Great Activities of the Past

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17 June, 2002

  • Close to Nature: Abandon the city and get out into the fresh air. Pitch your tent at the h2g2 Campsite.
  • Party time: Check your diary and sign up for the h2g2 Summer Party on 21 July, 2002.
  • Footie Mad: Don't walk alone! Join the Virtual Supporters' Club in their VSC World Cup Zone to talk about the most popular sporting event in the world!
  • World Cup Blues: Has your team lost again? The It's Only a Game Bar is here to provide tea, sympathy and whatever else you might need to get through the World Cup.
  • Choc full: White, milk or dark? Pay homage to the cocoa bean at the Chocolate Lovers' Fan Club.

10 June, 2002

  • Footie Mad: Don't walk alone! Join the Virtual Supporters' Club in their VSC World Cup Zone to talk about the most popular sporting event in the world!
  • Book Club: If you are fed up of football, then join like-minded Researchers at h2g2's Bookworms Club and bury your nose in a book.
  • World Cup Blues: Has your team lost again? The It's Only a Game Bar is here to provide tea, sympathy and whatever else you might need to get through the World Cup.
  • Word Play: Find out which h2g2 Researchers are the wittiest with the Wilde Awards, given for badinage and banter.
  • Order, Order: Are you passionate about a particular issue? Grab your soap box and post your article at Speakers' Corner.

27 May, 2002

20 May, 2002

13 May, 2002

  • Book Club: If you are a voracious reader, then join like-minded Researchers at h2g2's Bookworms Club and bury your nose in a book.
  • Cutting it: The h2g2 Hairdressers is the place for a gossip, a coffee or that special hair-do to make you look a million dollars!
  • Quest: Join the hunt for Researcher-generated pictures with the Community Art Quest.
  • Sweet Tooth: Grab your pocket money and visit a world of sugary wonders: the h2g2 Sweet Shop.
  • Need for Speed: Do you have a need for speed? Compete against other Researchers and see how fast you can complete the h2g2 Sprint?

7 May, 2002

  • Quest: Join the hunt for Researcher-generated pictures with the Community Art Quest.
  • Need for Speed: Do you have a need for speed? Compete against other Researchers and see how fast you can complete the h2g2 Sprint?
  • 42 FM: If you have a passion for the airwaves and fancy yourself as the new radio sensation, why not join h2g2 Radio 42 FM?
  • Hot Lips: If you have scales, wings and fiery hot breath, meet fellow Reseachers and their hordes at the Dragonhouse.
  • Flat cap: For those with a connection to the North, grab your whippet and join your fellow Researchers at the Flat Cap and Muffler Sports & Social Club.

29 April, 2002

  • 42 FM: If you have a passion for the airwaves and fancy yourself as the new radio sensation, why not join h2g2 Radio 42 FM?
  • Baby Love: All parents need the support of others and the h2g2 Parent and Child Group is there to provide it.
  • Hot Lips: If you have scales, wings and fiery hot breath, meet fellow Reseachers and their hordes at the Dragonhouse.
  • Flat cap: For those with a connection to the North, grab your whippet and join your fellow Researchers at the Flat Cap and Muffler Sports & Social Club.
  • Word Play: Flex your vocabulary and strain your brain by taking part in the Alphabet Sentence Challenge.

22 April, 2002

15 April, 2002

  • Verse and Verse: If you write poetry, why not visit the Poetry Appreciation Service and get some positive feedback?
  • Leather up: Get your motor running and speed your way to the h2g2 Motorcycle Club.
  • Sweet Music:  The Musicians' Guild is being relaunched, so if you like to make sweet music, why not go over and join?
  • Do Re Mi: Get in tune and flex those vocal cords with the h2g2 Choral Society.
  • Word Play: Find out which h2g2 Researchers are the wittiest with the Wilde Awards, given for badinage and banter.

8 April, 2002

  • Down Under: If you are in Sydney on 13 April, 2002, why not meet some of your fellow Researchers for a schooner or two?
  • Waterlands: East Anglian Researchers unite! Join the Children of Boadicea and proclaim your geographical allegiance!
  • Pedal Away: If you think two wheels are best, then speed your way to the h2g2 Cycle Club.
  • Do Re Mi: Get in tune and flex those vocal cords with the h2g2 Choral Society.
  • Apple Juice:  Calling all Apple fans! Come to the Orchard, h2g2's Mac Users Group.

1 April, 2002

  • Enjoy the Craic:  If you live in Ireland or just want to live in Ireland, then there is a club especially for you!
  • Apple Juice:  Calling all Apple fans! Come to the Orchard, h2g2's Mac Users Group.
  • Pubs Galore: Take part in the fun this weekend with the HooToo Pub Crawl.
  • Opera Lovers: Do you use the Opera web browser? Join like-minded Researchers and be smug at the speed of your browser.
  • Bargain Hunt: If you are a fan of BBC 1's Bargain Hunt and its charming presenter, then join the h2g2 David Dickinson Club.

25 March, 2002

  • Eggs Galore: Join in the fun this weekend with the h2g2 Easter Egg Hunt. Solve the clues to find the eggs.
  • Sweet Music:  The Musicians' Guild is being relaunched, so if you like to make sweet music, why not go over and join?
  • Lovely Luton: The Lutonian Researchers Club is a society for those who hail from Luton. Stand up and be proud!
  • Bargain Hunt:  If you are a fan of BBC 1's Bargain Hunt and its charming presenter, then join the h2g2 David Dickinson 'club'.
  • French Onions:  Are you a Francophile? Then visit the French Connection and celebrate all things Gallic.

11 March, 2002

4 March, 2002

25 February, 2002

18 February, 2002

  • Ring my bell: Put on that lycra, get on your bike and ride down to the h2g2 Cycling Club.
  • Sing to me: Do you know your Sex Pistols from your Boyzone? Then try your luck at the h2g2 Lyrics Quiz. All together now...
  • Push my button: If you cannot resist the lure of buttons, join like minded Researchers at the Button Fan Club
  • Verse and verse: Do you consider yourself a poet? Join the Poetry Appreciation Society and see what others think!
  • Picture Perfect: Find out who won the Winter Party Photo Scavenger Hunt.

11 February, 2002

  • Virtual Valentines Ball: Grab your dancing shoes, the Hot Spot are hosting a Valentines Dance and everyone is invited!
  • Love at a Distance: Geography is a cruel mistress. If you are separated from your love this Valentine's Day, join the Long Distance Love Club.
  • Dating Game: If you placed a lonely hearts ad, what would it say? Write your own and read how other Researchers described themselves.
  • Verse and verse: Do you consider yourself a poet? Join the Poetry Appreciation Society and see what others think!
  • SATS: Join the Society for the Addition of a Towel Smiley and campaign to make the h2g2 smiley collection complete.

4 February, 2002

  • Great Outdoors: If you fancy sleeping under the stars, why not pitch your tent at the h2g2 Campsite?
  • Star Spotting: If you know your showbiz gossip, why not play the Celebrity Game?
  • Spooky: Take the Weirdness Test and see if you are normal or strange.
  • Black: Love the colour of coal and pitch? Then join the Ministry of Black and promote the colour of cool. smiley - cool
  • Bobo: Support the cause and meet new blood brothers by joining the Clan of the Bobo.

28 January, 2002

  • Check Mate: Flex your cranial muscles and practise your strategies with the h2g2 Chess Club.
  • Virtually Real: If you prefer your virtual life to your real one, why not join TCTSTVARWOSWDHTGOAM1.
  • Apostrophe Misuse: Don't abuse your apostrophes! Otherwise, you might find SPAM2 on your trail!
  • Cantina: Lost in Space? Why not drop in at the Space-farers' Cantina?
  • Fastasy Film League: Hate football? Don't miss out on the Fantasy phenomenom, join the Fantasy Film League.

21 January, 2002

  • Fastasy Film League: Hate football? Don't miss out on the Fantasy phenomenom, join the Fantasy Film League.
  • Check Mate: Flex your cranial muscles and practise your strategies with the h2g2 Chess Club.
  • ABBA Hate Club: Don't like ABBA? Don't despair, join like-minded Researchers at the ABBA Hate Club.
  • Birthday Page: Have you added your birthday to the h2g2 Birthday Page? Or why not find out whose birthday it is today and pop round to wish them many happy returns.smiley - giftsmiley - cake
  • Make 'em Laugh: Bring a smile to your fellow Researchers by participating in the h2g2 Comedy Workshop.
1The Campaign To Swap The Virtual And Real World Over So We Dont Have To Go Online Anymore.2The Society for the Prevention of Apostrophe Misuse.

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