day here, I'm afraid. I'd rather not have 24 hr a day feedback on that yet.) and video games. I'd list "role playing" here, but only two people in my small town will even consider giving it a try, so I've never entered a proper campain. BTW: If there are any White Wolf fans who are interested in a post-based campaign, post something on the bottom of my page. We'll see if we can get something going!)

I'm somewhat rare amongst American teenagers in that I've never done drugs, had sex, smoked, or even drank alcohol. And to that I say HUZZAH for me!

What I Do Here @ H2G2

I've accumlated a few titles, the most "important" of which is that of an ACE, so if you've got any questions for me, just drop me a line and I'll help in any way I can. However, the title that is closest to my heart is that of Movie Buff Extraordinaire!!1 If you want your chance to nab this rad to the extreme title for your nickname, join the newly formed Movie Junkies "Notable Quotable" Club! Good luck!

I recently went vegetarian (I thought it would be healthier and I figure, if I'm too squeemish to kill something just to eat it, why should I make someone else do it for me?) and joined the H2G2 Vegetarian Society BTW: As a bookmark more for myself than for anyone else, here are some Great Vegetarian Dishes

I'm the Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, so if you need some potions in battle, let me know!

I'm also a member of the United Friends of H2G2space! Check us out if you want to make a few friends! All are welcome.

So, what have you got for us to read?

I now have three articles in process of getting added to the Edited Guide!!! ;) Here's the quick summaries I put down for them.

Fast Food Etiquette: I work in a fast food joint and my co-workers and I compiled this list of simple tips that will make the fast food experience more enjoyable for all involved. Fellow fast food workers, check this out and re-live all the magical memories!)

How to Take a Charge, The Mental Aspect of Free Throw Shooting, and Shooting and the BEEF Principle are the entries in my thus far 3 part basketball how-to series. I've coached several basketball camps for children and these methods are the ones that worked for me.

I'm so excited! I hope I'm online the day that it gets up on the Front Page!!

My other work, still awaiting a look from a Scout includes...

I Corinthians Chapter 13 - Is This Love? examines a passage in the Bible which, in turn, examines the qualities of love.

Suicide Prevention tackles a very sensitive topic. How to deal with a friend or family member who wants to kill themself? I've been trained to work on a suicide prevention phone line and thus, consider myself to be knowledgeable about the topic. However, I wouldn't mind an endorsment from a member of H2G2 who works in the Mental Health communitee. If you want to look it over and give me some advise (assuming you have said credentials or some credentials in the subject at all...) feel free to drop me a line by checking in on the Peer Review thread or posting a response to this page.

Slamball examines a brand new sport that can be watched Saturdays at 7:00 central time in the U.S. on TNN. Picture this if you will: Basketball... with trampolines. This article isn't near finished, as I need to watch a few more games before I can get a real handle on the teams and the best players in the league... But glance through here if you think the game sounds interesting.

Distinctive Theme Songs Is there a theme song from a movie or television show that you can't get out of your head? Could said show or movie ever be the same without its theme? This little gem is in the Collaborative Forum, so feel free to drop in your two cents and you'll likely get a credit! I'm looking for not only a list of songs, but also a quote from the person who suggests it (or any other Researcher for that matter) that sums up the song for someone who's never heard it.

A Possible Solution to the Problem of Evil (From the Christian Perspective) examines a philosophical problem that has haunted philosophers for ages. Let me know if I've struck a few chords with you!

Well, that's enough shameless promotion! Let's see... what else can I put here? How about some awesome links to great articles here in H2G2!

Links to Stuff I Love

First off, the greatest comic book of all time! Neil Gaiman's The Sandman

LEGOs + Animation = LEGOmation!

Best... show... ever! The Simpson's

The History of Sony Playstation and Nintendo because video games monpolize a huge chunk of my time!

Socialism is, in my opinion, one of the best political systems thought up by mankind! I myself am a democratic socialist, just like George Orwell.

Some of my favorite movies: Fight Club, Pi, Memento, and Dogma.

Another great tv show: The Prisoner! I am not a number! I am a free man!

Need to relax? Check out Yoga Nirda and How to Fly Using Meditation.

Poetry fun! How to Write Bad Poetry! Haiku! Haiku Challenge!!!

So You Want to Be a Stand Up Comedian? because I sure do!!!

Fake Languages... something I'd get into if I only had the time, the patience, and the skill! So far I've found entries on Klingon and Esperanto.

Some interesting issues to think about: The Evil/Dead Lesbian Cliche, In a postmodern world - Who am I... and does it matter?, Freudian Themes in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Spellbound', and the Vegetarian Starter Guide

Great Places to Go!


Smiley Racing!!

Oops! Out of time for tonight! Adios, amigos!

Forever yours,


1Unfortunately, it's a title that I made up.


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Watercress No Posting Oct 22, 2010
Beetroot greens No Posting Oct 24, 2009
Warm weather recipes No Posting Jun 8, 2009
A personal favorite! No Posting Dec 5, 2008
Dairy free Brownies? No Posting Nov 29, 2008


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Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958)

Researcher U199253

Work Edited by h2g2


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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