
Hi there, - welcome!
-(1×8)+(8×0)+50 is "for-tu-itous"!
Here are some of my Guide Entries1. See if any of these appeal to you.
And here is my Email address, should you wish to contact me off-site.
- Bowel Cancer and Me - a rather self-indulgent entry about cancer and cancer treatment.
- Four entries on Leonard Bernstein, composer:
On-line Dictionaries, Thesauri, Style Guides, etc - A compilation of free-of-charge and non-subscription (at least in part) on-line lookups or downloads relating to words and writing. English-language or translation to/from the various flavours of English. Suggestions for additions are most welcome - please post to the How about adding...? Conversation.
Ellis Island Immigration Centre, New York, USA - how the ancestors of millions of today's Americans first arrived there.
Paul McCartney's Standing Stone - a large-scale 'classical' composition by the former Beatle.
Titivillus, the Typo Demon - a medieval demon who is still very much with us.
Etaoin Shrdlu - read all about it!
Typesetting for Beginners - What's the Point? - A basic guide to typesetting terminology.
Functions of Chairs - Many people spend a lot of their time sitting somewhere. This is all about how seating is designed.
Identifying Tunes - You hear a tune, you want to find out about it. How can you do that?
Brunel, Father and Son - British Engineering Genius
The Structures in Our Lives - An introduction to how and why things don't always go the way we want them to.
The Armenian Genocide - The story of the first genocide of the 20th Century.
Clockwork Radios - A brilliant invention and its eccentric British inventor.
Popular Christmas Carols - Background information on the best-loved carols of the English-speaking world.
Land of Hope and Glory - The words and some comments on some patriotic songs: God Save the Queen; Rule, Britannia!; Jerusalem; I Vow to Thee, My Country; and of course Land of Hope and Glory.
The Jubilee Through the Ages - The Jubilee as commanded by God in the Old Testament; what the Catholic Church later did with it; and various British Royal Jubilees.
Thessaloniki, Greece - For over 1,300 years the second city of the Greek world.
Handel's Messiah - The fascinating background to this ever-popular oratorio.
A Hijack on the High Seas - The true story of the hijacking of the Achille Lauro.
The Death of Klinghoffer - the Opera - The controversial opera based on the Achille Lauro incident.
The Koh-i-noor Diamond - The history and the mystery of this priceless gem.
Andrei Sakharov: the USSR, the H-Bomb, and Human Rights - A brilliant scientist who gave up a life of luxury and comfort for something higher.
Benjamin Britten's War Requiem - One of the great musical works of the 20th Century.
Business Telephone Systems - What lies behind your workplace telephone.
Carthusian Monks - The hidden life of an Order of silent religious hermits.
Kalabriasz - the Card Game - How to play this excellent card game for 2 or more players.
The London Symphony Chorus - The inside story of a top amateur choir.
Mourning Diana - An eye-witness report on the public reaction to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
The Grim Reaper - Prepare to meet him.
Chichester Psalms and Arias and Barcarolles
Mass: A Theatre Piece
From Peer Review to Front Page
Data for some of my Edited Guide entries. This doesn't include the time I've spent writing and polishing them (which has varied enormously, from many many hours to just a coffee-break or two) - just the time elapsed between first going into Peer Review, and appearance on the Front Page2.
Entry | Into PR | Picked | Days in PR | Front Page | Tot. Days |
Messiah | 10.02.02 | 21.02.02 | 11 | 18.03.02 | 25 |
LSC | 31.01.02 | 12.02.02 | 13 | 10.04.02 | 70 |
Hijack | 30.03.02 | 16.04.02 | 17 | 07.05.02 | 38 |
Koh-i-noor | 08.04.02 | 16.04.02 | 8 | 06.06.02 | 59 |
Thessaloniki | 30.04.02 | 16.05.02 | 17 | 10.06.02 | 49 |
Structures | 12.03.02 | 02.04.02 | 21 | 19.06.02 | 78 |
Klinghoffer | 11.05.02 | 26.05.02 | 15 | 25.06.02 | 46 |
War Requiem | 14.04.02 | 23.04.02 | 9 | 25.06.02 | 72 |
Carthusians | 18.05.02 | 30.05.02 | 12 | 26.06.02 | 39 |
Sakharov | 28.02.02 | 21.03.02 | 22 | 02.07.02 | 124 |
Kalabriasz | 26.05.02 | 10.06.02 | 15 | 08.07.02 | 42 |
Land of Hope | 16.07.02 | 25.07.02 | 9 | 13.09.02 | 59 |
Clockwork Radios | 08.08.02 | 18.08.02 | 10 | 06.09.02 | 30 |
Business Telephones | 29. 04.02 | 16.05.02 | 18 | 13.08.02 | 89 |
Christmas Carols | 06.09.02 | 17.09.02 | 11 | 02.12.02 | 87 |
The Jubilee | 07.09.02 | 15.09.02 | 8 | 01.11.02 | 55 |
The Grim Reaper | 15.09.02 | 25.09.02 | 10 | 20.01.03 | 117 |
Identifying Tunes | 18.10.02 | 25.10.02 | 7 | 22.11.02 | 36 |
Brunel | 22.10.02 | 29.10.02 | 7 | 02.12.02 | 34 |
Functions of Chairs | 28.10.02 | 25.11.02 | 28 | 11.03.03 | 1403 |
Armenian Genocide | 18.11.02 | 27.11.02 | 9 | 23.12.02 | 35 |
Typesetting | 02.12.02 | 09.12.02 | 7 | 31.01.03 | 60 |
Titivillus | 28.04.03 | 13.05.03 | 15 | 29.05.03 | 32 |
Etaoin Shrdlu | 30.04.03 | 15.05.03 | 15 | 20.06.03 | 52 |
Standing Stone | 19.05.03 | 14.06.03 | 26 | 04.07.03 | 46 |
Ellis Island | 09.06.03 | 16.06.03 | 7 | 29.07.03 | 50 |
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Now or later? | Feb 26, 2015 |
Removed | Oct 2, 2012 |
Show Off! | Jul 2, 2012 |
Request to republish copyright on excerpt in | Jul 2, 2012 |
Benjamin Britten's War Requiem | Jan 19, 2012 |
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Gnomon on the Front Page | No Posting | Apr 13, 2023 |
[no subject] | No Posting | Mar 26, 2021 |
Cookie preferences | No Posting | Jan 11, 2021 |
Sub Editor Request: Studio Ghibli | No Posting | Apr 6, 2020 |
Sub-Editor Request – Explore the View Askewniverse | No Posting | Jan 14, 2020 |
Most Recent Edited Entries
- Pizza - Not Just Italian Any More
- Northern Gannets
- Ellis Island Immigration Centre, New York, USA
- Red Kites - Birds of Prey
- Paul McCartney's 'Standing Stone'
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."