Matt's Solo Edited Guide Entries

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The Edited Guide is the core of what makes up h2g2. Here are my Solo contributions to the Guide. Many of these Entries have also seen exposure on the h2g2 Front Page and those marked with a smiley - star are Editors Picks (kudos...).

  1. A21605735 | smiley - earthsmiley - starGuy's Tower.
  2. A21388511 | smiley - earthsmiley - starThe River Avon at Stratford.
  3. A21606095 | smiley - earth
  4. A14331106 | smiley - earthsmiley - starA detail from the White Horse of Uffington.
  5. A12644237 | smiley - earthA stone beekeeper sitting on a stone bench.
  6. A11950175 | smiley - earthsmiley - starA section of the Nazca lines, in Peru.
  7. A14281265 | smiley - earthsmiley - starRain clouds gathering over West London.
  8. A24990654 | smiley - earthsmiley - starA treetop canopy in Goongerah.
  9. A25323563 | smiley - earthsmiley - starA Clifton Creek Primary School T-shirt, designed by the schoolkids themselves.
  10. A9809472 | smiley - earthsmiley - starThe broad branches of the Fairy Tree fill the sky.
  11. A20752544 | smiley - earthsmiley - starFletcher's Dam.
  12. A4187559 | smiley - earthThe gorge swimming hole.
  13. A44342598 | smiley - earthThe Melbourne skyline overlooking the River Yarra.
  14. A44720075 | smiley - earthA section of Queensland coastline.
  15. A44762060 | smiley - earth
  16. A44603543 | smiley - earth
  17. A44342660 | smiley - earth
  18. A12644705 | smiley - earth
  19. A20701216 | smiley - earth
  20. A20928873 | smiley - earth
  21. A165601 | smiley - earthA monitor lizard basking on a rock.
  22. A13746215 | smiley - tardissmiley - starThe police box at Earl's Court tube station.
  23. A14018041 | smiley - geek
  24. A12219969 | smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - starA small tortoiseshell butterfly rests on a plant.
  25. A5808170 | smiley - fishA fish.
  26. A20498628 | smiley - cat
  27. A20563373 | smiley - cat
  28. A20555156 | smiley - spider
  29. A11484902 | smiley - tit
  30. A11485019 | smiley - bluebutterfly
  31. A10450964 | smiley - ghostsmiley - starAn army of gnomes.
  32. A2043 | smiley - blackcatA black cat crosses your path
  33. A11464715 | smiley - fullmoon
  34. A14017817 | smiley - ghost
  35. A14042099 | smiley - ghost
  36. A11818172 | smiley - ghost
  37. A9914862 | smiley - ghostSome worry dolls.
  38. A2922176 | smiley - ghost
  39. A26353596 | smiley - ghost
  40. A42130478 | smiley - okSilhouette of a man cocking a snook.
  41. A2672011 | smiley - booksmiley - starSpidey-costume
  42. A2622160| smiley - book
  43. A3073583 | smiley - book
  44. A2754722 | smiley - book
  45. A11463950 | smiley - book
  46. A6457467 | smiley - catsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  47. A5849049 | smiley - catsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  48. A3368711 | smiley - catsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  49. A2627264 | smiley - catsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  50. A5559401 | smiley - catsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  51. A5849076 | smiley - geeksmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  52. A5849058 | smiley - geeksmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  53. A5849120 | smiley - geeksmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  54. A5849139 | smiley - geeksmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  55. A10223885 | smiley - modsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  56. A10427140 | smiley - modsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  57. A10302733 | smiley - modsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  58. A10526177 | smiley - modsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  59. A10422325 | smiley - modsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  60. A11755145 |
  61. A35471829 | smiley - starTwo pensioners asleep on deckchairs on Bournemouth beach.
  62. A2151 | smiley - starA lifeguard on Manly Beach in Sydney in Speedos-like swimwear.
  63. A13729746 | smiley - starTwo of the Gruffalo books.
  64. A30652841 | smiley - starAn X-ray showing human skull and rib cage.
  65. A26560398 |
  66. A27881724 |
  67. A10726526 | Some toilet seats.
  68. A46714665 | smiley - scientistA shell.
  69. A12461816 | smiley - scientistsmiley - starJane Horrocks, a victim of green goo.
  70. A42426966 | smiley - geeksmiley - starA Cyberman, from 'Doctor Who', emerges from a drain.
  71. A21605816 | smiley - geek
  72. A31189773 | smiley - starsmiley - geekA model biplane complete with rigging.
  73. A42129876 | smiley - aleA great beer wave, inspired by Japanese artist Katsushiga Hokusai.
  74. A20701568 | smiley - ale
  75. A30465902 | smiley - ale
  76. A24833450 | smiley - musicalnote
  77. A24738654 | smiley - musicalnote
  78. A27260525 | smiley - musicalnote
  79. A42129911 | smiley - musicalnote'Behind the Scenes' by Laura Knight.
  80. A10421902 | smiley - strawberry
  81. A10422802 | smiley - strawberry
  82. A30652706 | smiley - strawberry
  83. A41930471 | smiley - strawberryA chicken flying away from a stove.
  84. A14042143 | smiley - choc
  85. A33557691 | smiley - tea
  86. A33558131 | smiley - tea
  87. A41868101 | smiley - star
  88. A10176914 | smiley - tomatosmiley - starActors Philip Glenister and John Simm, stars of the TV series Life on Mars.
  89. A8765553 | smiley - tomato
  90. A33315022 | smiley - modThe Albert Ball Memorial in silhouette.
  91. A42168116 | smiley - geekAn actor in the role of Richard III.
  92. A5872098 | smiley - lighthouse
  93. A14066408 | smiley - geek
  94. A21776871 | smiley - nurse
  95. A46986619 | smiley - nurseSmokers having a cigarette break outside a building.
  96. A2671715 | smiley - nursesmiley - starA green first-aid kit box with a white cross on the front.
  97. A25068945 | smiley - nurse
  98. A24369915 | smiley - nurse
  99. A13857915 | smiley - nurse
  100. A37235630 | smiley - earthsmiley - starNottingham Castle.
  101. A37235603 | smiley - earthsmiley - starMortimer's Hole.
  102. A37329276 | smiley - earthsmiley - starThe Ducal Mansion.

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