Matt's Updated Entries

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On occasion I've Updated older Edited Guide Entries1, and here are the one's I've done:

  1. A3790659 | smiley - dontpanicDouglas Adams
  2. A142228 | smiley - ufoC-3PO and Darth Vader, key characters in the 'Star Wars' films.
  3. A276888 | smiley - bookA superhero saving the world - again
  4. A721243 | smiley - earthA map of Oz, some beer and a redback spider.
  5. A53650 | smiley - earthA map of Oz, some beer and a redback spider.
  6. A143768 | smiley - earthA cowboy astride Western Australia.
  7. A442928 | smiley - earthMelbourne Trade Centre skyline.
  8. A506369 | smiley - earthLooking up at the Eiffel Tower.
  9. A284528 | smiley - strawberryA basket of raspberries
  10. A468542 | smiley - geekA trebuchet.
  11. A188165 | smiley - geekName calling in action.
  12. A139394 | smiley - earthSeaweed fronds floating gently underwater.
  13. A139420 | smiley - catA tiger and paw prints
  14. A152317 | smiley - dragonA red western dragon
  15. A57728 | smiley - geekA computer keyboard.
  16. A260272 | smiley - earthA sign for Plymouth City Airport.
  17. A311158 | smiley - strawberryCandyfloss in a plastic bag.
  18. A375563 | smiley - ghost
  19. A307072 | smiley - ghost
  20. A262289 | smiley - ghost
  21. A188606 | smiley - book
  22. A4708 | smiley - witch
1And updated the update process itself.

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