Previous Talking Points
Created | Updated Jan 6, 2011
Here's a list of all of the Talking Points that we've covered so far. Please feel free to contribute to any of the Conversations; maybe we'll get a few of the hot topics rising up again! If there are any subjects that you'd like to see covered please let us know at the bottom of this page, all suggestions welcome.
- 2011
- Christmas Favourites
- Christmas Cheer?
- Bad Habits
- Rock 'n' Roll
- Trains
- Caffeine
- Weather Woes
- Mad for Mad Men
- British Wildlife
- Feet
- No Pain, No Gain
- Boredom Busters
- Good Advice
- Good to Talk
- Brainworms
- Money Saving
- A Science Renaissance?
- Last Meal
- Not the World Cup
- Much Missed TV
- Regional Stereotypes
- Do You Believe in Ghosts?
- Heroic Encounters
- Epic Journeys
- Your Favourite Clothes
- Up Your Street
- Cars
- Domestic Charities
- Record Breakers
- What's In Your Secret Library?
- Talk to the Animals?
- Alternative Winter Olympics
- Dress Code
- Which Precious Things Would You Save?
- Slang
- Cheesiness
- Nostalgia
- Fantasy Dinner Guests
- Human Devolution
- The Noughties
- Save or Spend?
- Secret Passions
- Would You Like to Dance?
- Unwanted Gold
- Lateness
- Outsider Status
- Landmark Birthdays
- First Date Disasters
- Procrastination
- Worst Meal of All Time
- Sitcoms
- Value For Money?
- Space Exploration
- The World of Sport
- The Fourth Plinth
- Is It All In The Mind?
- Blogs and the 'Blogosphere'
- h2g2 Redesign
- Media Literacy
- Happy Birthday to Us!
- h2g2 Front Page Changes
- Best Buy League
- Are Humans Becoming More Intelligent?
- A Long, Healthy Life
- National Identity
- Luxury
- Your Longest Journey
- Longest Lost Friend
- University of Life
- Greatest Actors
- Fattiest Meal Ever
- The World's Most Adorable Animal
- Drink!
- Doctor Who??
- Your Biggest Disappointment
- Was 2008 any Good?
- Your Greatest Ever Purchase
- Waxing Lyrical
- Time-waster Space
- Credit Crunch Christmas
- What are you Proud of?
- Guilty Pleasures
- I Didn't Mean to Send That!
- Will We Survive?
- Comfort Food
- It's a Wonderful Life?
- Credit Crunch
- What's the Most Difficult Thing You've Ever Had to do?
- Colfer Takes Up Adams's Mantle
- How do you Judge Success?
- Genealogy
- Camping
- Who Would You Choose to be President of the World?
- How Do You Spot a Liar?
- New Smileys
- Breaking Point
- School's Out For Summer
- Office Speak
- Your Hidden Talents
- Old Media
- Superstitions
- Grumbling
- Your Worst Job
- Competitiveness
- Should we all Become Vegetarians?
- What Makes a Great Film?
- Why is Reality TV so Popular?
- Choosing The Perfect Holiday
- The Hardest Sport?
- The Credit Crunch
- What's in a name?
- Perfect Timing
- Waste of Time
- Modern-day Sins
- Money
- Giving Up
- Awards Shows
- Food, Glorious Food?
- Faking It
- February
- I Wish I'd Said That!
- Chicken
- Change the World?
- A New Year Challenge
- White Lies?
- Identity Theft
- What Should We Do With h2g2?
- Social Networking Sites
- A Rubbish Idea
- Haunted Houses
- Comebacks
- The Pros and Cons of Mobile Phones
- Halloween
- Is the Digital Age Lowering the Cultural Value of Music?
- Ageism
- Licensing Laws
- Rudeness
- What Makes You Laugh?
- Happy Families!
- It could be you... (but it probably won't be!)
- Bringing the Past to Life
- Gone But Never Forgotten...
- Is There Anybody Out There?
- So long, and thanks for all the fish…?
- Transport
- Obesity
- Charity Begins At Home...
- Phobias
- What is Your Wonder of the World?
- Allotments
- Speaking Your Mind
- Nuclear Power
- Buying Art
- House Prices and Interest Rate Rises
- Learning Languages
- Organic Food
- Are We Really Alone In The Universe?
- Do Looks Matter?
- Where Would You Most Like To Live?
- Acts Of Kindness
- Are Old Films Better Than New Ones?
- How Do You Dress?
- What's Your Favourite/Least Favourite Building and Why?
- Unfulfilled Dreams
- The Eurovision Song Contest
- Children's Television
- Is It Written In The Stars After All?
- If You Were Immortal Would You Become A Hedonist?
- Are You Happy?
- What's The Best on the Web?
- Will Stopping Flying Make A Difference?
- Is The Quality Of Things Getting Worse?
- Virtual Worlds: Friend or Foe?
- Do We Still Need the Singles Music Chart?
- Zoos
- London's Olympic Victory: A Good Thing?
- How Should the NHS Be Funded?
- Dogs or Cats?
- Have You Ever Met Anyone Famous?
- Classic TV Revivals
- Design your Supervillain Hideout
- Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
- Ideas for Halloween
- Does Size Matter?
- Best Nightclubs
- Most Embarrassing Moments
- Getting Back in Touch with Old Friends
- Your Success Stories
- Forgotten Movies
- What The Romans Did for Us?
- Sexy Songs
- Cars
- Endearing Pets
- Favourite Sweets
- World Without Frontiers
- TV Imports
- Is Progress Over-rated?
- Space Exploration
- Graffiti
- The Working Week
- The Subtle Art of Flirting
- Ideal Homes
- How Did You Spend Christmas?
- Bad Food
- What Do You Want For Christmas?
- Parental Responsibility
- Should Smoking be Banned in Public Places?
- Giving Away the End
- The Wonderful World of Pants
- Four-letter Words
- British Sci-fi vs American Sci-fi
- Douglas Adams vs Terry Pratchett
- Trial by Jury
- How Should Education be Funded?
- Living in Your Favourite Film
- The Worst Film Ever Made
- Games - Traditional Versus Virtual
- Accidents and Disasters
- One Minute Rants
- Crazy Olympics
- Turning Television into Movies
- Shape up for Summer!
- Ethical Consumerism
- Making Friends
- Discrimination
- Your Greatest Hits on h2g2
- Your Perfect Job
- Is War Ever Just?
- A Good Read
- Stuck in a Hole?
- What do you think about h2g2?
- Rent-Free Tropical Paradise
- Does Giving to Charity Really Work?
- Your 15 Minutes of Fame?
- Life's Little Dilemmas
- Whose life is it anyway?
- How Did You Discover the HHGTTG
- When the Revolution Comes...
- Now and Then
- Evolution and the Human Body
- Congestion in our Cities
- Schools and Violence
- Your Internal Jukebox
- Routines Before You Leave The House
- New Year's Resolutions
- Your worst day at work
- Bond Gadgets
- Domestic Disasters
- Away from Home
- Angry Nation
- Television versus Radio
- Scary Stories for Halloween
- Peace & the Middle East
- Advertising
- National Poetry Day
- Homelessness
- Is Honesty the Best Policy?
- Coincidences
- Predictions for the Future
- 11 September - One Year On
- Write your own Obituary
- Things you were Told When Young
- Holiday Romances
- What Makes a Good Website?
- Comfort Eating
- Snail Mail versus Email
- Are we living in a Big Brother state?
- Do Celebrities Have the Right to Privacy?
- Your First Kiss!
- Eureka!
- Lunch
- How should the BBC be funded?
- What makes you cry?
- What did you want to be when you grew up?
- Is revenge sweet?
- Children & Healthy Eating
- Debt
- Pet Ownership
- The Future of Pop Music
- Who is your hero?
- Time Travel
- Contraception and Sexual Health
- What do You Dream About?
- Mixed-race Relationships
- Favourite Toys
- The Euro
- Top Ten Smileys
- Horoscopes
- Comedy
- Smoking in Public
- Favourite Soap Operas
- Romantic Text Messages
- Things that are Irredeemably Tacky
- Claiming Compensation
- Your Favourite 'Hitchhiker' Moment
- Male vs Female Driving Skills
- What's the Silliest Thing You've Ever Done?
- Holidays and Travel Tips
- A Collaborative Christmas Story
- Brotherly Love or Sibling Rivalry?
- Friends
- Mythical Creatures
- Transplant Donor?
- Addictions
- The Greatest Day of Your Life?
- Scary Stories For Halloween!
- Public Transport
- Do Aliens and UFOs Exist?
- Is the Film Ever Better Than the Book?
- James Bond - Everyone's Favourite Secret Agent
- 11 September, 2001
- How to Get on With Your Flatmates
- Winning The Lottery!
- Peer Pressure
- Can You Trust the News Media?
- What Are you Scared Of?
- Technology that's Supposed to be Helpful... but Isn't
- Guide Entries that Should Be Written
- The Male Contraceptive Pill: a Good Idea or Not?
- What Makes You Feel Sexy?
- Good or Bad by Design
- The Ethics of Being Frozen
- Is There Ever Going to be Another World War?
- Jim'll Fix It!
- New Smileys
- Exams
- Your Favourite Hitchhiker's Moment
- h2g2 Site Re-Design
- Child Discipline
- Monarchy or Republic - you Decide!
- Football
- h2g2's move to the BBC
- Internet Adoption
- Coping with Depression
- Major Life Influences
- Relatives, Don't You Just Love Them?
- Getting Over the Festivities
- Tell us a Joke
- Internet Communities
- Who or What Would You Like to Find in Your Christmas Stocking?
- Netiquette
- The Dating Game - Lonely Hearts
- Should Abortion be Available on Request?
- Are Recent Weather Extremes Caused by Global Warming?
- The Work Place
- Teenage Sex
- Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse
- Dating
- Dating Disasters
- School Days
- When Do You Become an Adult?
- Medical Facts, Tales and Trivia
- Should Cannabis be Legalised?
- Vanity and the Knife
- Inventions and Time Travel
- Why Should We Care About the Environment?
- Life's Little Pleasures
- End of the Affair
- Acquired Taste
- Thank you very much, but...