Matt's Collaborative Entries

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Sometimes I help out or write Entries for the Edited Guide with other authors. Here are my Collaborative Entries:

  1. A50669896 |
  2. A38083601 | smiley - starVictorian steam train.
  3. A23453129 | smiley - geeksmiley - starStudents at John Moores University trying to drink cost-effectively.
  4. A22083068 | smiley - geekPart of the T Rex display at the Natural History Museum.
  5. A14017790 | smiley - chocThe words 'I love u' painted in chocolate on a bare arm.
  6. A14116853 | smiley - choc
  7. A14116790 | smiley - chocsmiley - starA huge ice cream cone with a plastic Flake stuck into the plastic ice cream, outside a shop selling ice cream.
  8. A2969661 | smiley - monstersmiley - starA child sleeping while the Bogeyman lurks beneath the bed.
  9. A14129318 | smiley - ghost
  10. A13900042 | smiley - fishsmiley - starThe tail fin of a humpback whale.
  11. A13200058 | smiley - tardissmiley - starCybermen.
  12. A12590327 | smiley - strawberryCola being used as a cleaning agent.
  13. A33557727 | smiley - teaSugar sachets.
  14. A9913908 | smiley - earthsmiley - starThe transit of the planet Venus across the sun, on 8 June, 2004
  15. A9564942 | smiley - earthsmiley - starStonehenge.
  16. A6649996 | smiley - earthsmiley - starThe legendary Major Oak of Sherwood Forest.
  17. A20074934 | smiley - earthGoulburn in New South Wales.
  18. A4075544 | smiley - booksmiley - starA bat flies in front of a bright moon.
  19. A2984051 | smiley - tomatosmiley - starThe Master of Suspense, film director Alfred Hitchcock.
  20. A42694671 | smiley - starYellow things: a Carebear beneath the sun.
  21. A3239967 | smiley - tomato
  22. A10533025 | smiley - modsmiley - starThe shield of the History, Philosophy and Spirituality faculty of the h2g2 University.
  23. A30466181 | smiley - starsmiley - geekA typical modeller's desk.
  24. Additional Research Credits

  25. A45687342 | smiley - scientistClouds reflected in a pond.
  26. A46380071 | smiley - scientist
  27. A45901712 | smiley - scientist
  28. A22547838 | smiley - catA pair of mating tortoises.
  29. A21605979 | smiley - geekAn artist's impression of life in the trenches.
  30. A24055607 | smiley - scientist

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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