Talking Point: The Dating Game - Lonely Hearts

75 Conversations

Fun-loving, single female, GSOH, seeks romantic male, tall, dark and g/l, NS, must be solvent prof., for loving relationship. No timewasters pls.

Let's be honest, most women don't look like Jennifer Lopez and most guys don't look like George Clooney. Often the most attractive people aren't those with the longest legs or the whitest teeth, but those that have an undefinable quality, that certain je ne sais quoi, that makes them stand out from the crowd.

So could you describe yourself to someone else, in a way that would have them rushing to the phone?

This is what we'd like you to do, just for fun. Write a lonely hearts style advertisement about yourself and post it as a conversation below. We'll then invite others to say which bits of the description work well, and which are, well, a real turn off.

And if you've read any really good, or cringingly awful, lonely hearts lines, then post them in too. Hey, we can learn from those smooth-talking poetry-writing Romeos...

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