The Stretcher
Created | Updated May 13, 2009
Skanky's Notes
Where is he? Where's that bloody seal? Probably with his face in that fish-bucket again. I always said the Judges' Drawing Room was a bad idea.
I don't do this. I'm uber-organiser; checker of emails, maintainer of spreadsheets, tallier of votes, that kind of stuff. I'm only on the panel of judges because this was all my idea. I'm meant to be the nice friendly one who puts a consolatory arm around the vanquished, and we all know who the evil genius who smiles with masochistic joy at each eviction should be.
The results were very close, and only dmitri and Tibley Bobley were really safe; any of the remaining four could have gone out in this eviction. Time to raise your game, guys; the slate is wiped clean, and in a couple of issues' time we'll be ditching another two of you, so every point and every vote really does count from now on.
Here's the table:
Position | Researcher |
1 | dmitrigheorgheni |
2 | Tibley Bobley |
3 | Danny B |
4 | Beatrice |
5 | AlexAshman |
6 | minorvogonpoet |
So we say a fond farewell to minorvogonpoet, who has been fantastic in this competition. Well done for getting this far, mVp, and I hope you'll find time to join in some of the remaining challenges away from the glaring stare of the judges.
The Next Challenge
For the five of you who remain, then, your challenge is thus:
The EG Writing Guidelines include the following sage advice : Don't Try Too Hard to be Funny. They go on to say : 'Lots of our early Researchers thought that because the original Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books were funny, they should make sure all their Guide Entries were packed with side-splitting jokes. If you happen to be funny, that's great. Just don't try to force it'.
Well, duh. Guidelines are for us mere mortals, not for the Writing Elite of Hootoo. You Final Few have been selected, honed and elevated by the Stretcher process. You don't need rules any more. So we'd like you to write about any subject you like, and post to PR an Entry that's in all other respects indisputably EG-fit, but we want this particular Guideline ignored. Smashed apart, even.
Go on then. If you lot are really so good, your public demands that you make us laugh.
Galaxy Babe, Pinniped and Skankyrich