Me and the Guide

1 Conversation

(FM) - Rescued from the Flea Market

(C) - Collaborative Entry to which I contributed

(C*) - Collaborative Entry to which at least one other person contributed, but that I compiled and/or did the bulk of the writing on


Some blood cells

Skin Cancer


Morecambe and WiseA spoon in a jar, a pack of playing cards and a fezInternationally famous comedian Bob Hope

Monty Python

The raspberry-blowing foot from the title sequence to 'Monty-Python's Flying Circus'Clockwise, from top left: Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin, John Cleese and Terry JonesEric Idle molests regular contributor Carol Cleveland, while Michael Palin looks on.



AC/DC guitarist Angus Young in his trademark schoolboy uniformSinger Belinda CarlisleA man plays a balalaika - a triangular guitar-shaped instrument.Dave Dee, singer with Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich, performs on Top of the Pops.


Fyodor Dostoevsky behind bars.A collection of mythical creatures.Oysters on sale at Borough Market in London.The famous Ashes urn.

James Bond

The name's Bond... James Bond
1I think I added the idea about scientific ideas being counter-intuitive smiley - headhurts2My Entry for the eighth round of The Stretcher3Thanks to Jimster for the title smiley - silly4Although very little of the original remains smiley - erm5Some comments about Robin Hood not actually being from Nottingham smiley - devil6Technically a collaborative Entry, as this replaced an older, much shorter Entry but, as none of the original remains, I'm claiming this as a solo Entry!7The comment about Helen Shapiro and The Beatles smiley - tongueout8North Korea, South Korea smiley - rose9Panmunjom smiley - rose10Lebanon smiley - rose11Can't remember what I added to this - a couple by Winston Churchill, I think...smiley - huh12Some of the obscene medical ones were mine smiley - winkeye13Thanks to Bels for the title smiley - smiley14I think the advice on not pulling the handbrake and not throwing up was mine smiley - drunk15A comment about Monty Python, surprisingly... smiley - blush16Some assistance with the 'Mr Creosote' section. Bit of a theme developing here smiley - geek17I think I mentioned the bit about the Hubble constant, but I could be wrong...18I added a very belated updated on the last three books and the films.19I can't really remember contributing to this, but I think it may have been the Spinal Tap quotation...20My Entry for the first round of 'The Stretcher'.21My Entry for the second round of 'The Stretcher'.22My Entry for the fifth round of 'The Stretcher'.23My Entry for the sixth round of 'The Stretcher'.24My Entry for the seventh round of 'The Stretcher'.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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