Constellations including constellation images
Created | Updated Feb 27, 2009
| Andromeda
| Antlia
| Apus
| Aquarius
| Aquila
| Ara
| Aries
| Auriga
| Boötes
| Caelum
| Camelopardalis
| Canes Venatici
| Canis Major
| Canis Minor
| Capricornus
| Carina
| Cassiopeia
| Centaurus
| Cepheus
| Cetus
| Circinus
| Columba
| Coma Berenices
| Corona Australis
| Corona Borealis
| Corvus
| Crater
| Crux
| Cygnus
| Dorado
| Draco
| Equuleus
| Eridanus
| Fornax
| Gemini
| Grus
| Hercules
| Horologium
| Hydra
| Hydrus
| Indus
| Lacerta
| Leo Minor
| Lepus
| Libra
| Lupus
| Lynx
| Lyra
| Mensa
| Microscopium
| Monoceros
| Musca
| Norma
| Octans
| Ophiuchus
| Pavo
| Pegasus
| Perseus
| Phoenix
| Pictor
| Pisces
| Piscis Austrinus
| Puppis
| Pyxis
| Reticulum
| Sagitta
| Sagittarius
| Scutum
| Serpens
| Sextans
| Taurus
| Telescopium
| Triangulum
| Triangulum Australe
| Tucana
Ursa Major
| Ursa Minor
| Vela
| Virgo
| Volans
| Vulpecula
For as long as humans have inhabited the Earth, they have gazed skyward in awe at the wonders on view. Early astronomers cannot have imagined some of the distances involved.
The most imaginative 'connected the dots' and saw shapes which they attributed to animals or gods, usually involving fabulous mythical tales. These shapes are called constellations, originally the Greek astronomer Ptolemy (c90 - 168 AD) listed 48, known as 'ancients'. Now there are 88 'modern' constellations accepted internationally. Some of these are only viewable from the northern hemisphere, others only from the southern hemisphere, while some, like Orion, are shared between the two.
Constellations in the Edited Guide
Some time ago a constellation project was started by the H2G2 Astronomy Society, with the intention of having an edited Entry on each. These are the completed ones:
The CharioteerAuriga | The Little BearUrsa Minor | The HerdsmanBoötes |
The DolphinDelphinus | The HeroPerseus | The KingCepheus |
The LyreLyra | The LionLeo | The DragonDraco |
The Chained MaidenAndromeda | The Boastful QueenCassiopeia | The SwanCygnus |
The TwinsGemini | The HunterOrion | The Winged HorsePegasus |
The BullTaurus | The Great BearUrsa Major | The StrongmanHercules |
The Fish | The CrabCancer | The ScorpionScorpius |
The Northern CrownCorona Borealis | The Southern CrossCrux | The WolfLupus |
The PeacockPavo | The Mythological FirebirdPhoenix | The Hunting DogsCanes Venatici |
The Sea GoatCapricornus | The ScalesLibra | The VirginVirgo |
The DoveColumba | The WhaleCetus | The Small DogCanis Minor |
The SerpentSerpens | The ArrowSagitta | The LizardLacerta |
The OctantOctans | The ToucanTucana | The SextantSextans |
The CupCrater | The WildcatLynx | The KeelCarina |
Berenice's HairComa Berenices | The UnicornMonoceros 'the Unicorn' |